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Sikkim Standoff Can Be Resolved Diplomatically: India


May 9, 2017
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"This tension can be resolved at the diplomatic level. Across the table we can solve all the problems," Minister of State for Defence said.


"The Chinese troops should stay where they were earlier," said Minister of State for Defence.

NEW DELHI: The border standoff between armies of India and China at the Sikkim sector can be resolved diplomatically and Chinese soldiers should leave the Bhutanese territory to reduce tension in the area, Minister of State for Defence Subhash Bhamre said on Wednesday.

"I think the issue can be resolved at the diplomatic level. The Chinese troops should stay where they were earlier. China is approaching towards Bhutanese territory. We want them not to come forward."

"This is our security concern and this is our stand. Bhutan's King had yesterday given a statement that Chinese (troops) are entering into its territory. This tension can be resolved at the diplomatic level. Across the table we can solve all the problems," Mr Bhamre said.

Mr Bhamre's comments came on a day China accused India of "trampling" on the principles of the Panchsheel pact and demanded that India "correct its mistakes" by pulling back its troops immediately.

Chinese envoy to India Luo Zhaohui had yesterday said China had ruled out a compromisein the military standoff with India and put the onus on New Delhi to resolve the "grave" situation.

China and India have been engaged in a standoff in the Dokalam area near the Bhutan trijunction for the past 19 days after a Chinese army's construction party came to build a road.

Doka La is the Indian name for the region which Bhutan recognises as Dokalam, while China claims it as part of its Donglang region.

China and Bhutan are engaged in talks over the resolution of the area. Bhutan, however, has no diplomatic ties with China and it is supported militarily and diplomatically by India.

On the standoff, the Ministry of External Affairs had said India was "deeply concerned at the recent Chinese actions and has conveyed to the Chinese government that such construction would represent a significant change of status quo with serious security implications for India".

”Bhutan's King had yesterday given a statement that Chinese (troops) are entering into its territory”
where can I find this bhutan kings statement ?
”Bhutan's King had yesterday given a statement that Chinese (troops) are entering into its territory”
where can I find this bhutan kings statement ?

Don't you have google in china ? :P

Oops. ... you don't. Here, let me help. :D


“We have issued a demarche to China through its diplomatic mission here. Recently, the Chinese army (People’s Liberation Army) started construction of a road towards Bhutanese Army camp at Zomphlri in Doklam area which is in violation of an agreement between the two countries,” Ambassador of Bhutan to India Vetsop Namgyel told PTI.

In case you din't know, the Demarche is signed by the King of Bhutan.

You can ask for a copy of it from the Chinese ministry :P
Don't you have google in china ? :P

Oops. ... you don't. Here, let me help. :D


“We have issued a demarche to China through its diplomatic mission here. Recently, the Chinese army (People’s Liberation Army) started construction of a road towards Bhutanese Army camp at Zomphlri in Doklam area which is in violation of an agreement between the two countries,” Ambassador of Bhutan to India Vetsop Namgyel told PTI.

In case you din't know, the Demarche is signed by the King of Bhutan.

You can ask for a copy of it from the Chinese ministry :P

The source what you put here is not what bhutan king statement yesterday.
what the ammbassator or foreign minister of bhutab announced doenst matter.

where is the bhutan king statement ?that could matter
Even a toddler knows its the Chinese at wrong here

  1. The road breaks the Chinese tri junction agreement with India (2012)
  2. The road breaks the 1989 agreement with Bhutan to not construct anything in the disputed region
Chinese propaganda is as retarded as they come ,seriously why would Bhutanese military intervene Chinese troops if they absolutely had to ,
They barely have a army
The source what you put here is not what bhutan king statement yesterday.
what the ammbassator or foreign minister of bhutab announced doenst matter.

where is the bhutan king statement ?that could matter
If the demarche is signed by Bhutanese king, it's his statement.
The source what you put here is not what bhutan king statement yesterday.
what the ammbassator or foreign minister of bhutab announced doenst matter.

where is the bhutan king statement ?that could matter
Oh man. So, you think Xi Jinping will give out statements instead of Hua Chunying? Is it official statement or not is all that matters. Also since China has no diplomatic relations with Bhutan, the embassy of Bhutan in India is the only way to communicate. Hence the remark.

bhutanese kings statement
King of Bhutan is not the spokesperson.
The source what you put here is not what bhutan king statement yesterday.
what the ammbassator or foreign minister of bhutab announced doenst matter.

where is the bhutan king statement ?that could matter

The demarch IS the bhutan kings statement. It says get out of Bhutan.

Its a SIGNED STATEMENT :cheesy: ....... ask for a xerox copy of that letter from your chinese ministry.
I just want to see the bhutanese kings statement,what he really said yesterday

Its your govt's job to fulfill all your "wants". SO you know what to do next.

that is the reason why I dont believe what Mr Bhamre said. he said bhutanese king yesterday gave a statement

You are free to not believe anything you see, read of hear. That is the beauty of freedom. :angel:
that is the reason why I dont believe what Mr Bhamre said. he said bhutanese king yesterday gave a statement
Yeah man. You expect King of Bhutan to come out and give out the statements through a mike?

The King gave statements which you are reading now. Mr.Bhamre is nobody, he is just somebody who gives out Kings statement. That somebody happen to be Ambassador of Bhutan. He cannot act on his own. He is acting on behalf of the King. Similarly Hua is acting as a spokesperson of CCP and Government.

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