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Siachen War: Requirement for A New Breed of Soldier (The ROBOT)

There are around 66 scientific bases in Antarctica, of which about 37 are occupied year round. There are about 4,000 people through the summer months and about 1,000 overwinter each year.

I do prefer surveillace by satellites, though or drones that can fly to high altitudes..
Of course Pakistan will have to produce the robots themselves. The decision making the robots will have to do is pretty simple. Our programmers can program it fairly well for this purpose. But the mechanical engineering required is very advanced and beyond the scope of Pakistani professionals working within Pakistan. As an example check out the Atlas robot by Boston Dynamics. Its a human like walking/running robot. Pakistan cant produce such a mechanical system.

Why on earth do you need a Mobile robot? Sentry/Fixed guns my Friend.. When countries spend lots of money developing 5th Generation Airplanes a project of about 10 to 15 years from now considering the Evolutionary leaps of Scientific development and also in the Area of (Batteries) it is quite possible ,I as a student of Chemistry and physics can tell you a Hundred percent this is quite possible ,And please Not mobile robots..Trust me if you have to develop such a system you need to have countries like China,Turkey,Some arabs and everyone who can help..In the end you can develop something which is going to usher a new era In defense.Pakistan can certainly do it !!

@JungleBook I know what you mean. I have seen this but i thought of mobility issues in Siachen snow.

I also saw the South African movie, CHAPPIE, the police robot, but CHAPPIE was a movie. In reality, maybe this tech is still many years away.

I also think that instead if mules of RVFC, this (Mastiff) can also be used. Mules are the main source of supply in AJK forward posts.
3:00 onwards

In order for QRF in mountain terrain and extreme weather areas, JET PACK can be considered, ofcourse mobility wont be an issue here.

The idea of Sentry Gun is to show physical presence and provide defence in a certain area, instead of monitoring an area by UAV and sending in QRF during a breach. Siachen is a wasteland and we are losing human lives over there.

@The SC

Sir I maintain that those responsible of preventing loss of life are not doing enough (Leaders of our country)..Satellite surveillance of Pakistan is negligible ,We should prevent loss of life by having better satellite support and decreasing the number of soldiers in high altitude ..

If one keeps climbing to even higher altitudes (8000ft and higher) the risk of developing a pulmonary or cerebral edema grows higher as well, which can very easily be fatal.If I remember correctly Pakistani soldiers are stationed at below a Maximum height of 24000 .

One can fully acclimatize to high altitudes by giving the body enough time to adapt (11.4 days for every kilometre). There are good articles out there describing the process of acclimatization.Does our army train those soldiers right ? or are we losing lives Just because soldiers (From Punjab sindh) don't get used to ittt!!
Sir I maintain that those responsible of preventing loss of life are not doing enough (Leaders of our country)..Satellite surveillance of Pakistan is negligible ,We should prevent loss of life by having better satellite support and decreasing the number of soldiers in high altitude ..

If one keeps climbing to even higher altitudes (8000ft and higher) the risk of developing a pulmonary or cerebral edema grows higher as well, which can very easily be fatal.If I remember correctly Pakistani soldiers are stationed at below a Maximum height of 24000 .

One can fully acclimatize to high altitudes by giving the body enough time to adapt (11.4 days for every kilometre). There are good articles out there describing the process of acclimatization.Does our army train those soldiers right ? or are we losing lives Just because soldiers (From Punjab sindh) don't get used to ittt!!

Satellite surveillance may point out an enemy incursion and movement but the weather conditions may or may not permit an advance through foot or heli insertion at the correct time to counter that enemy incursion. A delayed response owing to unfavourable weather conditions means failure of mission. It also means lacking strategic foresight to predict enemy advance on a weak unoccupied point.
This is why, physical presence in Siachen sector is very important important.

I agree about pulmonary edema and cerebral edema.
pulmonary edema in simple terms causes filling of water/liquid in lungs. This can lead to heart failure.
cerebral edema causes filling of liquid in/around brain. This can lead to respiratory system failure..

Full acclimatisation takes time.
This means you cannot get any reinforcements from any other sectors since those soldiers will need acclimatisation before being sent ahead in Siachen. This also means that you need more soldiers in Siachen because you cannot call reinforcements from other sectors.
In any case, PA will most probably sent in SSG at Siachen as reinforcement or to bolster forces for an assault. FCNA may have attached SSG company either deployed at FCNA HQ in Gilgit or 62 Brigade HQ at Skardu. So acclimatisation
may not be an issue in this case.

Sending soldiers from Sindh, Punjab, Baluchistan is not a factor for losing lives. Northern Area/Kashmiri ethnicity soldiers are also taught and trained survival for Siachen just like everybody else . A human body adjusts and a soldier is meant to go wherever he is ordered to go. Siachen is also used as a "hard area" deployment for newly commissioned officers and they may be from Sindh, Punjab, Baluchistan.
Once the Ulema Ikram come into power, Siachin, Indian Occupied Kashmir, water disputes will all be resolved very quickly.

