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Should Pakistan Recognize Israel?

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Israel withdrew from captured Sinai, Lebanon, Gaza already. What expansionist policy?
View attachment 741285

This expansionist policy...


Only a blind donkey would deny it. Don't take it from me though....have a listen to a Jew by the name of Norman Finkelstein who is very knowledgeable on the matter.

Pakistanis care do much about the Palestinians..........this is how the Palestinians return the favour........... :disagree::

View attachment 741277
The average Palestinian would stick up for his pakistani muslim brethren as would the average Pakistani would stick up for his Palestinian Muslim brethren.

The Arab leaders are one person. They do not represent the inviduals of Palestine. You should not hold them accountable for what the leaders do.
UN partition plan came to stop ongoing Arab-Jewish civil war in Palestine

I find it amusing how it can be called a 'civil war' when illegal aliens arrived in mass to squat on Palestinan terrirtory, one would expect a nation has every right to defend itself against foreign invaders.
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The thread was created only 40 minutes ago and already 39 replies๐Ÿ˜†
This expansionist policy...


Only a blind donkey would deny it. Don't take it from me though....have a listen to a Jew by the name of Norman Finkelstein who is very knowledgeable on the matter.

Israel has already given away Sinai, Lebanon, Gaza. West Bank is still occupied but will be given away as soon Palestinians sign final peace agreement
Can't you read? Israel captured Aqsa Mosque in 1967 war but returned it back to Islamic Jordanian Waqf two days later

have you been living under a rock? do you know the importance of Aqsa to Jews? they want it, and they dont care who it legally belongs to. just like they dont care that legally they cant steal Palestinian land and make illegal settlements. so under no circumstances can a Muslim be pro-Israel relations.
Every f u c k I n g week there's a thread on Pakistan recognising the terrorist state of Israel.

It's quite evident that these threads are created by has hasbara trolls. All publicity is good publicity right?

Be vigilant. This is how homosexuality was normalised in the USA. the initial phase was relentless publicity and debate in order to help normalise it to your average Tom, Dick or Harry.
I find it amsuing how it can be called a 'civil war' when illegal aliens arrived in mass to squat on Palestinan terrirtory, one would expect a nation has the every right to defend itself against foreign invaders.
Aliens? This is ancient Israel 2000 years before Islam or Arabs in the region. Judaism is 3000 years old. Islam is only 1400 years old.
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