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Sheikh Hasina must not repeat her father’s mistakes & allow armed party goons in Bangladesh

It's not surprising to see that even though u don't have an iota of knowledge about Bangladeshi culture, still u r blabbering as if u actually know something about it.

We Bengalis r known for having a rich culture and we take extreme pride in our culture. There aren't many nations in this world who have sacrificed lives to protect their mother tongue which is one of the main pilers of one's culture. But we have.

But since u r from a country which has a backward talibanised culture, u won't be able to understand it. Oh, not but the least, I can assure u that our honourable prime minister is a pious Muslim but she isn't the fundamentalist taliban type that can be founded in every corner of Pakistan. Btw if I'm not wrong, the person whom u guys call as the father of ur nation was an avid drinker which is strictly prohibited in Islam. Aren't u ashamed of it? U my friend should look back at ur own house before spouting rubbish about others.

Correct. She's as great of a human being as her father the great Sheikh Mujib once was. Her father freed us from barbaric Pak establishment and gave us a free country. She's continuing the legacy of her father by working tirelessly to give us economic freedom. No wonder we r considered as the shinning beacon of Asia that everyone wants to follow.
RAW freed you and thanks to the Indian Army!!! And, all the mistakes from the Pak side!!!! He couldn't last even 4 years without causing a famine that perished 1m folks!!!! And, he was killing his opponents right and left using the Indian trained and armed para-military forces!!! He declared himself a dictator by abolishing democracy, which himself used to incite BD folks!!! What a hypocrite!!!! And, BD Muslims figured out his rhetoric based devilish tricks within a couple of years!!! While people were dying in the street without food like dogs he was having luxurious marriages for his sons!!!!! By the by, did any Muslim protest over his death?????

By the by, BD is now 100% capitulated under India. All businesses and finances are controlled by the Indians and their local RAW agents. And, all the CEOs of top companies are from India coupled with all levels of managers. BD folks pay more than 100% premiums on food and basic staffs!! And, his money directly goes to the syndicated mafias who are under the Indian control. BD military officers shudder in fear for their lives and that of their families for they're just one step away from Gujrat style pogrom (rape, kill and then burn)!!! And, that too by the very soldiers they command, and inside their own bases!!!! It means there' simply no way to break 100% Indian hegemony!!! Even BD kids from the affluent families studying in good schools have lost all hope from this new Permanent Settlement!!! They've again become a permanent underclass in their very own country under the Hindus and their local agents like the way it was during the period of the British India!!! And, no saviors like Jinnah will ever show up again to break them free from these shackles of perpetual slavery!!! BD folks are now only good for low-wage workers at the garment industries.....
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I believe it's time for her to step down. It's not only about BNP-Jamaat anymore, the way the govt. dealt with the student protests it looks like they are literally against the general people and they would do anything to stay in power.

I just heard about the horror my aunt's family had to go through in Basundhara. My cousin always wanted to go and study abroad but my aunt was always against it. After that incident, she told him herself to start preparation for going abroad.

I don't know what benefit those SEZ, metro rails or Padma bridge would bring if I don't even feel secure as a citizen in my own country.

Chatro League is the muscle of Awami League. In BD politics you gotta own the streets to conduct mayhem and general strikes to make people lives miserable, the way you do it is by unleashing the goons of Chatro League.

A good number of the police force personnel are recruits from Chatro League.

She will never abandon these goons.
bangladesh under hasina is like a puppet of hindus any thing do you see like a muslim woman wear eat her culture her talking everything suggest that she belongs to hindu family i doubt she even knoe names of our PROPHET MOHAMMAD P.B.U.H FRIENDS OR EVEN KNOW THE KALAM E SHADAT
Will you please stop making personal attacks on our PM. Better talk about her politics. Only Allah knows how good or bad a Muslim she or anybody is.
RAW freed you and thanks to the Indian Army!!! And, all the mistakes from the Pak side!!!! He couldn't last even 4 years without causing a famine that perished 1m folks!!!! And, he was killing his opponents right and left using the Indian trained and armed para-military forces!!! He declared himself a dictator by abolishing democracy, which himself used to incite BD folks!!! What a hypocrite!!!! And, BD Muslims figured out his rhetoric based devilish tricks within a couple of years!!! While people were dying in the street without food like dogs he was having luxurious marriages for his sons!!!!! By the by, did any Muslim protest over his death?????

