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Should Pakistan use the Corona pandemic as training/ preparation for full biological weapons attack?

Should Pakistan use the Corona pandemic as full biological weapons attack?

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Dec 14, 2008
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United Kingdom
The Corona virus is a very nasty virus and it seems to be a military grade calibre biological genetically modified weapon. There are even nastier biological weapons, including genetically modified Anthrax, small pox , green monkey disease, chicken pox etc, in the inventory of countries with advance research facilities. India through third party states is developing military grade viruses which one day may be used against Pakistan with even more devastating results. Pakistan needs to take this Corona virus extremely seriously and it's approach and lessons learnt may well be useful against a direct biological weapons attack. The whole nation of Pakistan should go on a biological defense footing and treat it as if it was attacked by a hostile state. All military sectors should be put on alert and develop a protocol for military and civilian joint defense. Please vote and express an opinion.
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I agree there should be counter measures, but Pakistan is a backwards nation and this will not change anytime soon. Furthermore our pharmaceutical industry is a joke, if we were ever hit with a biological weapon we'd be screwed. I think our best bet is to work closely with nations like china in research and development.
The Corona virus is a very nasty virus and it seems to be a military grade calibre biological genetically modified weapon. There are even nastier biological weapons, including genetically modified Anthrax, small pox , green monkey disease, chicken pox etc, in the inventory of countries with advance research facilities. India through third party states is developing military grade viruses which one day may be used against Pakistan with even more devastating results. Pakistan needs to take this Corona virus extremely seriously and it's approach and lessons learnt may well be useful against a direct biological weapons attack. The whole nation of Pakistan should go on a biological defense footing and treat it as if it was attacked by a hostile state. All military sectors should be put on alert and develop a protocol for military and civilian joint defense. Please vote and express an opinion.

If coronavirus is indeed a biological weapon, it is the shittiest biological weapon ever created and its creator should be fired. It kills under 2% of the people, that too old people above 60 years old with pre existing conditions who were going to die in a few years anyway. If i were creating a bio weapon i would create one that targets the young workforce and has a mortality rate of like 10-20%. Also i would make sure to have a vaccine ready for my country, which simply doesnt seem to be the case here. It is best if we stop indulging in useless conspiracy theories and accept that this virus came naturally. World has seen plenty of flu pandemics killing millions, simply no reason to think this was made in a lab.
The Corona virus is a very nasty virus and it seems to be a military grade calibre biological genetically modified weapon. There are even nastier biological weapons, including genetically modified Anthrax, small pox , green monkey disease, chicken pox etc, in the inventory of countries with advance research facilities. India through third party states is developing military grade viruses which one day may be used against Pakistan with even more devastating results. Pakistan needs to take this Corona virus extremely seriously and it's approach and lessons learnt may well be useful against a direct biological weapons attack. The whole nation of Pakistan should go on a biological defense footing and treat it as if it was attacked by a hostile state. All military sectors should be put on alert and develop a protocol for military and civilian joint defense. Please vote and express an opinion.
Sure you can, if you want to waste state resources for a pointless exercise.

For your reading pleasure:

Please note that both our nations have pledged and ratified the above mentioned treaty.
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I agree there should be counter measures, but Pakistan is a backwards nation and this will not change anytime soon. Furthermore our pharmaceutical industry is a joke, if we were ever hit with a biological weapon we'd be screwed. I think our best bet is to work closely with nations like china in research and development.
Even Bangladesh have a decent pharmaceutical industry. Generic pharmaceuticals manufacturing is one of the most easiest and profitable business.
The Corona virus is a very nasty virus and it seems to be a military grade calibre biological genetically modified weapon. There are even nastier biological weapons, including genetically modified Anthrax, small pox , green monkey disease, chicken pox etc, in the inventory of countries with advance research facilities. India through third party states is developing military grade viruses which one day may be used against Pakistan with even more devastating results. Pakistan needs to take this Corona virus extremely seriously and it's approach and lessons learnt may well be useful against a direct biological weapons attack. The whole nation of Pakistan should go on a biological defense footing and treat it as if it was attacked by a hostile state. All military sectors should be put on alert and develop a protocol for military and civilian joint defense. Please vote and express an opinion.

Most modern biowarfare happens below the threshold of all-out pandemics --- just enough disease stress to keep a country occupied and bogged down / an economy unstable but nothing more that would arouse suspicion.
What Pakistan really needs --- the core of all other issues --- is a.) a revolutionary new style of government and b.) a totally overhauled civil service, from salaries and packages to selection and screening.

With competent people in monitoring positions, things like mild water contamination and other issues would be solved much sooner.

Of course Pakistan "should" engage in all activities that would further its defense and prosperity --- but the only real question is: will it?
Most modern biowarfare happens below the threshold of all-out pandemics --- just enough disease stress to keep a country occupied and bogged down / an economy unstable but nothing more that would arouse suspicion.
What Pakistan really needs --- the core of all other issues --- is a.) a revolutionary new style of government and b.) a totally overhauled civil service, from salaries and packages to selection and screening.

With competent people in monitoring positions, things like mild water contamination and other issues would be solved much sooner.

Of course Pakistan "should" engage in all activities that would further its defense and prosperity --- but the only real question is: will it?
Statecraft doesn't work that way, here's a video by CGP gray on how power structures really work.

I highly recommend you watch it at your leisure.

Any changes brought to state organisational and operative structure requires the approval of those in power and it occurs in a piecemeal fashion.

As patriotic citizens we can inculcate and educate about the responsibilities that come with those who wish to better themselves and their motherland.
Statecraft doesn't work that way, here's a video by CGP gray on how power structures really work.

I highly recommend you watch it at your leisure.

Any changes brought to state organisational and operative structure requires the approval of those in power and it occurs in a piecemeal fashion.

As patriotic citizens we can inculcate and educate about the responsibilities that come with those who wish to better themselves and their motherland.

I've seen this video and it isn't bad.

I also get what you're trying to say --- and I agree with you (and the video.)

I think you missed my original post --- a.) was a revolutionary form of government. A revolution usually brings about fundamental and radical structural change much quicker. The current "incremental improvement" (at best) in governance structures seen in developing third world countries (esp those with ridiculous parliamentary democracy) is simply not enough.

Don't worry, I know a bit about statecraft :)
If coronavirus is indeed a biological weapon, it is the shittiest biological weapon ever created and its creator should be fired. It kills under 2% of the people, that too old people above 60 years old with pre existing conditions who were going to die in a few years anyway. If i were creating a bio weapon i would create one that targets the young workforce and has a mortality rate of like 10-20%. Also i would make sure to have a vaccine ready for my country, which simply doesnt seem to be the case here. It is best if we stop indulging in useless conspiracy theories and accept that this virus came naturally. World has seen plenty of flu pandemics killing millions, simply no reason to think this was made in a lab.
I hope you will correct yourself and realise how foolish you guys were.
Just thinking that we as humans came to such low levels where we will use Diseases to weaken a country just to destabilize it or took over its resources, made me feel that the Creator should shut this whole damn world down.
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