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Sharp Sword Armed UCAV stealth Drone


We haven't seen any additional flight tests of the drone since its maiden flight. Latest rumors suggest that the project is being considered to be adapted for future UCAV tenders.
So now Washingtontimes is more credible than Dailymail..right that's what you are saying...
But Mr Falseflagger, even the WT report does not support your lie... and it is from 2013 so the dailymail's news report is up-to-date and WT does not contradict it in anyway...so why are you spreading false info here.
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So now Washingtontimes is more credible than Dailymail..right that's what you are saying...
But Mr Falseflagger, even the WT report does not support your lie... and it is from 2013 so the dailymail's news report is up-to-date and WT does not contradict it in anyway...so why are you spreading false info here. You have failed miserably.
@Foxtrot Delta good job...this news will burn some falseflagger's tushy like anything..

I posted the Washington Times article to dispel the belief that the UCAV "recently flew". The thing made its maiden flight in 2013.

As for the additional rumors regarding a supposed second prototype, there has been no evidence or suggestion of it until Foxtrot Delta claimed that he personally witnessed it. Whether that is a credible claim or not isn't up to me.

After being on this forum for so long, I'm still surprised that some choose not to vet their sources.
I posted the Washington Times article to dispel the belief that the UCAV "recently flew". The thing made its maiden flight in 2013.
What are you smoking right now...how can a report for 2013 say anything that happened in 2017...what kind of vedic logic is that
What are you smoking right now...how can a report for 2013 say anything that happened in 2017...what kind of vedic logic is that

Allow me to quote the article directly:

"And, a second, stealthier version may have begun flight tests last year, according to Popular Science."

The fact of the matter is, there exists only one confirmed Sharp Sword prototype, and its maiden flight was in 2013, not 2017. I don't see how I could make this clearer.
What are you smoking right now...how can a report for 2013 say anything that happened in 2017...what kind of vedic logic is that
I read and follow the Vedas and I respect Vedic literature and teaching, I suggest please don't offend other religious scriptures or terms,

How would you feel if someone said, what kind of a biblical logic is that or in your Quran logic is that?

As a Muslim I would feel very offended. That said I mean no dis-respect to you either. Please let's stay on topic and not indulge in senseless fights\arguments
Allow me to quote the article directly:

"And, a second, stealthier version may have begun flight tests last year, according to Popular Science."

The fact of the matter is, there exists only one confirmed Sharp Sword prototype, and its maiden flight was in 2013, not 2017. I don't see how I could make this clearer.
So basically you are saying that @Foxtrot Delta is lying because he claims he has seen two but he has no evidence right.. so that makes sense..
The original thread is from India Times and daily mail uk. I didn't base my thread on what I saw, as I don't have a way of proving it.
So basically you are saying that @Foxtrot Delta is lying because he claims he has seen two but he has no evidence right.. so that makes sense..

Being skeptical of something we've never seen or heard of isn't equivalent to passing off one's claim as a lie.

They were huge, and fast, even though on landing approach, one had a totally mate black paint, other one seemed smoother and a bit shiny green. No weapons or nozzles or may be I didn't have a good look. Both were this exact shape but seemed bigger than in these photos.

I guess in time we shall know, what's cooking. Very nice development indeed. Plus I read something about the other recon drone which uses solar power and flies near space . chinese plan on using those in case of settalite loss.

Thanks again for the updates.

If what you've described were in fact new airframes, then it would corroborate with persistent rumors that SAC was building an improved, "02" prototype.

One more question, though, were the UAVs that you witnessed more resemblant of the Sharp Sword or the drones in the following photo?
Being skeptical of something we've never seen or heard of isn't equivalent to passing off one's claim as a lie.

Thanks again for the updates.

If what you've described were in fact new airframes, then it would corroborate with persistent rumors that SAC was building an improved, "02" prototype.

One more question, though, were the UAVs that you witnessed more resemblant of the Sharp Sword or the drones in the following photo?
View attachment 375394
Btw what does SAC stand for?

Being skeptical of something we've never seen or heard of isn't equivalent to passing off one's claim as a lie.

Thanks again for the updates.

If what you've described were in fact new airframes, then it would corroborate with persistent rumors that SAC was building an improved, "02" prototype.

One more question, though, were the UAVs that you witnessed more resemblant of the Sharp Sword or the drones in the following photo?
View attachment 375394

They were exactly sharp sword . and yea I just figured out SAC stand for shenyang Aeronautical complex I think, while I can confirm I live 800 meters from shenyang aerospace university, shenyang hang kong hang tian daxue, which is building the drone, according to Wikipedia, I didn't know that. Wow .
Btw what does SAC stand for?

They were exactly sharp sword . and yea I just figured out SAC stand for shenyang Aeronautical complex I think, while I can confirm I live 800 meters from shenyang aerospace university, shenyang hang kong hang da daxue, which is building the drone, according to Wikipedia, I didn't know that. Wow .

Interesting, indeed. Were there a lot of recent test flights of the 2 prototypes or just intermittent, occasional ones?

Even better, do you know when did the second prototype fly for the first time?
I just observed them once, usually I only get to see, j-11s and jh-7 during lunch break time. Anyways I hope they do a good job refining the targeting systems and WS-13 engine.
I just observed them once, usually I only get to see, j-11s and jh-7 during lunch break time. Anyways I hope they do a good job refining the targeting systems and WS-13 engine.

So, it is possible, then, that the improved Sharp Sword prototype made its maiden flight 5 days ago. Thanks once more for the updates; hopefully more information is shed in the coming days or weeks.
Reporting from the Chinese Internet suggests that a second, even stealthier Sharp Sword began flying last year (with a stealthy engine). If flight testing with the prototypes goes as well as the initial flight tests did with the first airframe, the Sharp Sword could enter service as early as 2019-2020.

Initially, it’s believed that the Sharp Sword will be used for reconnaissance in areas with dense air defense networks, as well as tailing foreign warships. As the Chinese develops a familiarity with the Sharp Sword, it could be used for combat operations as a “first through the door” weapon against highly defended, high-value targets (such as long range SAM sites or S-300\400 systems), as well as an aerial tanker for other drones and carrier aircraft (akin to plans for the U.S. MQ-25). There is even the possibility of carrier version for China’s planned next generation of catapult equipped aircraft carriers
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