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Do you think we should ally with Russia? (Pakistani members only)

  • Yes

    Votes: 21 46.7%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 3 6.7%
  • No

    Votes: 8 17.8%
  • Don't Know

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm not Pakistani...

    Votes: 13 28.9%

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It is too sad that Pakistan cant understand their advantages and hardpoints .A country that is close to Gulf of Aden ,a strategic location ,a bridge between expanding South Asia and Central Asia and middle east.Pakistan dont need any ones support if they exploit this advantage.
Why you guys cant think a level more than this so called allies -major power relations?Why you guys cant realise your strategic and economic potential.? Allying with some major powers will help you for a short term but in long term they will enforce us to play their dirty games.No one is better.
India -Russia relationship is strong.Because we buy weapons from them for hard cash.In turn they helped us in every challenges that we faced in international stage.It is a give and take policy.
If Pakistan can stand its own feet with its own economy, technology ,with an independent policy .Major powers will queue for your cooperation.
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Why should a relation based on interests?
All relations are based on such interests.

Russian experience in different sectors
post USSR russia is just a massive Oligarchy. US is the gold mine. But Pak can't leverage them further.Obviously.
Anyway Why not China?? They have fastest growing economy in the world right now.
It is too sad that Pakistan cant understand their advantages and hardpoints .A country that is close to Gulf of Aden ,a strategic location ,a bridge between expanding South Asia and Central Asia and middle east.Pakistan dont need any ones support if they exploit this advantage.
Why you guys cant think a level more than this so called allies -major power relations?Why you guys cant realise your strategic and economic potential.? Allying with some major powers will help you for a short term but in long term they will enforce us to play their dirty games.No one is better.
India -Russia relationship is strong.Because we buy weapons from for hard cash.In turn they helped us in every challenges that we faced in international stage.It is give and take policy.
If Pakistan can stand its own feet with its own economy, technology ,with an independent policy .Major powers will queue for your cooperation.
I agree with you...

Actually, our politicians were not competent to get advantage of Pakistan's strategic location. Also, we are not like China who have big market of exports. In order to kick-start, we have to get good relations with all other countries in Asia.


I will also support good relations between Pakistan and India, if tension is decreased in both countries. We should help each other. We are doing what Europe did in past. We should do what they did.

All relations are based on such interests.

post USSR russia is just a massive Oligarchy. US is the gold mine. But Pak can't leverage them further.Obviously.
Anyway Why not China?? They have fastest growing economy in the world right now.
We have already had good relations with China and now we seek good relations with other Asian countries in order to help each other getting out of messes created time to time by west or ourself.
I agree with you...

Actually, our politicians were not competent to get advantage of Pakistan's strategic location. Also, we are not like China who have big market of exports. In order to kick-start, we have to get good relations with all other countries in Asia.


I will also support good relations between Pakistan and India, if tension is decreased in both countries. We should help each other. We are doing what Europe did in past. We should do what they did.

Politicians ,they are the most shameless creatures in world.Politicians any where in this world is like that.But in additional if they help for the betterment of their own country then we can ignore their sins.
China defeated us in 1962 war and we lost some parts from us.But now we are aiming for 100billion $ trade in 2015.And it is in favour for China.but they also agree to invest in infrastructure of our country.So it is also a give and take trade policy.
Our disadvantages is we have 125 crore people with enormous diversity and difficulties .
But for Pakistan this is not a problem.A country that has 19 crore people with same culture and language can shoot up to peak level within short times like South Korea.China has its own advantages.But Pakistan has it own greatest advantages like their youthful population and strategic location.
Forget about enmity .If you guys open your market we can provide you lot of technical products and other stuffs .Now we exporting items to UAE and Pakistan import that from UAE for exaorbitant cost.
Once Pakistan clear our their mess in their own country we hope a good growth in our relation.
Peoples of Pakistan must empowered democratic govt and give priority to them over powerful military.GoP can make giant advancement for a relation with India if they get that advantage.
Politicians ,they are the most shameless creatures in world.Politicians any where in this world is like that.But in additional if they help for the betterment of their own country then we can ignore their sins.