Of course we r grateful to Indian government and its army for their role in our liberation war. Mujib was the undisputed leader of whole Pakistan who won a landslide victory in 70s election and it was his right to govern the whole Pakistan.

But the corrupt Pak politicians and Generals knew that they wouldn't be able to persecute and discriminate against innocent bengalis if Mujib led AL formed the government. They knew it very well that if Mujib became the president of Pakistan they wouldn't be able to loot resources from East Pakistan the way they had been doing for freaking 20 years.

Hypocrite? Do u honestly wanna know who were the real hypocrites, liars and cowards? Hypocrites were Yahya, Bhutto, Niaji and their associates who made the drama of handing over the power to Mujib while brought thousands of army personnel in civilian dress in East pakistan to systematically kill, rape and loot. Their primary purpose was to break the backbone of the Bengalis so that they can never voice their opinion in future and always remain at the feet of corrupt and barbaric Pak establishment.

By the by, did any Muslim protested when Fatima Jinnah was beaten to death and her dead body wasn't allowed to be seen? Did any Muslim protested when Bhutto got hanged? Did any Muslim protested when Benajir bhutto got butchered?

By the by, BD is now 100% capitulated under India. All businesses and finances are controlled by the Indians and their local RAW agents. And, all the CEOs of top companies are from India coupled with all levels of managers. BD folks pay more than 100% premiums on food and basic staffs!! And, his money directly goes to the syndicated mafias who are under the Indian control. BD military officers shudder in fear for their lives and that of their families for they're just one step away from Gujrat style pogrom (rape, kill and then burn)!!! And, that too by the very soldiers they command, and inside their own bases!!!! It means there' simply no way to break 100% Indian hegemony!!! Even BD kids from the affluent families studying in good schools have lost all hope from this new Permanent Settlement!!! They've again become a permanent underclass in their very own country under the Hindus and their local agents like the way it was during the period of the British India!!! And, no saviors like Jinnah will ever show up again to break them free from these shackles of perpetual slavery!!! BD folks are now only good for low-wage workers at the garment industries.....

The lesser u will talk about economy and security situation of BD, the better it will be for u. I don't wanna get banned by talikg constant negative stuff about PAK. But some of the posts made my some Pak posters like u r so ridiculous that sometimes I m forced to show them the mirror and the gutter they live in. NEVER forget the fact that Pakistan as a nation resides at the bottom of the pile where terrorist attack, corruption, honor killing, minority persecution is a regular incident.

U don't have to worry about our local companies. Most of them r performing really well and playing a vital role in fueling our economy. Look at our earning through exports, GDP growth rate, GDP per capita and foreign reserve then compare it with ur bottomless basket, u'll get a pretty good idea about how splendidly our local companies have been performing.

I don't even wanna mention things like debt to GDP ratio, literacy rate, gender gap rate, homicide rate or other social indices since we r so much ahead in these departments that its pointless to even compare ourselves with a backward country like Pakistan. What's surprising is that, we have built the whole nation almost from the scratch which got destroyed by Pak in 71. They were so hate filled that just before two days before surrendering in front of our brave Mukti bahini they systemically murdered majority of our intellectuals on 14th december to make us paralysed as a nation. If we got our independence in 47 and weren't looted during from 47 to 71 we would have become a semi developed nation by now.

Don't even mention the BDR killing. It was a coup attempt and was dealt thoroughly by our own military. U should better concentrate on US military and how they r playing Pakistan and its military like a football. Remember 2011 nato attack on pak checkpost that brutally killed 28 of ur soldiers?

Remember how US regularly bomb the hell outta ur tribal area, kill ur own people with their remote controlled drones? But like a subservient nation u still allow them to take their shipments to Afghanistan through ur border.

We don't need jinnah, gandhi or anybody. Our bengali Muslims like HSS, Fazlul haque and khaja Nizamuddin played the pivotal role in freeing Pakistan from British India, later Sheikh Mujib freed us from West Pakistan. We bengalis r natural leaders who have always dictated terms on their own.