All this talk of robots is laughable, considering we're going around buying other countries scrap; f16s.
There is zero presence of Pak Army in Siachen Glacier to begin with.

All of Pak Army posts are around and beyond Saltoro Ridge, which is in control of India, along with the major passes Bilafond LA and Sia LA which is held by India.

Yes only in India media and Indian mindset :rofl::rofl:

PS: Indian Army Brigadier Gurmeet Kanwal, writing in the journal of the New Delhi-based Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies, said the Siachen glacier and the mountain ranges surrounding it have very little, in fact zero strategic significance.
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Yes only in India media and Indian mindset :rofl::rofl:
Nope, it's the other way round actually.The Pak army presence in Siachen is in fact is just a figment of imagination of the Pakistanis like yourself.In reality, the your men can't even see the glacier from where they are since they are holed up on farther west of the Saltoro range, which itself lies to the WEST of Siachen glacier, acting as a natural barrier, it has got nothing to do with our mindset but got everything to do with plain geographical facts and also, your reluctance and even outright refusal of the cold hard facts on the ground...........PERIOD!!

PS: Indian Army Brigadier Gurmeet Kanwal, writing in the journal of the New Delhi-based Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies, said the Siachen glacier and the mountain ranges surrounding it have very little, in fact zero strategic significance.
Then why were you guys so keen on getting it for yourself in the first place??And when you failed to reach there before us, why did you people made so many attempts (all of which ended up in utter failure with disastrous consequences for your Army) to evict our boys from the Saltoro tops, losing a great many men in the process??Or why are you still keeping your men deployed there and that too at rather disadvantageous positions vis-a-vis Indian positions, leaving them at the mercy of their Indian counterparts, where they can be put down by Indian soldiers even by small arms fire, pretty much at their will?? Don't answer, rhetorical questions, which we all know the answers of!!Yours is simply a case of what they say.................oh yeah, the case of that mangy fox and 'sour' grapes!! :D
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Yes only in India media and Indian mindset :rofl::rofl:

PS: Indian Army Brigadier Gurmeet Kanwal, writing in the journal of the New Delhi-based Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies, said the Siachen glacier and the mountain ranges surrounding it have very little, in fact zero strategic significance.
Rassi jal gayi par bal nahin gaya.

Remember Qaid post captured by India in 1987 from SSG. This victory rooted out your little presence from Siachen Glacier once and for all.

Your own source

India has established control over all of the 70 kilometres (43 mi) long Siachen Glacier and all of its tributary glaciers, as well as the three main passes of the Saltoro Ridge immediately west of the glacier—Sia La, Bilafond La, and Gyong La. Pakistan controls the glacial valleys immediately west of the Saltoro Ridge.

According to one source, India gained more than 1000 square miles of territory because of its military operations in Siachen, the source for the 80km-long Nubra River, a tributary of the Shyok, which is part of the Indus River system.




Do come back, i shall educate you more about Siachen Glacier.

Also, read this.



The fact today is that no Pakistani soul or bird is anywhere close to Siachen Glacier. More importantly, Pakistan herself wanted to occupy the Saltoro Range because of its strategic importance but was preempted by India in 1987, as admitted by Musharraf in his autobiography 'In the Line of Fire'. Jahan Dad Khan, commanding Pakistan's 10 Corps in 1983-84, writes in his book 'Pakistan Leadership Challenges' that an SSG Company was sent to Bilafond La in summer of 1983 but had to fall back as they were not equipped for winter. In 1984, when India pre-empted the Pakistani Army planned move, Dad Khan writes, "This was a great setback for Pakistan. We had obviously failed to appreciate the timing of the Indian move and our intelligence agencies had failed to detect the brigade size force in the area in April 1984."

Rassi jal gayi par bal nahin gaya.

Remember Qaid post captured by India in 1987 from SSG. This victory rooted out your little presence from Siachen Glacier once and for all.

Your own source

India has established control over all of the 70 kilometres (43 mi) long Siachen Glacier and all of its tributary glaciers, as well as the three main passes of the Saltoro Ridge immediately west of the glacier—Sia La, Bilafond La, and Gyong La. Pakistan controls the glacial valleys immediately west of the Saltoro Ridge.

According to one source, India gained more than 1000 square miles of territory because of its military operations in Siachen, the source for the 80km-long Nubra River, a tributary of the Shyok, which is part of the Indus River system.




Do come back, i shall educate you more about Siachen Glacier.

Also, read this.



