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Significance of the US Constitution


Jun 28, 2013
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Many people across the world do not really understand the significance of the United States Constitution. They fail to see how the rights guaranteed to all Americans under the amendments of the US Constitution not only benefit American citizens they benefit all peoples of the world. Why? The US Constitution was the first document of its kind to establish the relationship between the freedoms of the individual and the role of a controlled government that does not rule, but rather governs according to the will of its people.

Not for the sake of Americans

Most people of the international community either do not comprehend the significance of the Constitution in the makeup of the American heritage of freedom and the right of the individual to pursue their own happiness. The Bill of Rights is a documented advocacy of liberty and freedom for the citizens of the US, but those values have been extended toward the rest of the world in the form of charity, liberation of the international community during World War I and World War II during the 20th Century. Liberating the world from fascism and atrocities by foreign aggressors twice in one century would seem a great enough achievement until you consider that the US funded the rebuilding of Europe in the aftermath of the wars our defeated enemies as well as the victims who were invaded and rescued by America and her allies. Postwar debt incurred by our allies thanks to American funded aid was even forgiven in the light of the struggling economies of the time.

A milestone in human politics

Thanks to the Constitutional Republic that is America, a precedent has been established for all mankind. A sanctuary within America once existed where the federal government respected its limitations under the prescribed guidance of the US Constitution. Under the Constitution the individual was protected against federal government intrusion into the lives of its citizens, draconian laws that oppress the people, and an economy based upon free enterprise featuring a private sector commerce that is the economic engine not the presence of big government master planning for the people without their consent. When the people are allowed to compete and innovate unfettered by government restriction society flourishes with free thought and creativity.

Influence of church in state

However, that’s not all. The United States was forged from the intellectual and spiritual guidance of our founding forefathers who authored the Constitution. These men were divinely inspired by Christian morality as their guidepost. With the assurance of freedom of worship without government intervention the belief in a forgiving and benevolent God became the source of inspiration that influenced fair law and order. Whereas many misunderstand the phrase that “Separation of Church and State” means that government should remain separate from divine guidance is intentionally misconstrued by leftists and radicals, the opposite is the case. The influence of the Church was not to be denied US lawmakers and was intended to instill ethical wisdom within the Congress and Senate so that government had a moral conscience when governing its citizens.

A liberating common denominator

If America shined as a beacon of light to the masses of oppressed in other cultures who sought freedom and justice then the US served as a role model for the rest of the world. Dictatorships, oppressive regimes, and Communist elements would be threatened by a new danger, not a threat from Armies, but a threat of a freedom philosophy that dispels tyranny and makes this form of government obsolete as once the people taste freedom they will realize that government should not be in control of their lives. Any government that recognizes this and nurtures this concept of governance will thrive with a society that is more likely to be in harmony and equality thanks to the virtues bestowed by the US Constitution. It becomes the light in the darkness of despair. It liberates the oppressed.

A malignancy in America

Yet, America has been under a coup in that last few years as the tightening grip of heavy handed and intrusive big government has cast a shadow upon the American spirit. Under the Obama Administration, America has come under a disturbing transformation where US society has been forced to submit to ever increasing legislation from the Democratic Party, who has been co-opted with socialist methodology, a complete contradiction to Constitutional government. Higher taxes, class warfare against the affluent who generate economic stimulus, social engineering using federal subsidy programs to buy votes that keep this government in power, all these symptoms of tyranny now exist. As opposed to the concept of self-reliance inspired by such great American forefathers as Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, and Thomas Paine, the Obama White House actually supports dependency, entitlement mentality, and laws that have no place in the Constitutional Republic.
Refusing to listen to the people

Even with a majority of Americans opposed to this leftist assault currently attempting to undermine the US Constitution still the federal government continues undaunted by its own hypocrisy and destructive agenda. Despite peaceful protests on Capitol Hill in Washington DC and confrontations in Town Hall meetings still the Democratic Party persists in its drive to force US society into a vision of political and social imposition that American society was never intended to be enveloped by. Without opportunity that is not stifled by big government, without free enterprise that is not squelched by federal regulatory agencies, without the will of the people being acknowledged by leadership in the White House, America will be reduced to the same level as draconian dictatorships or third world banana republics who value such concepts as freedom with contempt.

The world too stands to gain

When American flourishes under the due process of its Constitutional law as intended by its forefathers the world will also benefit from that essential element of human rights advocacy. The US was originally formed by 13 fledgling colonies on the eastern American seaboard who opposed the might of King George and the mighty British Army and Navy in order to succeed in a war of independence that brought about the Constitutional Republic we know today. Without those all-important tenets of rights of the individual being legally protected from an iron fisted government, America never would have been unique.

by Doc Vega

FNOTW: Significance of the US Constitution
All i see is that USA think about selling their fake democracy everywhere, when they are not even able to clean the banksters in their country
The US Constitution and Bill of rights are just words.

The meaning of which would be interpreted by the US supreme court and would apply to US ONLY.
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