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Shanghai metro hires people to shove commuters into trains

Haha bro. You ROC folks are way more "polite" and "goody-two-shoes" than us 长在红旗下,喝了狼奶长大的。

It's really just me, and it takes time and effort. Not all from Taiwan are polite. For example refer to die hard TIs and greenies.

Anyways, did you miss the context? I wasn't attacking his "identity" at all, but merely showcasing an example of what goes around could easily boomerang if someone else takes a page from his own silly play book.

I see, wasn't aware of that aspect before.

Anybody can "out-nationalist" a nationalist if they just know the "code words" and the right buttons to press. These people are China's Taliban AFAIC. When such 新义和团 (both from the left and the right) will take over is anybody's guess.

That is quite true.

These days I couldn't even be bothered with any run-of-the-mill 粪粪 hyper-nationalist - just the ones displaying a glaring stupidity and a gross lack of decorum.

I defend against personal attacks, other than that I don't bother either.

Anyways, I couldn't care less if he is in Japan or you are down under. It was all just for "exhibitional purposes". I am sorry it got too "hot" for you.

No hard feelings - just words - so far. :azn:


Not at all. But I try to avoid bad blood and untie misunderstandings. If it was deep inherent bias I would not try - you can see I just don't join in flaming/trolling wars.

Then again maybe you know everyone better than I do since I joined just this year. I start off on equal footings with everyone and adjusts if need be.
Then again maybe you know everyone better than I do since I joined just this year. I start off on equal footings with everyone and adjusts if need be.

You can read simplified Chinese characters ?
Then again maybe you know everyone better than I do since I joined just this year. I start off on equal footings with everyone and adjusts if need be.

Although I have cited the history of China over the past years in a discussion, but I think it is a historical tragedy, and now among the Chinese people should not be carrying it (blame, or hatred), the KMT in the past does not mean that the present KMT . I hope you understand, it is just history, I have no other idea of any political background for the Chinese
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Then again maybe you know everyone better than I do since I joined just this year. I start off on equal footings with everyone and adjusts if need be.

To recommend to you two China's latest historical novel, written by Internet users, Traditional Chinese Version.


@ chinapakistan

Educational "troll" mode:

Watch your language you fc^ck!ng half-Japanese 恬不知耻的 sellout! Who the h#ll gave you permission to troll against one of our Taiwanese brothers from the land of shameless Yamatos? I betcha go to 靖国神社 every week and lick the floor to show your loyalty to the idols of r@pists for xxxx your xxxx and giving birth to such a 傻B人渣 such as your disgraceful self?​

Exiting "troll" mode.

Now listen up you "沙比"/"戆比样子". I know you take a leaf from your wet nurse baby-sitter and the rest of the r@t pack on deflecting everybody who disagrees with you as a "Hindoo" or a "Joo".

But know this from the Cultural Revolution: you can put up a 大字报, but someone else can always put up a bigger 大字报 and use your favourite verbatim against you - 汉奸败类不要脸的走狗。

Just because you supposedly traveled to India 3 times a year and kept up your Chinese language proficiency reasonably well since arriving in Japan at 10, you don't know everything.

I don't care what you don't know - but watch your mouth!

Or else someone will teach you the meaning of trolling :azn:


请问你是SB么? 你哪只狗眼看到我骂那个no-name了?我只是试验一下他是不是台湾人而已,我看你怎么像一条疯狗一样见到人就咬。我最看不起的就是你这种在国外生活了几年就到处说自己国家不好的人了,你简直就是个人渣。
懒得和你理论,不就是你上次骂grey boy 2的时候我帮他说让你注意你的嘴巴么?至于你记仇这么久么?好不容易找了这么个机会把,你真辛苦了阿。我一般都尽量避免和中国人争论,你是例外,因为你不属于人类范畴。:lol:
BTW:Stop acting like you know everything, this will only show you are ingnorant and nothing worth than a sh@t. And next time when you wanna attack someone, stop relating his family to it, bcoz if you do that it will show you are reared up by some wild animal. You called me half-japanese? Unfortunatly I am a 100% pure chinese. But I am doubting that are you a half-呵3?
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请问你是SB么? 你哪只狗眼看到我骂那个no-name了?我只是试验一下他是不是台湾人而已,我看你怎么像一条疯狗一样见到人就咬。我最看不起的就是你这种在国外生活了几年就到处说自己国家不好的人了,你简直就是个人渣。
懒得和你理论,不就是你上次骂grey boy 2的时候我帮他说让你注意你的嘴巴么?至于你记仇这么久么?好不容易找了这么个机会把,你真辛苦了阿。我一般都尽量避免和中国人争论,你是例外,因为你不属于人类范畴。:lol:

