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Shock: Biden was gone, and when he came back, he found America returning to a different Arab world

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Every observer can come out with many of the results that resulted from the Jeddah Summit for Security and Development on Saturday, and it confirms in its entirety that US President Joe Biden, who called for it and participated in it with nine Arab leaders, entered it with different ideas and came out of it with different ones.

All assessments that talked about an Arab NATO or a regional alliance that includes Israel and isolates Iran, or even a new form of economic cooperation, have been lost. Perhaps the appropriate title for the summit is the shock, as President Biden found an Arab position alien to him.

Overcoming the Palestinian issue seemed to be a difficult issue, and it appeared in the words of a number of leaders that it is still the mother of issues in the region, and it was refused to enter into a heated confrontation with Iran. In essence, a desire to correct the tracks, and to equate it with Israel when the call for a Middle East free of nuclear weapons was renewed.

President Biden found in front of him Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, different from everything he heard about, as he stood as a strong statesman, not subject to threats or extortion from Washington or others, and about the wound of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, which Biden sought to invest to bleed continuously into a flame that could potentially The United States gets burned if the human rights standards that it wants to apply to certain personalities and countries are dealt with.

Prince Mohammed bin Salman turned the table when he repeated to the US President what happened in Abu Ghraib prison, what happened to the recently killed Palestinian journalist Sherine Abu Aqila, and the disastrous results of the American intervention by force in Afghanistan and Iraq, which made him win one of the important tours. Which the US administration tried to make of it a new conquest in the Middle East.

There were many reading angles for the Jeddah summit, but the interesting angle is that Washington should review its policies that it followed with the region for decades, as it set different agendas and finds those who implement them voluntarily or unwillingly. What Biden found in the bilateral and collective meetings he held with leaders suggests that those who planned They drew the features of his tour in the region, not knowing much about it, or that their calculations were inaccurate in dealing with it, which resulted in wrong actions.

Such as Biden's promise not to abandon the Middle East prior to his departure from Saudi Arabia, apparently in response to preserving the interests of his country, which were shaken by the dissolution of a significant part of its obligations, and in essence a review of a number of previous trends that led to limiting the degree of American influence on the course of events in it. In a way that allowed others to expand in the region and disregard Washington's perceptions or wishes.

The review process requires taking into account that the leaders of Arab countries are able to assess the interests of their countries without pressure from any party, and that a large number of them can openly confront the American proposals, and that the stage in which the United States used to direct its orders and dictates is over and it must change the approach in which it manages its relations with the countries of the region.

The lavishness of promises during Biden's visit to Israel may have turned into a crisis in Saudi Arabia, because a large part of what was first mentioned is difficult to achieve on the ground in the issue of Jerusalem as the unified capital of the State of Israel, in light of the presence of Arab leaders who can refrain from implementing what is requested of them, and this is one of the most important Lessons that Joe Biden and those who come after him, whether he belongs to the Democratic Party or the Republican Party, must absorb it.

At the Jeddah summit, the US president reaped the fruits of his confusion in his positions towards the Middle East and his contradictions in estimating the mechanism by which he will deal with the Kingdom and the Saudi Crown Prince, as the result was disappointing, because Biden made the first superpower in the world incompetent in this position, and you will have to rethink In its visions and revising its perceptions, Washington can no longer guarantee the implementation of its grand strategic plans.

The negative features of the supremacist policies that Biden adopted in dealing with the Ukrainian crisis have emerged, with repercussions confirming that the United States wants to engineer the world in a way that preserves its interests without regard to the interests of other powers, a sin that it tried to repeat in dealing with the Middle East when it heralded its victorious return.

If Russian President Vladimir Putin provided a harsh lesson in the dangers that could threaten his American counterpart Joe Biden, the Jeddah summit made it more difficult to bet on the conglomeration of a large number of countries to revolve in the Western orbit in order to break Moscow’s thorn, most of the ambitions that Washington wished to achieve in Saudi Arabia I crashed on the rock of not responding to much of what Biden carried in his bag when he went to Jeddah..

