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Sino-Pak Ties: A Reality Check!

The Chinese fighter jets are referred to as flying coffins by Pakistani pilots and fit for a suicide sortie, though its presence in the air force is good for a numbers game with India in peace time.

The above quote from the article alone suffices it's credibility and the knowledge of the author.
Just to extend on this, the Chinese F-6 was considered as a saving grace for the PAF, in the early 80s, while the first F-16s were being delivered and US armament market was laid bare open to Pakistan, the PAF still opted for the Chinese A-5 Fantans which were recently retired after some 30 years of service....even the F-7s were acquired before any embargoes kicked in....more over those in oblivion are reminded of all the JV between the two nations.
China's engagement of Pakistan is solely geo-political and commercial in nature. It has nothing to do with "friendship". China has never been that kind of a friend. They use Pakistan in order to balance out India and at the same time dominate trade in that nation. Thats all it is. But most Pakistanis are too enamored with the Chinese. Things need to be taken with a grain of salt.

The Sino-Pak relationship is simply one that is utilitarian. One side finds re-assurance and comfort while the other side (realistic as it is) finds somebody to balance out things in one part of the world (remember the Chinese all-important belief in balance of yin and yang).

So it works very well for both parties, finally.
looks like you ate too much chilli in today breakfast and now your bottom is burning hard.

mate instead of personal attacks , refute the article with facts if you have them . if not just accept what you read and do ponder on it .
You are talking about China ?

A lot of Pakistanis have already started talking of Russia as an ally :angel:

They are too emotional.
What is the commonality between India and Israel to forge strategic ties? Once you have answered this means you have understood the equation very well.

1.Israel is pro-democracy.
3.Technology in Agro

and most important you must realize the importance and relevance of JEW diaspora in 21st century.Their economic and scientific influence is too significant to be sidelined, we believe that working together we can eliminate the disease of religious extremism from the planet, I must tell you that State of Israel is itself fed up of Zionist Lobby, the religious Zions are worthless and becoming a nuisance every passing day , much like Kathmullas have.

I strongly feel that extremist from every religion are same and we beleivers of one world,one human should work against them.
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You are talking about China ?

A lot of Pakistanis have already started talking of Russia as an ally :angel:

They are too emotional.

There is a difference.... America granted Pakistan the status of a major non NATO ally, yet there is a huge deficit of trust between the two.....OTOH, Pakistan and Russia in essence have no major disputes except the hangover from the cold war and Afghan conflict.....even then, Russia allegedly assisted Pakistan both in economic and military fields.
As for China, people need to remember the way Chinese policy work.....for, if you are hungry, they just wouldn't hand you over a Fish, but, they will teach you how to catch one so you never ever go hungry. !!!
If and when GB completely goes under chinese control india can say good by to rest of kashmir too including laddak.
The above quote from the article alone suffices it's credibility and the knowledge of the author.
Just to extend on this, the Chinese F-6 was considered as a saving grace for the PAF, in the early 80s, while the first F-16s were being delivered and US armament market was laid bare open to Pakistan, the PAF still opted for the Chinese A-5 Fantans which were recently retired after some 30 years of service....even the F-7s were acquired before any embargoes kicked in....more over those in oblivion are reminded of all the JV between the two nations.

But, but .. the FACTS* in the article!

*Disregard they are neither facts nor proven nor has the baseless slander any sort of argumentative or logical basis
Thanks my sweetest Indian friends for telling us the reality, you proved to be our brothers from another mother with another religion. To my Pakistani friends I told you Indians are looking after our welfare...we are used to living in fools paradise thanks for putting some senses into our khopris
Well said! And you can say that again! You guys are sure living in a 'fool's paradise'! :cheesy:

Remember, there are NO permanent friends. Only permanent interests. And the only interest China has in Pakistan is to keep its Southern flank covered against India. Period!
The above quote from the article alone suffices it's credibility and the knowledge of the author.
Just to extend on this, the Chinese F-6 was considered as a saving grace for the PAF, in the early 80s, while the first F-16s were being delivered and US armament market was laid bare open to Pakistan, the PAF still opted for the Chinese A-5 Fantans which were recently retired after some 30 years of service....even the F-7s were acquired before any embargoes kicked in....more over those in oblivion are reminded of all the JV between the two nations.
Windy, why do you think I had left out that portion from the OP? Because I felt that was an incorrect assessment by the author. However, have you anything to say to counter everything else the author says? If so, kindly tell us. Thanks!
China has 3 trillion dollars in reserves but it is keep on buying the T-Bills from US ... fueling the american war machines..

on the other hand pakistan is taking loan from IMF, WB etc with stringent conditions...

This tells u the whole story.
As for China, people need to remember the way Chinese policy work.....for, if you are hungry, they just wouldn't hand you over a Fish, but, they will teach you how to catch one so you never ever go hungry. !!!
So, have the Chinese taught you guys how to fish? You have not yet been able to stand on your own feet. Without the billions of dollars of American aid right since 1947, you would have been kaput by now!

It's a shame that Pakistan still needs American largesse even though it is one of the 10 world leaders in rice production, huge oil and gas reserves in Tal, Kohat, some of the largest coal, granite, marble and copper reserves in the world, 2nd largest salt mine, and a land of five rivers that has huge hydroelectric potential. But you still run to the IMF and other financial institutions at the drop of a hat asking for doles.

In other words, you guys have yet to learn how to fish. You've been eating only what's being handed out to you on a platter.
Don't belch too hard! After all, you have failed to counter any of the factual arguments that cannot be laughed away! :P

Ohh really???

Lets see what are the arguments....

First argument language..... Heck i can't speak saraiki either what does that mean i can't be friend with saraiki or we dont have any relation with saraiki people in our country??? How many Indians can speak Russian or how many russian can speak Hindi, How many American can speak Hebrew. English is language understood world wide and is enough if i want to communicate with any of chinese friend in person (or If govt want they have translators). Most lame argument ever by the blogger.

2nd EDUCATION. As far i remember many people go to China for medical education. but still China is not the best in technology yet so we choose from where we can learn more. How does friendship is affected by it?

3rd Again... Flawed argument. Friendships are made on common objectives not on quality of mobile phones or walkmans.

No 4. Financial aid... All we get is promise from west and very little actual aid. From China we get investment. Many chinese companies are employing 1000s of people in pakistan. China will be largest importer of Pakistani products and isn't that what Pakistan wants, no aid do trade.

No5. Terrorism. Pakistan is fighting terrorism and china appreciate and want the world to appreciate Pakistan's sacrifice in this war.

SO ALL THE ARGUMENTS ARE FLAWED .... Just some Indian who can't sleep well can read them and have fantasy of RED ARMY taking over GB.

Anymore so called arguments?
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