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Should The Indian And Pakistan Armies Be Co-opted In Talks?


May 28, 2011
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Should the Indian And Pakistan Armies Be Co-opted In Talks?

Considering that the Indo-Pak peace dialogue is going nowhere and floundering at best seeing the impotency of both governments, is it not time for India to show some leadership and engage the new government in Pakistan, which should include the country’s army brass in some form or the other, in a serious dialogue about each other’s concerns?

I think if both armies at the highest levels can sit down to talk along with the civilian counterparts, some positives may accrue, considering the abject failure of the civilian dispensations on both sides.

Take the case of Gen Musharraf, though vilified across both sides of the border, had the sagacity and dynamism to get down to solving the problems besetting both countries. India and Pakistan even came within a whisker of solving the Kashmir dispute. And a ceasefire held for almost 10 years before it has now started to unravel.

Lesser issues such as Sir Creek, Siachen, water and other disputes bedeviling both nations can be sorted out without the politics that go with it. Kashmir can then be focused upon to come to an amicable solution.

Therefore, do you think that a quality dialogue between the Indian and Pakistani armies, led by the civilian leaderships, is the way forward?
Of course the armies need to be incorporated in the dialogue, and they are to a great extent currently, atleast on our side...

What exactly do you mean?
It is a great and meaningful idea from Orion Hunter.Pakistan Army must be co -opted into talks together with the Indian army
After 65 years of Independence from Britain -both countries are massed on its borders.What a shame
Indian army? NO. IA is not involved in any important decision making, so it doesnt matter what they think.

Pakistan army? duh...
Indian army? NO. IA is not involved in any important decision making, so it doesnt matter what they think.

Pakistan army? duh...

In India civilian leadership is supreme but it's not like they make decisions from nowhere. They do take reports & details from military, everything is cross examined, scrutinized, then only implemented. So in way military is involved whether you believe it or not. Although I'm not much informed about Pakistan Military, our friends will be in much better condition to comment on the same.
Of course the armies need to be incorporated in the dialogue, and they are to a great extent currently, atleast on our side...

What exactly do you mean?
Though the PA is managing Pakistan's defence and foreign policies, it is the civilian dispensation that sits across the table to discuss contentious issues, though the script is written by the Army in Pakistan.

That being the case I think it would be far better that both the chiefs be made part of the dialogue process sitting face to face and then meeting informally over a drink (Don't know if Kayani has a tot or two sometimes!) to ease the tension and get to know each other better.

The politicians and bureaucrats and vested interests on both sides have screwed up things for the past 63 years and there seems no light at the end of the tunnel. After all those so called 'confidence building' dialogues, we're still at square one!

Time to change tack and think of out of the box solutions, what?
you ( your politicians) need to grow a backbone and take care of business . no co-opting needed.
It will be a bad move by India if she actively involves Army in the decision making.. We can ask suggestion from them.. But a big no about the involvement...
It will be a bad move by India if she actively involves Army in the decision making.. We can ask suggestion from them.. But a big no about the involvement...
And why is that? Have politicians and bureaucrats got bigger and better brains? What have they achieved in the last more than 60 years? Sweet fu@k all! :P

Get the bl00dy politics out of it and see the results!
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