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Since many chinese here complained that Europe would not honor its terrorism problem...


Nov 23, 2013
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Some chinese members here complained that our european media would not tell the uighur terrorists what they are. That we would only call them seperatists and not name them what they are "terrorist criminals".

I want show you that this is not true. The Spiegel, one of garman most important news magazines reports about the last terrorist attack which happened in Ürümqi. The article says two jeeps drived on the local market and throw bombs. That 31 people, mostly elderly were killed and it clearly calls the ones who did this terrorists.

I want you to know this and also that nobody here would put such incidents into a "nice light".

Xinjiang (China): Geländewagen sprengen Markt, Uiguren verdächtigt - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Terrorists are terrorists. No matter where.
BBC certainly didn't make any of those considerations. Glad the Nazis are finally cluing in though.

Nazis? Did you just call us Nazis? Would you feel happy if i would call you chink or snail eye? Would be nice if you stop throwing ethno insults around you.
Nazis? Did you just call us Nazis? Would you feel happy if i would call you chink or snail eye? Would be nice if you stop throwing ethno insults around you.
Nazi is not a racism word, german used to call itself Nazi, we never call ourself chink. the fact is uyghur terrorist group is supported mainly by US, Turkey and Germany. German media is full of bullshits just like every countries. west still have cold war mentality.
Nazis? Did you just call us Nazis? Would you feel happy if i would call you chink or snail eye? Would be nice if you stop throwing ethno insults around you.

Nazi is a political term, you moron. Call yourself politically insulted, not racially. If you call me a Marxist, that would not be racism, either. You low life are spewing trash and dirt from your mouth.

We can call you many racial names like you did above, but better let it go down back to your stinky mouth.
Nazi is not a racism word, german used to call itself Nazi, we never call ourself chink. the fact is uyghur terrorist group is supported mainly by US, Turkey and Germany. German media is full of bullshits just like every countries. west still have cold war mentality.

my link proves you wrong. and nazi was used to insult germans as an ethnic group. Its even illegal here to insult someone like that and one must be incredible stupid to say things like this.

I must say in general the chinese persons i know are nowhere as rude and weird as the ones in this forum who claim to be chinese. I have my doubts about you guys. The general opinion about germany is very positive in China and i doubt you are chinese.

Nazi is a political term, you moron. Call yourself politically insulted, not racially. If you call me a Marxist, that would not be racism, either. You low life are spewing trash and dirt from your mouth.

We can call you many racial names like you did above, but better let it go down back to your stinky mouth.

you aren't even chinese. The word nazi was used her to insult the ethnic group of germans. It was meant as an racist insult.
my link proves you wrong. and nazi was used to insult germans as an ethnic group. Its even illegal here to insult someone like that and one must be incredible stupid to say things like this.

I must say in general the chinese persons i know are nowhere as rude and weird as the ones in this forum who claim to be chinese. I have my doubts about you guys. The general opinion about germany is very positive in China and i doubt you are chinese.
of course, chinese do have very positive view about germany, because they have no idea how the german media report about china. the german i have met are very polite, but western media are extremely biased and selective, and i know the general opinion about china is kind of negative in germany. anyway, glad to see The Spiegel stopped demonizing china.
The word nazi was used her to insult the ethnic group of germans. It was meant as an racist insult.

The word Nazi is used to describe European fascism, be it German or Italian or Spanish.

You cannot escape your past, if you call yourself a German or Italian, (since you can be anybody in the internet) and the way the term Nazi was used in the above post was to indicate the Western media that are biased against China.

Media can be called to have a Nazi mentality and there is a good list of reasons to call certain Western media Nazi.

But your second post has certainly been taken out of Hitler's playbook. In fact, you are worst than a Nazi if you meant what you said in post #3.

I kindly request @WebMaster @Aeronaut to remove this filthy racist thread or at least delete your post.
The word Nazi is used to describe European fascism, be it German or Italian or Spanish.

You cannot escape your past, if you call yourself a German or Italian, (since you can be anybody in the internet) and the way the term Nazi was used in the above post was to indicate the Western media that are biased against China.

Media can be called to have a Nazi mentality and there is a good list of reasons to call certain Western media Nazi.

But your second post has certainly been taken out of Hitler's playbook. In fact, you are worst than a Nazi if you meant what you said in post #3.