U should better pray that someone like Mujib comes as a leader in Pakistan and save Pakistan from the gutter they r currently in.
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Of course we r grateful to Indian government and its army for their role in our liberation war. Mujib was the undisputed leader of whole Pakistan who won a landslide victory in 70s election and it was his right to govern the whole Pakistan.

But the corrupt Pak politicians and Generals knew that they wouldn't be able to persecute and discriminate against innocent bengalis if Mujib led AL formed the government. They knew it very well that if Mujib became the president of Pakistan they wouldn't be able to loot resources from East Pakistan the way they had been doing for freaking 20 years.

Hypocrite? Do u honestly wanna know who were the real hypocrites, liars and cowards? Hypocrites were Yahya, Bhutto, Niaji and their associates who made the drama of handing over the power to Mujib while brought thousands of army personnel in civilian dress in East pakistan to systematically kill, rape and loot. Their primary purpose was to break the backbone of the Bengalis so that they can never voice their opinion in future and always remain at the feet of corrupt and barbaric Pak establishment.

By the by, did any Muslim protested when Fatima Jinnah was beaten to death and her dead body wasn't allowed to be seen? Did any Muslim protested when Bhutto got hanged? Did any Muslim protested when Benajir bhutto got butchered?

The lesser u will talk about economy and security situation of BD, the better it will be for u. I don't wanna get banned by talikg constant negative stuff about PAK. But some of the posts made my some Pak posters like u r so ridiculous that sometimes I m forced to show them the mirror and the gutter they live in. NEVER forget the fact that Pakistan as a nation resides at the bottom of the pile where terrorist attack, corruption, honor killing, minority persecution is a regular incident.

U don't have to worry about our local companies. Most of them r performing really well and playing a vital role in fueling our economy. Look at our earning through exports, GDP growth rate, GDP per capita and foreign reserve then compare it with ur bottomless basket, u'll get a pretty good idea about how splendidly our local companies have been performing.

I don't even wanna mention things like debt to GDP ratio, literacy rate, gender gap rate, homicide rate or other social indices since we r so much ahead in these departments that its pointless to even compare ourselves with a backward country like Pakistan. What's surprising is that, we have built the whole nation almost from the scratch which got destroyed by Pak in 71. They were so hate filled that just before two days before surrendering in front of our brave Mukti bahini they systemically murdered majority of our intellectuals on 14th december to make us paralysed as a nation. If we got our independence in 47 and weren't looted during from 47 to 71 we would have become a semi developed nation by now.

Don't even mention the BDR killing. It was a coup attempt and was dealt thoroughly by our own military. U should better concentrate on US military and how they r playing Pakistan and its military like a football. Remember 2011 nato attack on pak checkpost that brutally killed 28 of ur soldiers?

Remember how US regularly bomb the hell outta ur tribal area, kill ur own people with their remote controlled drones? But like a subservient nation u still allow them to take their shipments to Afghanistan through ur border.

We don't need jinnah, gandhi or anybody. Our bengali Muslims like HSS, Fazlul haque and khaja Nizamuddin played the pivotal role in freeing Pakistan from British India, later Sheikh Mujib freed us from West Pakistan. We bengalis r natural leaders who have always dictated terms on their own.

U should better pray that someone like Mujib comes as a leader in Pakistan and save Pakistan from the gutter they r currently in.

Looted for what?
All you had was jute.
Besides, you guys were constantly getting hit by cyclones and other disasters and expecting west Pakistan to bail you out.

At the end of the day, you exchanged being part of Pakistan, to being under India.
Bangladesh today cannot make any policy of note without Indian consent.
We have a word for that in English: Colony.
Will you please stop making personal attacks on our PM. Better talk about her politics. Only Allah knows how good or bad a Muslim she or anybody is.
Agrred but why she support india when muslims in trouble there do islam or any muslim do it if she cant go against india atleadt do not support them
The only trick left in the hat of this old indian hag is to stoke unproductive bengali nationalist nonsense and then extra judicially kill people to deflect the focus from real issues.
Looted for what?
All you had was jute.
Besides, you guys were constantly getting hit by cyclones and other disasters and expecting west Pakistan to bail you out.

