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Should Pakistan cancel England tour due to floods ? I SAY YES


Aug 15, 2009
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I mean Pakistan team should cancel tour of England and come back to Pakistan. Join efforts to help flood victums.
no they should rather hold events a part from the cricket tournament and try to collect as much money as possible.......for the flood effected

Its like their job...... thats from where they earn their bread n butter

PS: With all due respect to my brother "Did you leave your job after hearing about this disaster"?
If they go their and win and donate that ammount to flood victims and announce it so that other also get motivated......Wouldn't that be better..?
It would be better if they give their match fees and the amount they get from the tournament to flood relief.

Since they are celebrities its hard for them to physically get involved in relief efforts due to security reasons. So as ZAki suggested even a match for flood relief is a relief for the victims.

I think they should try to win this test match for Pakistan and donate all the match fee as well as winning amount to the flood victims.

Secondly,they should play some charity matches for the flood victims.

This is the best way they can help in.
More than money a win can be estatic for a country .... The kind of joy cricet can bring can definately raise spirits of distressed people which sometimes is more valuable than money
A big no Mr420,
they can collect more donation being in Uk, Rather then in Pakistan, they can donate their match fees , prize amounts.. And can runs fund Raising Campigens ..
no they should rather hold events a part from the cricket tournament and try to collect as much money as possible.......for the flood effected

Its like their job...... thats from where they earn their bread n butter

PS: With all due respect to my brother "Did you leave your job after hearing about this disaster"?

Fully agreed with zaki bhai if pakistan win and get some money from the team as donation that will bring smiles on their faces as we are lover to the games hope we will win ODI series 5/0 INSHAHALLAH but younis khan must be bringed in the teamyes did you quit your job after hearing that flood disaster why they should and they are playing for the pride of the nation already we are not playing at home if we cancel tours it will make chaos to the team afforst for W C 2011

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