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Singapore headscarf ban on certain sector

Jun 22, 2013
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Spotlight on tudung ban and racial harmony, AsiaOne Singapore News

A polytechnic lecturer asked at a race forum on Wednesday why nurses were barred from wearing tudungs, sparking a discussion on whether frontline officers here should be allowed to wear the Muslim headscarf and the practices in other countries.

Mr Chong Ching Liang, the first of 11 forum participants to share their thoughts on racial harmony, said nursing students had to remove their Muslim headscarves before going on clinical attachments or starting full-time work in hospitals.

"How much are we as a society willing to tolerate differences that different members of a population bring?" he asked.

The topic was also raised recently by a committee tasked to collect feedback on the concerns of Malays.

The Suara Musyawarah committee, in a report released in July, pointed out that there are scores of girls coming out of madrasahs who would gladly work as nurses if they could wear the headscarf.

The reason given for not allowing this is that tudungs are not part of nurses' uniforms.

At Wednesday's forum, former Nominated MP Zulkifli Baharudin observed that the headscarf issue is one that other countries like France are also grappling with. He was one of four panellists in the forum at The Grassroots Club in Yio Chu Kang.

He said he believed that this was a lost cause in Europe, and that immigrants had to make an effort to integrate into their new homeland.

Still, he expressed optimism that nurses here will probably be allowed to wear tudungs in the future, though "deep perceptions" have to be removed first. "It's not something that you can legislate and say, this matter is over," he added.
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The more you oppress Muslims, the stronger we get!

Its the other way round. Muslims are the biggest oppressor of their minorities.

Singapore is the Muslims' heaven where all Muslims worship freely, including Sunni, Shia and Ahmadya.

Not a single Islamic countries take care of Muslims like us. In Iran, Saudi or Egypt, either one or two of the above Islamic-confession will get shitt.

Muslims should repent their sins and learn from Singapore.
@Lux de Veritas
If you are so tolerant then why did u impose the ban?

Don't fool us by saying SG is the most tolerant country. When Singapore Chinese are known for their racism towards Indians and Filipinos.
@Lux de Veritas
If you are so tolerant then why did u impose the ban?

Don't fool us by saying SG is the most tolerant country. When Singapore Chinese are known for their racism towards Indians and Filipinos.

Talk about the so call tolerance of Muslim first. You guys are the worst persecutors of other sects and even shitt on your own Shia and Ahmadya if you are Sunni.

Singapore DID not blanket ban hijab. We have taken great consideration on deliberating the occupation that hijab can be accommodated. The problem is racist Muslims keep asking for more and more and tell everybody Singaporean Chinese are racist.

For all Muslims' intolerance, they deserve all the shitt and bloodshed and poverty of their home country. They are a showcase of loser and failure if oil never gushes out beneath their backyard.
For all Muslims' intolerance, they deserve all the shitt and bloodshed and poverty of their home country. They are a showcase of loser and failure if oil never gushes out beneath their backyard.
How does a Scarf hurt you?

Don't blame Islam, if SG Muslims get radicalized.
How does a Scarf hurt you?

Don't blame Islam, if SG Muslims get radicalized.

All Muslims are radical compared to other religion like Christianity or Buddhism.

Ahmad Ibrahim Sec


Dunearn Secondary School - Mother Tongue Department


Singapore government allow Muslim to hijab up in all public schools and most of back office job. Muslims for all their failure never failed to blame someone else.
All Muslims are radical compared to other religion like Christianity or Buddhism.
You don't the meaning of radicalized. Go ask the ex-soviets. Your Singapore can't handle that.

Singapore government allow Muslim to hijab up in all public schools and most of back office job.
Why not everywhere? Even a developing country like India doesn't ban burqa or hijab. Why does a developed and rich country which claims to be tolerant bans it?
You don't the meaning of radicalized. Go ask the ex-soviets. Your Singapore can't handle that.

Why not everywhere? Even a developing country like India doesn't ban burqa or hijab. Why does a developed and rich country which claims to be tolerant bans it?

You guys cannot see your own failure and weaknesses. The guy who ban hijab most ardently is Ataturk and he bring forward a sicko nation just by banning hijab. Not Chinese, not white man.


You have a sicko attitude by not even researching why certain sector proscribe Hijab in Singapore. Go wet dream of being a victim, beard face.

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