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Should Pakistans Army Chief resign after NATO attack

Should Pakistan’s Army Chief resign after NATO attacks

  • Yes

    Votes: 36 54.5%
  • No

    Votes: 30 45.5%

  • Total voters
What purpose will it solve. Musharraf genuflected in front of Bush, when threatened. The current one keeps low profile, does not mean he is stupid. If he could do something, he would do it.
He should have resigned with the failure to locate Osama bin Laden was living 1 km from his military base.

Resignations do no good in the environment we are in. If you want a hot-head to replace Kiyani and repeat the performance of 1971 then continue with your umbrage.

Gen Niazi had all the bluster that sells in Pakistan and he did quite a bit of that dramay-baazi prior to the war in 1971.

The current military leadership knows what they are being egged on to do here and are not taking the bait. I understand that in our macho culture, this is a big no-no. However if we want to see Pakistan keep its leverage in the Afghan end game, we will have to take some casualties during this process. Keep in mind that while we are taking casualties, so are all others without exception.

Pakistan has taken the right steps by cutting off the supplies, holding off on participation at Bonn, holding off all military/intelligence dealings and by closing down Shamsi to US operations. There isn't a military solution to this situation regardless of what folks may want to think.

This is not about Pakistan using its troops and F-16s and tanks to take on the ISAF/NATO. There is a lot more riding on this equation. If things can be solved so simply using military means, and we have used the military option when we have felt we needed to, we would. However just like the situation the Turks find themselves in viz-a-viz Israel after the attack on the Turkish ship, Pakistan too has to think about what a military escalation would lead to and what the benefits of it are versus choosing a different path. Its the job of the Pakistani government and the military to work through the cost-benefit analysis and then make the right choice. On the emotional side, the ANA deserves a phainty (a serious rocket up their arse) for instigating this and the Americans need to be told to go forth and multiply, but that in the long term does no good, just like their threats and provocations cannot force us to do their bidding. The issue on hand is that everyone involved wants a respectable out and the sides will jockey for advantage using all means available and unfortunately, the ISAF have taken the path of open provocation but we did not take their bait. They know it and we know it.

There are other ways to neutralize this overt threat and on this count too, we know this and the other side knows it. Not everything has to be said and shown through conventional moves.

---------- Post added at 08:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:03 PM ----------

Failed to locate? Really?

And your proof to the contrary?
The current military leadership knows what they are being egged on to do here and are not taking the bait. I understand that in our macho culture, this is a big no-no. However if we want to see Pakistan keep its leverage in the Afghan end game, we will have to take some casualties during this process. Keep in mind that while we are taking casualties, so are all others without exception.

Typical thinking.

In keeping our leverage in the Afghan endgame we are not just taking casualties we are loosing our economy as well as the stability of our own home.If we continue to go on this line we will be overrun by the the ones who are pursing their aggressive military expansions.
No, Not at all, why should he resign. this not a resign game. some body writes an article, we resign, some powerful attack us we resign. this is means that the whole Pakistan resign. what we should do now, is resign to a seclusion and think about all what is happening to us. this is time to resign for all Pakistanis for soul searching. Who is army chief, he is our army chief. when we are strong, he is strong. we as a nation shall become strong then our chief will be strong. If our chief resigns that means that our nation resigned. Remember, great nation do not resign. they think, they do soul searching and they plan,execute and manage.

Aslaam e laikum Borthers,

Well said Bahdar,

This is a time to reflect as individuals, don't forget the Hadith, ' God will bestow leaders that represent the people of that nation'. i.e. if your a theive, corrupt or a bandit then your leaders will be from within you.

Now is the time to pump finances into educating our youth to become the saviours of our nation in the future. There are a lot of bright Pakistani nationals abroad whom do not re-enter Pakistan once they are qualified. HAS somebody ever stopped to think why?

It is with great sadness that our older generation has failed and to top this our National Army corrupt.

It is a very sad state of affairs in our nation. May Allah help it to help itself from destruction.

The real ISSUE is Pakistan being a nuclear power and nothing else.

They are lookig for an excuse to rid Pakistan's arsenal period.

Therefore we do not need to give them the reason to destroy the little progress we have made as a third world Islamic country.
Typical thinking.

In keeping our leverage in the Afghan endgame we are not just taking casualties we are loosing our economy as well as the stability of our own home.If we continue to go on this line we will be overrun by the the ones who are pursing their aggressive military expansions.

Its not the typical thinking Unicorn. Its just one other view.

What do you expect to happen to our economy when there is a 10 year war going? Do you think that had we not sided, we would have remained immune to all that would have and is befalling the Pashtuns inside and outside of Pakistan and that we could have stayed out of it all this time?