I kindly request @WebMaster @Aeronaut to remove this filthy racist thread or at least delete your post.

the word "nazi" was used as racial insult against europeans here in general and i see this as unacceptable. Since i dont use racism in any way i will ignore you from now on.

of course, chinese do have very positive view about germany, because they have no idea how the german media report about china. the german i have met are very polite, but western media are extremely biased and selective, and i know the general opinion about china is kind of negative in germany. anyway, glad to see The Spiegel stopped demonizing china.

i dont see it that way. Of course negative things are talked about but also positive things.
the word "nazi" was used as racial insult against europeans here in general and i see this as unacceptable.
i dont see it that way. Of course negative things are talked about but also positive things.

Yes, moron. European is not a race; it is a geopolitical entity. An entity may have Nazi policies. This is not racism.

In fact, you said this:

and nazi was used to insult germans as an ethnic group.

And now you broaden the definition to the whole of Europe and call Europe a race. As a matter of fact, there many marginal Nazi groups across Europe and the US and not all of them are Germans. So, the term Nazi cannot signify a race so long as it is specifically indicated. A mongrel like you can have Nazi mentality, for instance.

Europe's Nazi past is well documented. Denying the bloody presence Nazism is worse than denying Armenian Genocide.

But your post #3 was blatantly racist. You need to apologize and delete your racist post; otherwise, I will consider you to have carried out your ancestors' bad habits and bloody ideology.

All Germans and Italians that I met are nice people. You must be, if ever you are who you claim to be, a miscarriage or something.

Yes, moron. European is not a race; it is a geopolitical entity. An entity may have Nazi policies. This is not racism.

In fact, you said this:

And now you broaden the definition to the whole of Europe and call Europe a race. As a matter of fact, there many marginal Nazi groups across Europe and the US and not all of them are Germans. So, the term Nazi cannot signify a race so long as it is specifically indicated. A mongrel like you can have Nazi mentality, for instance.

Europe's Nazi past is well documented. Denying the bloody presence Nazism is worse than denying Armenian Genocide.

But your post #3 was blatantly racist. You need to apologize and delete your racist post; otherwise, I will consider you to have carried out your ancestors' bad habits and bloody ideology.

All Germans and Italians that I met are nice people. You must be, if ever you are who you claim to be, a miscarriage or something.

lol, let me teach you some education.

All of europe is one race and all europeans belong to the indo germanic branch of caucasians. The word "nazi" was used as an insult against europeans. That was the purpose and the sole idea behind this.

My response was not an insult and only served as reminder that racist insults are unacceptable. So i will not apology for anything. Why should i? I said no insult to anyone. I asked the simple question how you would feel if ( IF ) i would call you chink or snail eye. I used the conjunctive form. But i dont want teach you grammar now since we have enough to do in teaching you some basic understanding.

My ancestors have no bad habits. You should stick to yours.

And i'm nice. I even teach you something for free. :)
lol, let me teach you some education.

My response was not an insult and only served as reminder that racist insults are unacceptable. So i will not apology for anything. Why should i? I said no insult to anyone. I asked the simple question how you would feel if ( IF ) i would call you chink or snail eye. I used the conjunctive form. But i dont want teach you grammar now since we have enough to do in teaching you some basic understanding.

My ancestors have no bad habits. You should stick to yours.

Then you are a fascist Nazi in thinking. That stain is in your genes forever. Both of the flags you post are inheritors of a bloody fascist ideology and you are a product of it.

Case is closed.
Last edited:
White House on Terrorist Attack in Urumqi, China
22 May 2014

Office of the Press Secretary
May 22, 2014

Statement by Press Secretary Jay Carney on Terrorist Attack in China

The United States condemns the horrific terrorist attack in Urumqi, China today. We are aware of reports that the attack resulted in the death of 31 citizens and the injury of 90 more. This is a despicable and outrageous act of violence against innocent civilians, and the United States resolutely opposes all forms of terrorism. We offer our condolences and sympathies to the victims, their families, and all those affected by this attack.
Then you are a fascist Nazi in thinking. That stain is in your genes forever. Both of your the flags you post are inheritors of a bloody fascist ideology and you are a product of it.

Case is closed.

you are just jealous that our empire was bigger than yours. ;)
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