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Sheikh Hasina got an amazing welcome in India !

Idiot Malaun, I am talking about Hasina Bibi and not BD. You cannot understand the difference, not very unexpected for a BAL chamcha.

Ask Hasina to get elected by popular vote and not at midnight. Once she is elected we can say she represents BD. All will defend her. But, don't forget she is a killer.

But, when are you going to develop BD instead of building fancy expensive projects to hoodwink other people as if they do not know what is called development?
Really.... every BD poster is a BAL supporter accourding to you.

This is what happens when you get a myopic education. You can not help yourself, you have nothing to contribute. As an indian you simply do get that BD opinion varies from person to person and that where there are disagreement we accept our respective positions and move on. You pretending to be BD is the only person who randomly throws hissy fits against actual BD and invariably when you make a spectacle of your self return to type and insult people racially.

Channel your effort to getting laid perhaps.... being an incel is not conducive although I hear that is a central tenet of your hindutva turd ideology. You need to ponder if you are an incel because you are hindutva or your hindutva nonsense makes you an incel.

Sheikh Hasina was received by a junior state minister of Textile and Railway Mrs. Darshana Jardosh and some other obscure low level officials in Delhi airport.
Well fucking cunt…will take it in her *** by husband modi lol

No wonder modi treat her like bitch she is. Well deserved ha ha
BAL has pushed itself into a corner. Its neither drawing the benefits of a single party state, or a fully democratic one.
TBH,if there will be a free and fair election , BAL will get no more than 50 seats! Or even less!
Where is this Idiot MF Jaisankar, At least he should have gone to airport to receive her.
I am curious to learn why you think Jaisankar is an "idiot". All I hear from Indians about Jaishankar is how "smart" and "educated" he is.
TBH,if there will be a free and fair election , BAL will get no more than 50 seats! Or even less!


BAL had 14 years of rule to either consolidate its power completeley, ref. single party autocratic rule. Or do such a good job that people willingly vote them back into power. Neither happened and corruption still is parts and parcel of BAL.

Right now, BAL is dependent on some form of western support in order to stay in power. Something it partly achieved through India appeasing. It had to, Not because it is non-democratic, but because it hasnt managed to consolidate its monopoly rule completeley.

Its a myth that western power only support democratic rule. Vietnam, Gulf, China are examples of non-democratic countries that had strong US support.

So BAL right now is stuck between a rock and a stone. If it wants to stay in power, it has to appease India and America even more. Reducing the strategic options with regards to foreign policies. Thats why India really feel they dont have to play nice.

I am curious to learn why you think Jaisankar is an "idiot". All I hear from Indians about Jaishankar is how "smart" and "educated" he is.

He is very arrogant and useless guy. Could not maintain good relationship even with Nepal and Bhutan. He has zero achievements and credibility.

He can't win a municipal ward election. What is the big deal in speaking smart/boldly if there is no consequence facing people and election.
Training and capacity building in India for Bangladesh judicial officers ?
So after they are trained they're going to apply Indian laws and Bangladesh ?

Like I said, all actions are for Indian benefit only. So they can extend their "aachaar/kal-chaar" and laws in Bangladesh, so they can influence us and gain "faida" forever.

If we had any shame, we would have cut of all relations (including trade) with these mother-forsaken group of turdballs a long, long time ago.

The only way they know how to survive is by cheating others.

Just a bunch of low-lives, these Sanghis.
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Under the guidance of capable Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, Bangladesh is growing leaps and bounds. I am sure, in the next 10 years, Bangladesh will overtake all the countries in South Asia if Hasina is leading the country. Good luck to Bangladesh from across the border.
Offcourse you are as an indian. Your only action in this forum has been to bad mouth BD at every opportunity.

You are unusually concerned about chinese debt trap for BD....it is suspiciously a primary hindutva talking point...

LOL.... you can not help but fall on your face on every one of your posts

Mistri bhai’s only objective is to ridicule BD and bat for any side that is against BD.
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