The review requires realizing the magnitude of the transformations that occurred in the Middle East after Washington’s reluctance to engage in many of its interactions in the past period, which indicated that reliance on Washington has become a fantasy in light of multiple indications by its president that this region will not occupy a strategic priority for his country.

The transformations that took place dictate the formulation of a vision in line with the challenges facing the United States, because the traditional method to which the past years were accustomed has lost its effect and needs to crystallize a vision in line with the changes, foremost of which is that Washington is no longer a master of the region and the countries that used to obey it before have rejected this Politics.

The United States has lost an important part of its balance in the region, and its attractiveness to many leaders is gradually fading, as the supremacist policies that it followed have caused pain that has not yet subsided, and made some countries suffer losses that need time to compensate.

There will be no better opportunity than the current developments to urge Washington to change its vision, which has only brought about the destruction of many pillars of security and stability in a number of its countries.

The Jeddah summit turned from a dream to lay the foundations for a new security structure in the Middle East into a mirage, and the US administration must be certain that it will not be able to seize its keys again, and it must adjust the rudder and go on another path in order to be able to preserve its interests. Decades long lost its compass.

Source: London Arabs

The BRICS group expects Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Turkey to join the group soon and the President of the BRICS International Forum expects Turkey, Egypt and Saudi Arabia to join the group "very soon". In an interview with Russian newspaper Izvestia, Purnima Anand said that China, Russia and India discussed the issue during the 14th BRICS summit, which was held online last month.

“All these countries have shown interest in joining and are preparing to apply for membership. I think this is a good step, because expansion is always viewed positively; this will obviously increase the impact of BRICS in the world,” Anand explained. "I hope the countries will join the BRICS very quickly, because now all the representatives of the union's core are interested in expanding the organization, so it will be very soon."
MBS will probably face 'regime change' attempts in future. GID has its work cut out..
MBS will probably face 'regime change' attempts in future. GID has its work cut out..

The US/Biden has no power/say in KSA. MBS or no MBS, KSA is and will continue to pursue its own interests and continue to develop strategic partnerships with China, Russia, Africa, West, East, Muslim, non-Muslim etc. as facts on the ground show.

Goes for Arabs as a collective.

The US is a snake that cannot be trusted. A harmful snake too.

The illegal and catastrophic US invasion of Iraq in 2003 was the greatest geopolitical calamity for the Arabs in this century.

BTW, regime change was already attempted and failed. The Bin Nayef coup failed. The Khashoggi media campaign as well. MBS is arguably the most popular leader since King Faisal. Why do you think all this anti-MBS propaganda in Western media is all for?

However you never know if there are any traitors from within like with King Faisal.

GID should worry about saving Pakistan and removing traitors like Bajwa and the corrupt political dynasties before “saving” others. We should save ourselves first.

Great interview from a few days ago.

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The US/Biden has no power/say in KSA. MBS or no MBS, KSA is and will continue to pursue its own interests and continue to develop strategic partnerships with China, Russia, Africa, West, East, Muslim, non-Muslim etc. as facts on the ground show.

Goes for Arabs as a collective.

The US is a snake that cannot be trusted. A harmful snake too.

The illegal and catastrophic US invasion of Iraq in 2003 was the greatest geopolitical calamity for the Arabs in this century.

BTW, regime change was already attempted and failed. The Bin Nayef coup failed. The Khashoggi media campaign as well. MBS is arguably the most popular leader since King Faisal. Why do you think all this anti-MBS propaganda in Western media is all for?

However you never know if there are any traitors from within like with King Faisal.

GID should worry about saving Pakistan and removing traitors like Bajwa and the corrupt political dynasties before “saving” others. We should save ourselves first.

Great interview from a few days ago.

Doesn't US have military bases in KSA ? US always has certain leverages in historically allied countries. Its not difficult to find traitors.

And GID is Saudi Intelligence..