For all those thinking that we can just close the chapter and get out of this war without any more impact to us need to rethink. In the absence of Pakistani involvement in the current war, we have no say or a way to influence the end game. We essentially leave our geo-strategic standing in the hands of others and essentially allow them to roll the dice and be happy any which way it goes.

If we are taking casualties, the others are not lying in a bed of roses either and these losses can be afflicted on the other side just as easily. However these sort of provocative attacks cannot be sustained by the other side without impacting their own departure from Afghanistan.

We were impacted by the first Afghan war due to our proximity and ethnic linkages with the Pashtuns. There is no way that we can avoid being impacted in this war either for the very same reasons.

I am not even suggesting that Pakistan should perpetually hold back, because that won't be tenable for any Pakistani civilian/military leader. But I do see the current moves as being diplomatically deft to the extent possible for Pakistan. Militarily we could hurt them tactically, but we would also take losses strategically in the process.
Aslaam e laikum Borthers,

Well said Bahdar,

This is a time to reflect as individuals, don't forget the Hadith, ' God will bestow leaders that represent the people of that nation'. i.e. if your a theive, corrupt or a bandit then your leaders will be from within you.

Now is the time to pump finances into educating our youth to become the saviours of our nation in the future. There are a lot of bright Pakistani nationals abroad whom do not re-enter Pakistan once they are qualified. HAS somebody ever stopped to think why?

It is with great sadness that our older generation has failed and to top this our National Army corrupt.

It is a very sad state of affairs in our nation. May Allah help it to help itself from destruction.

How is our Army corrupt? Its as good and patriotic as that of any other country in the World. Its pretty tiring reading these cliched statements about this so called "corruption".

No single body inside of Pakistan spends as much time debating and considering the future of Pakistan and her interests as the Pakistan Army. Those on the outside have only the tales of plots to discuss and this is the same group that holds Asma Jehangir's stereotype of the Army "Jernail" (I thought the use of this term by her showed her to be a "Pardi likhi jahil") very highly and constantly uses it to discount the armed forces. When you call them out on this, they quickly fall back to, "we meant the "jernails" and not the officers and men" as if the Generals are from out of this planet and have no regard for Pakistan.

So please refrain from these divisive tactics. There are issues indeed, but not any worse than what others face. If you step away from the extremely negative media reporting on Pakistan, and just analyze the country on its own, you would realize that yes its not without problems, but has a lot more functioning than 2/3rds of the Worlds' countries.
he wont resign but he should have never gotten and accepted the extension for his post.
whatever they never responded well enough to Nato and americans tell me single time when did our armed forces saved our national integrity from US and NATO whenever they come they kill pakistani people some time they send their operatives like davis and drones and helis and still no action for last 6 years
U know these US/NATO are coming and killing our poor soldiers and innocent pplz as terming them as terrorists the same way they used to do to the Red Indians within the US when they entered there and starting occupying their lands. They use to tell the world that they are evil barbarians and man eaters whereas it was all lie by the British Govt to the whole world and their own public as well....The Red Indians of the US were simple Mulims and wanted to live according to Islamic principles and didn't wanna accept the British religion or culture... Hence these evil British or Europeans killed these poor Indians in the same way they are Murdering the Afghan pplz and claiming to the world that they are terrorists whereas those are just simple pplz...Whereas they are training terrorists themselves and funding and sponsoring them against Russia , Pakistan and China.....:eek:
The world old American history is getting repeated here too.....They almost killed every Red Indian who was Muslim there cuz they never accepted the british invaders Govt..till now they don't accept the present Govt of US cuz they forcibly occupied their lands as they did over here in Afghanistan and Iraq. The locals here are scared to death from these evils can't say anything of these butchers.......The whole world gonna see now of these devilz......:smokin:
Failed to locate? Really?

How the hell could the world's most wanted man be living 1 km outside our Military Academy without the head of the Army not knowing anything about it.

It was a total intelligence failure on the part of Pakistan and heads should have rolled instead of doubling down and blaming each other for the mistakes.
How the hell could the world's most wanted man be living 1 km outside our Military Academy without the head of the Army not knowing anything about it.

It was a total intelligence failure on the part of Pakistan and heads should have rolled instead of doubling down and blaming each other for the mistakes.

do you have any prove that it was USAMA, please provide, i would love to see that it was USAMA not a STAGE DRAMA.
Why should he resign ? he is suppose to exercise the policy of your govt . if your govt is kneel down to US then how can you expect that the army will take action in any incursion ?

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