China defeated us in 1962 war and we lost some parts from us.But now we are aiming for 100billion $ trade in 2015.And it is in favour for China.but they also agree to invest in infrastructure of our country.So it is also a give and take trade policy.
It can only happen when we make good relations with neighbours.

Our disadvantages is we have 125 crore people with enormous diversity and difficulties .
But for Pakistan this is not a problem.A country that has 19 crore people with same culture and language can shoot up to peak level within short times like South Korea.China has its own advantages.But Pakistan has it own greatest advantages like their youthful population and strategic location.
Actually, we see good development in army time. Army was always better in Pakistan and also in all over the world. Joseph Stalin, Hitler, Ayub Khan, Musharraf etc. Everything army did for country was ruined by politicians after 2008 elections. But the real aim I see was always education in army era. That was ignored by politicians and they were more interested in creating buildings, overflies etc. That's why I don't support them.

Forget about enmity .If you guys open your market we can provide you lot of technical products and other stuffs .Now we exporting items to UAE and Pakistan import that from UAE for exaorbitant cost.
Once Pakistan clear our their mess in their own country we hope a good growth in our relation.
We have started cooperating with India as we have allowed them to introduce their products in Pakistan and ask to help us in introducing our products in India.
That's what I am trying to say too. We should cooperate with neighbours first instead of fighting them and repeat what Europe did in past. We should help each other but some inside both countries don't want to do this.

Peoples of Pakistan must empowered democratic govt and give priority to them over powerful military.GoP can make giant advancement for a relation with India if they get that advantage.
I don't see any political party to do anything better than creating buildings and overflies like our ancestors did in past and what is happening in Arab countries.
Relations with Russia need not be at the expense of USA or Europe or anyone else. It is not a zero-sum game. It is more like a pie. You want to make it bigger, add more ingredients.

Russia has shown interest in Pakistan because of our influence in Afghanistan and our ability (limited as it is now) to influence CARs.

Pakistan has need for Russian help in military hardware and infrastructure development.

The two countries already do a bit of business.

To move forward in peaceful relations with India, Russia can be a good interlocutor. That is where its friendship would provide real dividends.
Pakistan can have good relations with Russia. It would be good for India-Pakistan relations also.

In fact this could lead to a 4 way friendship/alliance - both economic and military between Pak, Ind, Chi and Russ.
Pakistan must strive to radically improve relations with Putin's Russia. Alliance is a strong word. Besides we already have a strong Ally in china, which is not to say that we cannot have excellent relations with Russia.
I meant what Pak wants from russia.

obviously it is hard to get fighter jets but it is good to be friend with Russia.

Pakistan can have good relations with Russia. It would be good for India-Pakistan relations also.

In fact this could lead to a 4 way friendship/alliance - both economic and military between Pak, Ind, Chi and Russ.

in this scenario Pakistan should join SCO.
For God's sake get out of this mentality. We need to stay 'non allied'.we should have good relations with the US, China, Russia, Germany, Brazil, Iran and Gulf. No thanks to alliances.
After everything we have suffered from so called 'War of Terror', should we start thinking about allying with Russia or even have good relations with them?


Russia and Pakistan are counted as one of the most important countries in Asia. But relations between both countries have seen ups and down in different periods.


Russia lost its super power title after dissolution of Soviet Union and became regional power. Russia has almost half of nukes of the world. Russia is the largest country with huge oil and gas reserves.Russia can also help Pakistan is education sector. Pakistan has good relations with almost every other Muslim country. This can benefit Russia maintaining good relations with Muslim world.