The BRICS group expects Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Turkey to join the group soon and the President of the BRICS International Forum expects Turkey, Egypt and Saudi Arabia to join the group "very soon". In an interview with Russian newspaper Izvestia, Purnima Anand said that China, Russia and India discussed the issue during the 14th BRICS summit, which was held online last month.

“All these countries have shown interest in joining and are preparing to apply for membership. I think this is a good step, because expansion is always viewed positively; this will obviously increase the impact of BRICS in the world,” Anand explained. "I hope the countries will join the BRICS very quickly, because now all the representatives of the union's core are interested in expanding the organization, so it will be very soon."
This would be a very good move if it becomes reality. In due course Iran, Indonesia, Vietnam will be good additions
Doesn't US have military bases in KSA ? US always has certain leverages in historically allied countries. Its not difficult to find traitors.

And GID is Saudi Intelligence..

Not that I am aware of. US military presence post Gulf War ended before the US invaded Iraq illegally in 2003. There are no foreign military bases in KSA.

You know what I meant.

As for traitors, that is a possibility and risk in every country.

The BRICS group expects Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Turkey to join the group soon and the President of the BRICS International Forum expects Turkey, Egypt and Saudi Arabia to join the group "very soon". In an interview with Russian newspaper Izvestia, Purnima Anand said that China, Russia and India discussed the issue during the 14th BRICS summit, which was held online last month.

“All these countries have shown interest in joining and are preparing to apply for membership. I think this is a good step, because expansion is always viewed positively; this will obviously increase the impact of BRICS in the world,” Anand explained. "I hope the countries will join the BRICS very quickly, because now all the representatives of the union's core are interested in expanding the organization, so it will be very soon."
Is BRICS not just another ineffective coffee club? What is it achievements?
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Is BRICS not just another ineffective coffee club? What is it achievements?
At the 2015 BRICS summit in Russia, ministers from BRICS nations, initiated consultations for a payment system that would be an alternative to the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) system. Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov stated in an interview, "The finance ministers and executives of the BRICS central banks are negotiating ... setting up payment systems and moving on to settlements in national currencies. SWIFT or not, in any case we’re talking about ... a global multilateral payment system that would provide greater independence, would create a definite guarantee for BRICS.


This is one of the positive sides..and it's important..
At the 2015 BRICS summit in Russia, ministers from BRICS nations, initiated consultations for a payment system that would be an alternative to the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) system. Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov stated in an interview, "The finance ministers and executives of the BRICS central banks are negotiating ... setting up payment systems and moving on to settlements in national currencies. SWIFT or not, in any case we’re talking about ... a global multilateral payment system that would provide greater independence, would create a definite guarantee for BRICS.


This is one of the positive sides..and it's important..

Anything to show for since 2015 in this regard?

And what prevents an alternative system from being abused by the powers that have established it?

Muslims and Arabs need to be the third option and live up to their imperial past and grand civilizations. We should not be the wheels of either the West or East IMO as both of them (like everyone else) will dump you if it will be in their interests.

Instead we should aim to become a global power and the third or fourth or whatever option in a multipolar world.
Anything to show for since 2015 in this regard?

And what prevents an alternative system from being abused by the powers that have established it?

Muslims and Arabs need to be the third option and live up to their imperial past and grand civilizations. We should not be the wheels of either the West or East IMO as both of them (like everyone else) will dump you if it will be in their interests.

Instead we should aim to become a global power and the third or fourth or whatever option in a multipolar world.
A multipolar world will allow that
We shouldve done this development 30 years back when peace was an option
Anything to show for since 2015 in this regard?

And what prevents an alternative system from being abused by the powers that have established it?

Muslims and Arabs need to be the third option and live up to their imperial past and grand civilizations. We should not be the wheels of either the West or East IMO as both of them (like everyone else) will dump you if it will be in their interests.

Instead we should aim to become a global power and the third or fourth or whatever option in a multipolar world.
You can have that from BRICS and your own too, like China and Russia are attempting to do..so it is not totally negative.. we can learn from the modus operandi and duplicate it to our advantage..
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