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Should Pakistan Bomb illegal indian dams



New Recruit

Aug 14, 2006
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Salam Everyone,
I am not expert in terms of military talks. But i do know economic stuff and according to me the way its going, within two years pakistan will have enormous shortage of water due to illegal stoppage of pakistani water due to indian dams. Now i just want to know is it possible for pakistan airforce to somehow bomb those dams. I was confused cuz i heard from somewhere if pakistan bomb those dams it will destroy itself as those huge dam water will then flow towards pakistan and cause huge destruction. Sorry if its a stupid question. Thanks
Nopes you cant because in that case you will have to counter indian air force before reaching there. the pakistani air force has been majorly playing the defense roles against indian ones.

in case if you use missiles those can be mistaken for the nuclear ones and would activate the indian nuclear triad which can escalate further tensions to the nuclear level.

the only way would be to fire all the nuclear missiles at all places within india and make the whole nation of pakistan go on suicide mission with indian retaliation. and after that no agriculture would be left for water. and if it is left world would not let you do that because of sactions. your economy will be crippled. people will go jobless. and then they will further join jehadi groups and the problem will become more severe for pakistan and pakistan will end even it won the war with india

so there is no way to bomb them,.
YES ... water is for our nation and it is our right to own that water that is being blocked
Salam Everyone,
I am not expert in terms of military talks. But i do know economic stuff and according to me the way its going, within two years pakistan will have enormous shortage of water due to illegal stoppage of pakistani water due to indian dams. Now i just want to know is it possible for pakistan airforce to somehow bomb those dams. I was confused cuz i heard from somewhere if pakistan bomb those dams it will destroy itself as those huge dam water will then flow towards pakistan and cause huge destruction. Sorry if its a stupid question. Thanks

You surely can, but be sure to bomb only 'Illegal' Dams. Illegal dams will be those which will violate Indus Water Treaty & allow less water flow to Pakistan. So far such dams do not exist as IWT has not been violated even once, as per your own ministers.

If you want to bomb our perfectly legal dams, you are instigating a war.
YES ... water is for our nation and it is our right to own that water that is being blocked

and the water for your nation is in your nation.... so why you wanna bomb indian side. ask UN if you are not satisfied with their decison. and if not why do you expect indians to put UN resolutions in Kashmir. :devil:
It would help Pakistan more if Pakistan builds dams on the rivers ...and utilize its share of water effectively...rather than spreading public lies that India is stopping water.

A large chunk of water flows into Pakistan goes down Arabian Sea......


Whats ironic is the fact that Pakistanis are more concerned about 0.2 MAF water held in Baglihar....rather than worrying about 36 MAF of water going down and wasted in Arabian Sea...due to poor planning.
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Where are the illegal dams ? Who decides the legality of dams ?

A better question would be " Can Pakistan bomb....."

Consequences need to be considered, where will the water go, how about retaliation & its ' side effects" ?.. and what after that ?
Salam Everyone,
I am not expert in terms of military talks. But i do know economic stuff and according to me the way its going, within two years pakistan will have enormous shortage of water due to illegal stoppage of pakistani water due to indian dams. Now i just want to know is it possible for pakistan airforce to somehow bomb those dams. I was confused cuz i heard from somewhere if pakistan bomb those dams it will destroy itself as those huge dam water will then flow towards pakistan and cause huge destruction. Sorry if its a stupid question. Thanks

No big deal .. build a dam on your side first to avoid potential floods and then bomb those dams by means of land, not air. Blame it on hindu fanatics such as Amar Singh and a RAW conspiracy.
Salam Everyone,
I am not expert in terms of military talks. But i do know economic stuff and according to me the way its going, within two years pakistan will have enormous shortage of water due to illegal stoppage of pakistani water due to indian dams. Now i just want to know is it possible for pakistan airforce to somehow bomb those dams. I was confused cuz i heard from somewhere if pakistan bomb those dams it will destroy itself as those huge dam water will then flow towards pakistan and cause huge destruction. Sorry if its a stupid question. Thanks

I don't think its a stupid question but 1)You don't have better fighters to bomb Indian territory
2)if u do so the retaliation will be catastrophic,because payback is a *****.:flame::flame::flame:
No big deal .. build a dam on your side first to avoid potential floods and then bomb those dams by means of land, not air. Blame it on hindu fanatics such as Amar Singh and a RAW conspiracy.

and then TTP guys will bomb on the Pakistan side some day and then say RAW did that....
and the water for your nation is in your nation.... so why you wanna bomb indian side. ask UN if you are not satisfied with their decison. and if not why do you expect indians to put UN resolutions in Kashmir. :devil:

Water is critical issue , ppl die with in days with no water - water is serious matter life of death situation , it can't be solved like Kashmir case in 50-60 years, it can be negotiated with UN force - and vote.

Water issue is , pretty serious

This could escalate - up and very dangerously , as I saw images of water in pakistani side rivers were extremely dired up very severe situation
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