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Shock: Biden was gone, and when he came back, he found America returning to a different Arab world

MBS will probably face 'regime change' attempts in future. GID has its work cut out..
No, he got along pretty well with the last President and I am sure the security establishment in US is on the same page as well. Biden is a puppet clown who was brought in to calm the public down, until an acceptable and a relatively astute republican can be found. The US establishment may have found one in DeSantis...
A multipolar world will allow that
We shouldve done this development 30 years back when peace was an option

Not sure I understand your post.

You can have that from BRICS and your own too, like China and Russia are attempting to do..so it is not totally negative.. we can learn from the modus operandi and duplicate it to our advantage..

I agree but I am yet to see what BRICS offers that direct cooperation with country x or y is not offering.

An organization where a key founding member is South Africa (a country with a smaller economy than the UAE) is difficult to take serious.

China and India are at odds too. Brazil is firmly in the Western camp. 5 members only so far.
I agree but I am yet to see what BRICS offers that direct cooperation with country x or y is not offering.

An organization where a key founding member is South Africa (a country with a smaller economy than the UAE) is difficult to take serious.

China and India are at odds too. Brazil is firmly in the Western camp. 5 members only so far.
Arab world has issues with Biden administration not with USA Arab world pressured the USA by this attitude they need change and wait for Biden to be ousted in next election untill than Arab world won't pursue any defence deals trades as USA wants so it's about time only
Arab world has issues with Biden administration not with USA Arab world pressured the USA by this attitude they need change and wait for Biden to be ousted in next election untill than Arab world won't pursue any defence deals trades as USA wants so it's about time only
Biden will give Arabs what they want.. because he has to deal with the US military-industrial conglomerate not only the Arabs.. his administration has already started proposing the F-35 to Egypt and offensive weapons to KSA..

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