The fact today is that no Pakistani soul or bird is anywhere close to Siachen Glacier. More importantly, Pakistan herself wanted to occupy the Saltoro Range because of its strategic importance but was preempted by India in 1987, as admitted by Musharraf in his autobiography 'In the Line of Fire'. Jahan Dad Khan, commanding Pakistan's 10 Corps in 1983-84, writes in his book 'Pakistan Leadership Challenges' that an SSG Company was sent to Bilafond La in summer of 1983 but had to fall back as they were not equipped for winter. In 1984, when India pre-empted the Pakistani Army planned move, Dad Khan writes, "This was a great setback for Pakistan. We had obviously failed to appreciate the timing of the Indian move and our intelligence agencies had failed to detect the brigade size force in the area in April 1984."


Let me burst your dummy bubble

Highest peak 5353 under control by Pakistan Army lol (hamare post agay pechay hain bla bla bullshit the point is very clear who control the 5353 ? off course Pakistan)
Let me burst your dummy bubble

Highest peak 5353 under control by Pakistan Army lol (hamare post agay pechay hain bla bla bullshit the point is very clear who control the 5353 ? off course Pakistan)
what is this thread about Siachen or Kargil ?

But since you already mentioned - There were 140 peaks involved in kargil war. what happened to them ?

Aslo, all these paeaks including pt 5353 were pakistani before 1971 - India annexed them and force Bhutto to sign shimla agreement.

By Brig Javed Hussain former SSG

In October 1947, following the announcement of Kashmir’s accession to India, the Gilgit Scouts, a predominantly Muslim force raised by the British for internal security, revolted against the Dogras, and in a series of daring actions in1948 captured Kargil, Drass, Zoji La Pass and Skardu. However, in November 1948, Zoji La Pass and Kargil were recaptured by the Indians while the Kargil heights remained with the Gilgit Scouts.

During the Rann of Kutch conflict, these heights were captured by the Indians for the first time on May 17, 1965, for use as a bargaining counter in the negotiations. As a result of the agreement reached, the heights were returned to Pakistan in June 1965. In the first week of August 1965, Operation Gibraltar was launched. One of the areas used by the infiltrating force was the Kargil heights. To block these routes, the Indians captured the heights for the second time in the third week of August 1965. But after the signing of the Tashkent Agreement, the heights were once again returned to Pakistan.

On the outbreak of war on the western front on December 3, 1971, the Indians captured the heights for the third time on December 9, 1971. This time, however, they retained the heights in line with the Shimla Agreement under which the violable Cease Fire Line (CFL), created in December 1948 on cessation of hostilities in Kashmir, was converted into an inviolable Line of Control (LoC), on the basis of actual possession of territory at the time of the ceasefire in December 1971. When the Indians captured the heights on three different occasions, the Pakistani force that was overwhelmed, consisted mostly of lightly armed, inadequately equipped Karakoram and Gilgit Scouts, both paramilitary outfits.

More mobility options in unfriendly terrain.

Air cavalry for sure, maybe future airborne troops.

and this one is going commercial soon.

Altitude max 5000ft.

More mobility options in unfriendly terrain.

Air cavalry for sure, maybe future airborne troops.

and this one is going commercial soon.

Altitude max 5000ft.

As I said before I'm all for Fixed sentry machine gun posts ,The future of sea warfare might be in hypersonic missiles, or railgun/directed energy devices. As it stands, subsonic or supersonic missiles have simply too much research behind defeating them to be much of a threat. But those technologies already acknowledge that fleet defense methods have far outstripped fleet attack methods. Maybe that’ll change, but not for a long time yet
Intelligently programmed sentry guns and rail guns are the future
Military sentry gun 'Adunok' by Display Inc

New protection system for German Army -Nächstbereichschutzsystem MANTIS (NBS-C-RAM)

Nächstbereichschutzsystem MANTIS (Modular, Automatic and Network capable Targeting and Interception System), formerly titled as NBS-C-RAM (counter-rocket, artillery and mortar), is the latest very short-range protection system of the German Army, intended for base-protection, particularly in Afghanistan. It is produced by Rheinmetall Air Defence, a subsidiary of Rheinmetall of Germany. It is a part of the army's future SysFla air-defence project. The NBS C-RAM system is supposed to detect, track and shoot down incoming projectiles before they can reach their target within very close range. The system itself is based on Oerlikon Contraves' Skyshield air defence gun system. An NBS C-RAM system consists of six 35mm automatic guns (capable of firing 1,000 rounds per minute), a ground control unit and two sensor units. The entire system is fully automated. The guns fire programmable "Ahead" ammunition, developed by Rheinmetall Weapons and Munitions - Switzerland (formerly Oerlikon Contraves Pyrotec). The ammunition carries a payload of 152 tungsten projectiles weighing 3.3g each.

Too bulky and heavy.

This one has been proposed already.
South Korea Defense Super aEgis II Robot Turret-Sentry (3km fire range)

and this

Samsung unveils robot sentry that can kill from two miles away

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