我根本没招惹他,他前几天无缘无故骂grey boy2,我让他注意自己的嘴,估计他就记仇了,今天无缘无故随便找了理由上来就满嘴喷sh@t,整个一个狂犬病患者。这种人没必要理解他。再说了我打那句汉语,就是看看no_name懂不懂中文,不知道他的那只狗眼看到我骂no_name或者台湾人了??? 真是一个垃圾阿。
我根本没招惹他,他前几天无缘无故骂grey boy2,我让他注意自己的嘴,估计他就记仇了,今天无缘无故随便找了理由上来就满嘴喷sh@t,整个一个狂犬病患者。这种人没必要理解他。再说了我打那句汉语,就是看看no_name懂不懂中文,不知道他的那只狗眼看到我骂no_name或者台湾人了??? 真是一个垃圾阿。




"沙比阿 3装什么湾湾阿"


上面那句你自己的原话倒已经忘了。教你不出要乱贴大字报还真对上了号。 同"中国人"间的争论有什么关系? 是"中国人"的就都得在一棵容不下不同意见的树上吊死? 已经和你说得一清二楚: 持不同观点的不一定是阿三。你左一句A3右一句A3就和你10岁离开的祖国争光了?

我前面那篇对你用了"激将法"是偏激了点,但还是有的放矢的. 什么混不混血的胡话屁话这儿少说, 边都沾不上你现丑却有份. 否则不要怪我对你为倭子...话就点到为止了. :azn:


P.S., 你什么时候以前给了我贴子? :what:
我根本没招惹他,他前几天无缘无故骂grey boy2,我让他注意自己的嘴,估计他就记仇了,今天无缘无故随便找了理由上来就满嘴喷sh@t,整个一个狂犬病患者。这种人没必要理解他。再说了我打那句汉语,就是看看no_name懂不懂中文,不知道他的那只狗眼看到我骂no_name或者台湾人了??? 真是一个垃圾阿。

Ahhh little friend, you mentioned GB2 - sorry, the boy is on my Ignore list while he is free to "Diu nei" this and that and his own.

Use the List, so you are spared my drivel offending your delicate sensibility.

Don't let anyone say I didn't offer you sound advice!

"沙比阿 3装什么湾湾阿"


上面那句你自己的原话倒已经忘了。教你不出要乱贴大字报还真对上了号。 同"中国人"间的争论有什么关系? 是"中国人"的就都得在一棵容不下不同意见的树上吊死? 已经和你说得一清二楚: 持不同观点的不一定是阿三。你左一句A3右一句A3就和你10岁离开的祖国争光了?

我前面那篇对你用了"激将法"是偏激了点,但还是有的放矢的. 什么混不混血的胡话屁话这儿少说, 边都沾不上你现丑却有份. 否则不要怪我对你为倭子...话就点到为止了. :azn:


P.S., 你什么时候以前给了我贴子? :what:

我没看出“沙比阿 3装什么湾湾阿” 除了针对阿三还针对了什么人?
湾湾是我在天涯看到的,和大家称呼温家宝为宝宝一样,这是一种可爱的称呼。我什么时候让你容不下不同意见了?你以前写的回复你什么时候看到我恶意troll你了么?我说A3 A3是我自己的事,和你有什么关系?我就是看不起A3,因为有很多A3叫中国人和日本人更难听的话。还有什么叫新义和团? 没听说中国还有这个组织。还有你说的什么大字报的没明白你要表达什么内容?:blink:
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