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Single national curriculum: Publishers object to textbook review fee, Ulema’s role

This is where we are gonna start biting our ar*s with the twisting logic of.

  • *We want Islamic textbooks.
  • *This [name] Ulema get to decide.
  • *No [name] should be the Ulema.
  • *My Ulema is Islam
  • *No this Ulema is Islam
  • *next all the differant factions begin fighting each other in quest of "Islam".

Not really. Islam came to the Indian subcontinent 1000 years ago. Noone can deny that. We continued to follow the same Islam until a few centuries ago when modern reformist sects emerged. We should forget about the modern sects and follow the Islam that was here for 1000 years. Problem solved. The issue is those on top receive money and a bone to spread fitna, spread sects. Pakistanis should stand up.
forget the "ulema". our ulema are worthless sectarian garbage. your best bet would be to bring in Islamic scholars from Pakistani universities, from Al Azhar university and Turkish universities for advice.
We continued to follow the same Islam until a few centuries
Rubbish. Prove it? No idea why you bring India into this unless there Islam morphs in differant geographies [Indian Islam?] but the schism began with the end of Rashidun Caliphate in a bloody confict 1,360 years ago. Since then Islam has has turned into Islams, yes plural IsamS.

You had the Shia/Sunni split and since then schisms have been taling place across the entire Dar Al Islam. Often these Islams fought against each other. And continue to fight each other.

Not one of these schisms are prepared to unify as each insists their Islam is THE Islam. Al Qaeda, Taliban, Tehreek Taliban Pakistan etc are also Islams and so is is Shia Iran.

Etc ...
If you look at those Ottoman Madrasas you'll realize that they share nothing with today's Madrasas except the name. They were regular schools not run by illiterate Mullahs.

How do you expect an illiterate Mullah to teach you how the economy works when he wants you to remove the word 'interest' from the text books? Or how to prevent disease when he believes that fighting it is against the "will of God"? Madrasas need to be shutdown, they add nothing to the society, not even religious knowledge. In fact, they are a ready source of corruption of the religion and everything else.

*Whoever responds to this post trying to defend madrasas, please list any three benefits of madrasas in the beginning of your post.*

Children learn Quran, Hadith, Hifz, Fiqh, Aqeedah etc. It has it benefits. The regular schools are messed up aswell. We need to teach worldly and Islamic subjects in both Maddaras and school. If during Ottoman time they were close to schools then make them like that. Train the Mullahs or bring in new people. Start somewhere. Nizam ul Maddaris has started this so let's see what the future holds.
Turkish universities for advice.
Turkish Islam is would be unacceptable to most Pakistani's as it is managed by the Turkish Diyanat of the Turkish government. Islam in Turkey is under control of the state like police or army or education department. Any attempt to bring Turkish Islam would unite all the mullahs and their army of madaris Talibs which would make TLP's riots last year look like party.

Pakistani ulema would declare Turkish Islam as 'kaffir' and declare jihad.
Turkish Islam is would be unacceptable to most Pakistani's as it is managed by the Turkish Diyanat of the Turkish government. Islam in Turkey is under control of the state like police or army or education department. Any attempt to bring Turkish Islam would unite all the mullahs and their army of madaris Talibs which would make TLP's riots last year look like party.

Pakistani ulema would declare Turkish Islam as 'kaffir' and declare jihad.

Pakistan and Turkey follow the same Fiqh. Sunni Hanafi. Excluding the shias, 80%+ of the population follows Islam same as Turkey. Only the foreign paid Mullas will make noise, the same who called names to Qaid e Azzam, dislike Pakistan, and spread terrorism.
Rubbish. Prove it? No idea why you bring India into this unless there Islam morphs in differant geographies [Indian Islam?] but the schism began with the end of Rashidun Caliphate in a bloody confict 1,360 years ago. Since then Islam has has turned into Islams, yes plural IsamS.

You had the Shia/Sunni split and since then schisms have been taling place across the entire Dar Al Islam. Often these Islams fought against each other. And continue to fight each other.

Not one of these schisms are prepared to unify as each insists their Islam is THE Islam. Al Qaeda, Taliban, Tehreek Taliban Pakistan etc are also Islams and so is is Shia Iran.

Etc ...

What your on about? I didn't bring India in to it. I said the Indian subcontinent. Try to understand my points before challenging me.
Turkish Islam is would be unacceptable to most Pakistani's as it is managed by the Turkish Diyanat of the Turkish government. Islam in Turkey is under control of the state like police or army or education department. Any attempt to bring Turkish Islam would unite all the mullahs and their army of madaris Talibs which would make TLP's riots last year look like party.

Pakistani ulema would declare Turkish Islam as 'kaffir' and declare jihad.
Pakistani ulemas declare each other as kafirs, as far as they are concerned, only their own sect are muslims. and they can't ever unite even if satan himself bit them on their behinds. they are worthless.
Pakistan and Turkey follow the same Fiqh. Sunni Hanafi. Excluding the shias, 80%+ of the population follows Islam same as Turkey. Only the foreign paid Mullas will make noise, the same who called names to Qaid e Azzam, dislike Pakistan, and spread terrorism.
Not sure if this would go great with Pakistani's.

Turkey's best religious scholars reinterpret Islam for our century

Under the country's Religious Affairs Directorate, 100 scholars worked together, inspired by Christian Biblical exegeses, to re-interpret some of Muhammad's sayings in light of today's society.

05/30/2013, 00.00


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Turkey's best religious scholars reinterpret Islam for our century

Under the country's Religious Affairs Directorate, 100 scholars worked together, inspired by Christian Biblical exegeses, to re-interpret some of Muhammad's sayings in light of today's society.

Ankara (AsiaNews/Agencies) - Scholars from a Turkish state agency, the Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı or Religious Affairs Directorate, have edited a set of sayings attributed to Muhammad in order to interpret the tradition in a contemporary way. "We don't live in the 20th century anymore," said Mehmet Ozafsar, director of the project and Diyanet vice-president.
In Islam, some 600,000 sayings or ḥadīth have been attributed to the Prophet, part and parcel of the Islamic tradition along with the Qur'an. They are often used by imams to explain the Scriptures to the faithful or to regulate some aspects of their daily lives.
Non-Arabic translations of the ḥadīth, or any attempt to interpret their meaning, are a sin, and exegetic issues have often split communities between progressive and conservative camps. However, digests of the Prophet's ḥadīth are nothing new even though reinterpreting them in light of present day society remains a delicate issue.
Religious scholars and theologians at the Diyanet, Turkey's most authoritative Islamic institution, have selected a few hundred of the about 17,000 reported quotes from Muhammad, with comments and explanations.
About a hundred authors worked on the project. Unlike many traditional Muslim scholars, these theologians work in modern university faculties and many have studied abroad to learn how Christians analyse the Bible critically. They are particularly critical of atavistic views of Islam that reject renewal.
For Mehmet Pacaci, Diyanet's general director for foreign affairs, there is too much "literalism and ignorance [. . .] in the Muslim world."
"Among intellectuals in Egypt, there is a welcome for this new interpretation which they think is very important for the Arab world to be exposed to," said Ibrahim Negm, advisor to Egypt's grand mufti.
I said the Indian subcontinent
You never heard of the neutral term South Asia?
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