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Shenyang J-15 aircraft carrier-based aircraft

Is'nt Su 33 lines closed for production? Because it would be useless to reopen the lines as RuN navy has already selected the MiG 29k as a stop gap replacement on their Kuznetsova.
J-10 is the "inferior copy" of which Russian jet?

J-10 was made using blueprints of the Israeli Lavi. This is a widely-known "open secret" in defense circles.

its very difficult to tell from a side view that SU-30 airframe has canards or not
for example see these pictures..
1) SU-30 MKM (one with canards)


2) SU-30 MKK/MKK2


do you guys see any difference?.....well since J-11BS is thought to be a replacement for MKKs. I dont think so Chinese designers wouldnot have added something from over the original structural capabilities of current MKKs. I suspect this is a new version with possible canards for enhancing frame agility
J-10 was made using blueprints of the Israeli Lavi. This is a widely-known "open secret" in defense circles.

Dude,u don't need to post the pics,every one knows that...
If u continue posting the pics,u'll be banned,so avoid it,
But remember..J-15 is not equal to Su-33 in quality.
may be the shape of both of them are identical,the shape doesn't count much in air fights,But the radars,missiles,and Avionics...The russians are making these from a long time and have got great experience,But u just can't gain that experience by Cloning it..
J-10 was made using blueprints of the Israeli Lavi. This is a widely-known "open secret" in defense circles.


Importantly, you should look at the designs rather than pics
1- Lavi.

2- J-10

now you see that there are some changes. like wing design, canard wing positioning, size and length and inlet. Which means that chinese have done something on their own as well.
look at the J-9 (the canceled project)

it shares a good amount of features with J-10 as well.
Now lets take another example
see this

and see this

what do you see???.....lets see something more


They both look like same...Rafales, dont they? but the former was a Yugoslavian project named as Novi Avion designed by Vazduhoplovno Tehnicki Institute of Yugoslavia
The Novi Avion most closely resembled the French Rafale, although it was smaller and had only one engine. It was designed to fill many roles, including air superiority, interception, reconnaissance, ground attack, and anti-ship attack. Maximum speed was just under Mach 2. Super-maneuverability at both supersonic and subsonic speeds was a priority, and a major portion of the airframe was to be composed of composites.

The design was to incorporate a number of features to lower its radar cross section, although it would not have been a true stealth aircraft. The aircraft was to carry an advanced ECM/ECCM suite. It was an all-Yugoslav design, not based on any foreign plane, although France was providing some assistance with the design of the most complex parts that Yugoslavia had no experience with, such as a multipurpose radar.

The engine was to be the French Snecma M88, the same engine used in the Rafale. Most of the weapons it would have carried would probably have been either French weapons, or built with French assistance.
Novi Avion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I hope that would have been of some help to you and other posters who still cant get out of "copy copy shout paradigm"
Importantly, you should look at the designs rather than pics
1- Lavi.

2- J-10

now you see that there are some changes. like wing design, canard wing positioning, size and length and inlet. Which means that chinese have done something on their own as well.
look at the J-9 (the canceled project)

it shares a good amount of features with J-10 as well.
Now lets take another example
see this

and see this

what do you see???.....lets see something more


They both look like same...Rafales, dont they? but the former was a Yugoslavian project named as Novi Avion designed by Vazduhoplovno Tehnicki Institute of Yugoslavia

I hope that would have been of some help to you and other posters who still cant get out of "copy copy shout paradigm"

Thank you!!! You just saved me the trouble of posting those pictures my self.
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