At the end of the day, you exchanged being part of Pakistan, to being under India.
Bangladesh today cannot make any policy of note without Indian consent.
We have a word for that in English: Colony.

It's not surprising to see that u don't have any clue about the economic disparity that existed between EP and WP during 41-71 period which was one of the main reasons behind our liberation war. The amount of looting West Pakistanis did from EP during that time was unprecedented. They drank the blood of innocent Bengalis like true leeches for 20 long years and systematically kept them dry, week and oppressed.

So, according to ur marvelous logic east pakistan remained economically insolvent due to cyclone and depended on West Pakistan to bail them out? R u trying to join a circus show mate? Even after 40 years of independence natural disaster like cyclone still hit us hard, but we have now a foreign reserve of 35 billion dollar, have one of the lowest debt to GDP ratio in Asia and have the ability to undertake mega-projects like Padma Bridge with our own money. How come cyclone and other natural disaster not playing any role now? I also wonder, why the president of current Pakistan has to run from door to door to get a bail out package from IMF and World Bank, huh?

Let me tell u some unpleasant truths. Even in 60s almost 70% of Pakistan's total export earning used to come from East Pakistan. From 47-65(before the decline of jute demand) West Pakistan just looted the money generated by East Pakistan thorough the exportation of jute and tea, but didn't get anything in return.

From 47-65 East pakistan had 60% of total Population of Pakistan , earned above 60% of the total revenue but received below 30% of total expenditure whereas West Pakistan had merely 40% of total Pakistani people, earned only 40% percent of total revenue but received above 70% of total expenditures. Looting didn't get stopped in that domestic budget department alone, the amount of donation and loan Pakistan used to get from foreign countries, 90% of them used to be spent in West Pakistan to appease the 40% of population. Most of the infrastructures built in west Pakistan during that period was built with the money that was looted from innocent Bengalis.
Looted for what?
All you had was jute.
Besides, you guys were constantly getting hit by cyclones and other disasters and expecting west Pakistan to bail you out.

At the end of the day, you exchanged being part of Pakistan, to being under India.
Bangladesh today cannot make any policy of note without Indian consent.
We have a word for that in English: Colony.
You looted our jute export money continuously for 23 years and built your industries and a new Capital in Islamabad. Even, Ayub Khan imported turf grass from France to decorate Islamabad land. The dollar was paid by the east. It is not India who have colonized us, it was west Pakistan that tried to fully colonize us and was rightfully kicked out in 1971.

But, why you guys are against India? Is not it true that the IA troops saved your 93,000 martial race troops of Pathan and Punjabis from being killed by our short body Nata Muktis? Pakistan should remain forever grateful to India for that kind of mercy. Oh!! it was a site in 1972 January when the imprisoned martial race people were taken to India and fed with Hindu food. Many of them may have worshipped Indian troops so as not to get killed.

It looks odd to see you guys always lament over 1971. So, do not cry over grapes that went sour. We pity your girly characters. By the way, we still have many cyclones. But we have a reserve of $33 billion against your $10 billion. Our export is $35 billion against your $20 billion. So, it seems the Cyclones have no effects on our economy. Just stop bickering, idiot!!

@Hakikat ve Hikmet
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Agrred but why she support india when muslims in trouble there do islam or any muslim do it if she cant go against india atleadt do not support them
Why do you talk about Islam, Islam, and Islam all the time when you caused the Muslims of BD to suffer for 23 years and you are doing the same in Afghanistan? Why should a weak BD go against India? Kashmir is your problem. So, fight and get the land back to prove yourself that you belong to a higher martial race than the Sikhs. Are not you guys very much afraid of them? History since Raja Ranjit Singh says so. His territory included up to Peshwar.
Is it ever possible to discuss contemporary BD politics without Pakistan? The answer is no.
You looted our jute export money continuously for 23 years and built your industries and a new Capital in Islamabad. Even, Ayub Khan imported turf grass from France to decorate Islamabad land. The dollar was paid by the east. It is not India who have colonized us, it was west Pakistan that tried to fully colonize us and was rightfully kicked out in 1971.

