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Should black Americans get slavery reparations?

Should the PI also sue the US then? Just a thought.. :usflag:

@Cossack25A1 is this dude really from the PI?
One of those Anglophobic people in the Philippines, in contrast to me being Sinophobic.

And by this logic, every single empire in ancient times that committed atrocities in lands that do not belong to them should do the same thing; this includes the ancient empires in the fertile crescent, Iran, the Caliphate and China since obviously the focus of this topic is Americans and Europeans, and those ancient empires I am pretty sure had slaves - why would they conquer lands that do not belong to them?
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Only those of them who was born in slavery should get the reparations.
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a few slavery facts

http://www.slaverysite.com/Body/facts and figures.htm

View attachment 548528

It seems when it comes to slavery the US gets all the notice even though only 4.4% of African slaves sent to the new world actually came here and look who was doing all the shipping:

View attachment 548529

Good point who pays the receiver or the people who kidnaped the people from Africa in the first place.
The problem is how far back do we go, should modern day Russians be calming compensation from Mongolia or China, should the people driven out of eastern England to Wales and Ireland be claiming compensation from the EU for the Roman, Viking, Saxon and Norman invasions?
History is pretty much full of one group beating the crap out of another, doesn't make it right but why should one group 200 years later be paying for some thing they haven't done to another group
Good point who pays the receiver or the people who kidnaped the people from Africa in the first place.
The problem is how far back do we go, should modern day Russians be calming compensation from Mongolia or China, should the people driven out of eastern England to Wales and Ireland be claiming compensation from the EU for the Roman, Viking, Saxon and Norman invasions?
History is pretty much full of one group beating the crap out of another, doesn't make it right but why should one group 200 years later be paying for some thing they haven't done to another group

Plus there was the option of Liberia. 15,000 decided to go back (for free). The country still gets US aid. Can’t say Liberia has done much in almost 200 years other than killing themselves and living on the dole...which seems familiar.
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Do native americans owe each other today for the centuries of tribal genocide occuring before whitey even showed up to the continent?
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