Pakistan is famous for its geopolitical importance as it can become bridge between Central Asia, South Asia, the Middle East, and even East Asia (through the Sino-Pakistani border). Pakistan can get benefit from Russia in different sectors. Pakistan has suffered from almost similar security issues Russia have in its territory. Creating Pakistan a transit hub will benefit China as well as Russia too.

There are many reasons why Russia and Pakistan should good relations:-
  1. Friendship with US has become a Frankenstein monster for Pakistan. Instances are strikes on our check posts and Drone Attack Game have made situation worst. We are still trying to figure out how to counter these issues and now we have started peace talks.
  2. Tri-Polarity-US,China & Russia, instead of usually uni-polar(US) dependence; would be an addition to the might of Pakistan Foreign Policy. Moreover Friendship with Russia would not cause any opportunity cost of time tested friendship with China.
  3. Friendship with Russian so far has not gained any resentment from any quarter of our society as we always have in relation to US and I believe we wouldn't have any towards.
  4. Russia is the fastest growing economy in G8 and she enjoys an average growth of 7% since 2003 and it is really commendable and For Pakistan, being friend with such pacer would be beneficial.
  5. Pakistan too has important place in Russian foreign policy as Pakistan is the sole Muslim Nuclear Power in the Muslim World and has an influential position in nexus to its geo-strategic significance and the current global and regional scenario makes the interests of Pakistan and Russian converge.
  6. Considering the energy crunch of Pakistan the relation with Russia would hopefully be any sort of remedy for our ailing economy. As Russia has emerged as the world's leading natural gas exporter and second largest oil producer after Saudi Arabia. Moreover Russia has vital experience in mining coal and in generation of coal power plants.
  7. Pakistan foreign policy is now inclining towards Central Asian Countries which are rich in oil and natural resources and Russia would be rich dividend in that angle.
  8. Islamabad-Moscow relation would assist in acquiring full membership of SCO.
  9. Pakistan Steel Mill is the hall mark of Pakistan-Russia relationship and re-union and re-start of such relationship would attract future prosperity via pipelines,railways and agriculture etc.
  10. Last but not the least. For more than 3 decades the relation between Pakistan and Russia have remained cool, even antagonistic. In such scenario India started to take the advantage of that opportunity and extended relations and cooperation to the big power Russia. Such increasing relations create concerns for Pakistan and right now it has become very imperative to have good relations with Russia so the balance of power may be maintained in the region.
It is said that USSR came to Afghanistan for accessing warm water. If Pakistan make himself root hub, there will be no need to invade any country and it will also help warming relations. Many people on this forum say that Russia will not ally with Pakistan as they have India as their KEY ally. They also have good relations with China and India has some problem with China too.

Just imagine if we start fighting with our neighbours and start cooperating with them, Asia can become more powerful militarily and economically. We can create Asian union and we may become successful than European Union.

Cooperation between Pakistan, China, Russia, Sri Lanka, India, Afghanistan, Iran, Bangladesh etc. can be the future.

From Russia will come the hope of the World!

Scholars of Islam have a duty to prepare Muslims for destructive attacks that are soon to be launched which will target not only Pakistan but perhaps, Turkey and Iran as well. The situation is not entirely hopeless since at least the Iranian Armed Forces do not appear to be under the control of Israel’s clients. In fact Iran seems to have already succeeded in building a strategic alliance with Russia. It is interesting to note that an authentic Hadīth has prophesied an end-time Muslim alliance with Rūm (i.e., Byzantine Christianity that was based in Constantinople), and Russia is part of Rūm. The Saudi and Pakistani governments and Armed Forces on the other hand, are allied with the Anglo-American-Israeli alliance which does not form part of Rūm.

Their messianic goal is to deliver to Israel the rule over the whole world so that a false Messiah canrule the world from Jerusalem with a fraudulent claim to be the true Messiah. That goal cannot be achieved so long as Pakistan possesses nuclear military power. Hence the most important attack that must now be anticipated is on Pakistan’s nuclear installations.
We should have good relations with every country excluding India.

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