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Sharp decline in reading level among kids in India

It is well known India's literacy rate is high...Far higher than what a 3rd world country is...Esp the South or so I had read few years ago! Not sure where that guy (@Icewolf ) brought all those funny figures...No harm admitting the truth!
10 years back we had different problem.. not enough students enrolling in school. New age.. new problem , itdentifying problem is important. we cant live in ignorant world... this is third Education related thread on PDF today !
Today's kids have different interest because of the technology that brings everything to them with a mouse click or a touch of a button. They Google it and find precisely what they want, instead of reading a whole book about the same subject. As others pointed out, this is a global phenomena. Anyways, recently I saw a post about a kid


Kolkata: Seven-year-old Pritvik is a science genius. He has already authored two books on paleontology. The Class 4 student from Kolkata has taken the world of science by storm with his book 'When Dinosaurs Roamed the Earth'. For the class 4 student who also teaches four classes including his seniors, dinosaurs has been an obsession since he was nine-months- old and he is only warming up. "They have been on this earth for millions of years and we have discovered only some of them. There are still so many of them left to be discovered," Pritvik said. For his mother Indira it's been tough dealing with the special demands of a very special child. "It is extremely difficult, as a mother, it is a very big challenge. Seeing the names that he could remember, I found it difficult to accept that he is different," she says. But for his grandfather, an academic Pritvik is a rare light of genius. He spends hours with Pritvik baffling him with questions. "When he was two or two and a half he asked me once how when when we turn the car we turn outwards. He learnt centrifugal force, then something I learnt in college," his grandfather says. Pritvik has already completed his second book and is working on his third. His dream is to be a successful paleontologist. And so the journey begins for this young boy fascinated with what roamed the earth millions of years ago.
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