But, why you guys are against India? Is not it true that the IA troops saved your 93,000 martial race troops of Pathan and Punjabis from being killed by our short body Nata Muktis? Pakistan should remain forever grateful to India for that kind of mercy. Oh!! it was a site in 1972 January when the imprisoned martial race people were taken to India and fed with Hindu food. Many of them may have worshipped Indian troops so as not to get killed.

It looks odd to see you guys always lament over 1971. So, do not cry over grapes that went sour. We pity your girly characters. By the way, we still have many cyclones. But we have a reserve of $33 billion against your $10 billion. Our export is $35 billion against your $20 billion. So, it seems the Cyclones have no effects on our economy. Just stop bickering, idiot!!

@Hakikat ve Hikmet

I'm sorry to break it to you but jute is not that valuable.
You probably think it's like growing gold, but it's not.
Proof is that it's been 40 years since, why have you not used that jute money to become super rich?

How did we try to colonize you?
We had plenty of Bengali presidents, and our armed forces were filled with Bengali.

We were a poor country doing our best to develop with limited resources.

LOL@ 90000 solders. This is how you know you have been colonized by India, you even believe their nonsense.

There were only about 30-40000 solders, the rest were civilians.
And no shame in loosing to a million man army with those numbers.
And our martial race has allowed us to not bend over to India. We are the only country in SAARC who does not bend to India's will.
We are a proud and free country with the ability to set our own policies in every area, can Bangladesh say the same?

Lament? LOL, okay.

so you only have 15 billion more than us and you didn't even fight a war on terror for almost 20 years.
with your jute money you should be as rich as Saudi, but here you are, still shitting in hols in the ground.

Listen, I know you are a emo kid who still has not gotten over the past.
Pakistanis don't really think or care about you people since you are just a colony of India.
We need anything from you, we will go to India first as they hold the real power.
It's not surprising to see that u don't have any clue about the economic disparity that existed between EP and WP during 41-71 period which was one of the main reasons behind our liberation war. The amount of looting West Pakistanis did from EP during that time was unprecedented. They drank the blood of innocent Bengalis like true leeches for 20 long years and systematically kept them dry, week and oppressed.

So, according to ur marvelous logic east pakistan remained economically insolvent due to cyclone and depended on West Pakistan to bail them out? R u trying to join a circus show mate? Even after 40 years of independence natural disaster like cyclone still hit us hard, but we have now a foreign reserve of 35 billion dollar, have one of the lowest debt to GDP ratio in Asia and have the ability to undertake mega-projects like Padma Bridge with our own money. How come cyclone and other natural disaster not playing any role now? I also wonder, why the president of current Pakistan has to run from door to door to get a bail out package from IMF and World Bank, huh?

Let me tell u some unpleasant truths. Even in 60s almost 70% of Pakistan's total export earning used to come from East Pakistan. From 47-65(before the decline of jute demand) West Pakistan just looted the money generated by East Pakistan thorough the exportation of jute and tea, but didn't get anything in return.

From 47-65 East pakistan had 60% of total Population of Pakistan , earned above 60% of the total revenue but received below 30% of total expenditure whereas West Pakistan had merely 40% of total Pakistani people, earned only 40% percent of total revenue but received above 70% of total expenditures. Looting didn't get stopped in that domestic budget department alone, the amount of donation and loan Pakistan used to get from foreign countries, 90% of them used to be spent in West Pakistan to appease the 40% of population. Most of the infrastructures built in west Pakistan during that period was built with the money that was looted from innocent Bengalis.

I know full well the disparity and I am not trying to defend that.
All I am saying is that it's not like Bangladesh was sitting on gold mines and we took them.

Both sides of Pakistan were poor and we were doing our best with limited resources.
But at the end of the day, 23 years is not even a blip in the history of time and if Pakistan was so bad, you should have become as rich as Saudi Arabia in the 10 years after 71. But you didn't. It took you 40 years (double the time you were with us) to finally figure out some way to make money and now you are slowly progressing.

Just keep that in mind. You can't blame everything in Pakistan, you have to look at the harsh realities at the time as well.
Is she a dictator? I don't think I have ever seen anyone else in charge in BD.
I can't see her face nowadays... Looks like -- watching a witch--

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