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Shoigu: Russia can create a network of foreign military bases from Singapore to Nicaragua


Jun 23, 2013
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Russian Federation
Russia is negotiating the establishment of military bases in Vietnam, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Singapore, Seychelles and Cuba, told reporters in Moscow on Wednesday, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu.
"We plan to increase the number of military bases. In addition to Vietnam and Cuba, we plan to expand their number by countries such as Venezuela, Nicaragua, Seychelles, Singapore and other "- the minister said, RIA" Novosti ".
He underlined that negotiations are underway and Russia is close to signing documents.
The minister said that talks are not only military bases, but also facilitation of visits of ships in ports of these countries, as well as the possibility of long-range aircraft refueling.

"We are actively fly, but to actively fly, need bases for refueling, it is necessary that our tanker Il-78 planes or waiting at the equator, or in other places," - said Shoigu.
 ВЗГЛЯД / Шойгу: Россия может создать сеть зарубежных военных баз от Сингапура до Никарагуа
Vietnam-China's gonna' love that !

Singapore-NO-American ally

Venezuela-see Cuba

Nicaragua-see Cuba
I thought Nicaragua was under the rule of JEW USA creating right wing death squads

Don't know how but they made a great job by kicking them, as they are very brutal
Singapore and Seychelles may not be possible but everything else is.

I don't think they'll have much of a problem.see,even India project a lot of powers on them.we provide them arms as well as other assistance in defence sector.we've one lisning station there.a single russian base will not be a problem if they provide similar kind of assistance.
I don't think they'll have much of a problem.see,even India project a lot of powers on them.we provide them arms as well as other assistance in defence sector.we've one lisning station there.a single russian base will not be a problem if they provide similar kind of assistance.
There is a world of difference between us creating a base and Russians creating a base.

Seychelles' economy relies on tourism from countries that are a part of NATO or in the western strategic zone. France is the largest tourism inflow market for Seychelles followed by Germany, UK and only then Russia.
If we ask for a listening post, they won't mind and neither would US because we are not a threat to them.

However Russia asking is a different ballgame altogether. They are a superpower and the second strongest military force on the planet. The entire game changes if they get their base over in Seychelles.

The little island nation will be sucked into an ugly game which it is not designed to play.
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