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Shame story: India is the biggest mother killer of the world


Jun 14, 2010
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Shame story: India is the biggest mother killer of the world

Published: Thursday, Sep 16, 2010, 2:59 IST

By Vineeta Pandey | Place: New Delhi | Agency: DNA

Puncturing tall government claims, a World Health Organisation (WHO) report claimed on Wednesday India accounted for most maternal deaths in the world, with at least 63,000 such deaths taking place in 2008 alone.

In fact, India fared worse than even Nigeria (50,000 maternal deaths in 2008), Congo (19,000), Afghanistan (18,000), Ethiopia (14,000), Pakistan (14,000), Tanzania (14,000), Bangladesh (12,000), Indonesia (10,000), Sudan (9,700) and Kenya (7,900).
An estimated 65% of maternal deaths globally occurred in these 11 countries in 2008, with India contributing the most.

Though India’s maternal mortality ratio (MMR) came down from 570 deaths per 1,00,000 live births to 230 in 2008, the change in percentage was negative-59.

Health ministry officials, however, put on a brave face, saying the figures were stale and fresh data would surely present a better picture.

The WHO report, ‘Trends in maternal mortality’, contradicts a nationwide survey commissioned by Unicef in 2009 which recently claimed that important parameters of maternal health, such as institutional delivery, safe delivery by skilled birth attendants and three or more ante-natal check-ups by mothers, had increased impressively since 2005-06.

It says the number of women dying due to complications during pregnancy and childbirth decreased by 34%, from an estimated 5,46,000 in 1990 to 3,58,000, in 2008 worldwide. But the annual rate of decline was less than half the target to achieve the millennium development goal of reducing MMR by 75% between 1990 and 2015. Developing countries continued to account for 99% (3,55,000) of such deaths, while sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia accounted for 87% (3,13,000).

It is estimated that overall, there were 42, 000 deaths due to HIV/AIDS among pregnant women.

Shame story: India is the biggest mother killer of the world - India - DNA
Yes Indeed Its Heartening to Know that... Many Women are just too Weak to get pregnant and Deliver a Healthy baby, And Many Get Pregnant Even Before reaching there Maturity Age, Availability of Good Hospitals are a Need of The day In Rural Areas, Where Still Natural Means Of Delivery Is Practiced Which At times Prove Costly....

Lack Of Proper Governance Is All What I could Define such Instances
If you keep browsing internet you will find many eye catching headlines
which seems to be unrelated their is no killing but these women seem to be victims of circumstances.

The very fact the reports states explains a lot it only says the situation is improving.

"Though India’s maternal mortality ratio (MMR) came down from 570 deaths per 1,00,000 live births to 230 in 2008, the change in percentage was negative-59."

However the situation is pathetic in India and many other developing countries.
In fact, India fared worse than even Nigeria (50,000 maternal deaths in 2008), Congo (19,000), Afghanistan (18,000), Ethiopia (14,000), Pakistan (14,000), Tanzania (14,000), Bangladesh (12,000), Indonesia (10,000), Sudan (9,700) and Kenya (7,900).
An estimated 65% of maternal deaths globally occurred in these 11 countries in 2008, with India contributing the most.

India has a MUCH larger population than any of the countries listed there.

If you look at it in percentage terms, it is not as bad as the article writer makes it sound.
I have done some calculation and data was sorted on % basis

Country total population (from wiki) maternal deaths %

Afghanistan 29,117,000 18,000 6.18%
Nigeria 158,259,000 50,000 3.16%
Tanzania 45,040,000 14,000 3.11%
Congo 67,827,000 19,000 2.80%
Sudan 39,154,490 9,700 2.48%
Kenya 38,610,097 7,900 2.05%
Ethiopia 79,221,000 14,000 1.77%
Pakistan 170,541,000 14,000 0.82%
Bangladesh 164,425,000 12,000 0.73%
India 1,187,640,000 63,000 0.53%
Indonesia 237,556,363 10,000 0.42%

We are working to decrease the mother mortality rate and will succeed...
Jai Hind
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Shame story: India is the biggest mother killer of the world

Published: Thursday, Sep 16, 2010, 2:59 IST

By Vineeta Pandey | Place: New Delhi | Agency: DNA

Puncturing tall government claims, a World Health Organisation (WHO) report claimed on Wednesday India accounted for most maternal deaths in the world, with at least 63,000 such deaths taking place in 2008 alone.

In fact, India fared worse than even Nigeria (50,000 maternal deaths in 2008), Congo (19,000), Afghanistan (18,000), Ethiopia (14,000), Pakistan (14,000), Tanzania (14,000), Bangladesh (12,000), Indonesia (10,000), Sudan (9,700) and Kenya (7,900).
An estimated 65% of maternal deaths globally occurred in these 11 countries in 2008, with India contributing the most.

Though India’s maternal mortality ratio (MMR) came down from 570 deaths per 1,00,000 live births to 230 in 2008, the change in percentage was negative-59.

It is estimated that overall, there were 42, 000 deaths due to HIV/AIDS among pregnant women.

Shame story: India is the biggest mother killer of the world - India - DNA

If you want to make a point please post an article and put atleast a line of thought of your own with it so we can be clear about your purpose of the thread. Else most of your articles fulfil the coditions of flaming.

Since you haven't done it here I'd like to point out to your country's MMR which is 276, worse than India's 230/100,000. I hope that puts things in perspective for you, and who should be more ashamed, if you want to put it that way.
I saw a documentary on National Geographic channel.... they showed tht in many areas it was difficult for men to get married coz of the low men to women ratio... women killing there female child ....

Chinese dragon... watch Nat Geographic.

Yeah that does happen in India. female fetuses are being aborted and baby girls deliberately neglected and left to die, since girls are seen as a liability among many of the rural population.
Yeah that does happen in India. female fetuses are being aborted and baby girls deliberately neglected and left to die, since girls are seen as a liability among many of the rural population.

Indian Marriage system follows "Dowry System", And Poor people Cannot afford to Pay dowry if a Girl Child is Born and Hence mercilessly Abandoned or Killed.... Even though Indian Law is Against the Dowry it Still Is Followed in every part of India, from Rich to Poor...
Yeah that does happen in India. female fetuses are being aborted and baby girls deliberately neglected and left to die, since girls are seen as a liability among many of the rural population.

Unfortunately, that happens in my country too.

It's a terrible shame really. Our females account for 50% of our nation, it is essential that they are treated well.
Indian Marriage system follows "Dowry System", And Poor people Cannot afford to Pay dowry if a Girl Child is Born and Hence mercilessly Abandoned or Killed.... Even though Indian Law is Against the Dowry it Still Is Followed in every part of India, from Rich to Poor...

I think some religious reforms can help,that if these babas rather than giving lecture on peace/mysteries of spirituality to foreigners can declare that these practices are horrific sins.
Indian Marriage system follows "Dowry System", And Poor people Cannot afford to Pay dowry if a Girl Child is Born and Hence mercilessly Abandoned or Killed.... Even though Indian Law is Against the Dowry it Still Is Followed in every part of India, from Rich to Poor...

You are fast... while I was typing and you have posted :partay:

Further, most of Indians don't have 5 or more children and have a ill mentality (mera khandan kaun chalayega) too. those who prefer to have one child only want that child to be a boy thus they kill the girl child.
Health Statistics:(what I collected from last few yrs)

CBR--> 23.4 (21.76-->2009)
CDR--> 8 (6.23 --2009)

IMR--> 54 (2007)
IMR: 30.15 deaths/1,000 live births (2009)
Male: 34.61 deaths/1,000 live births
Female: 25.18 deaths/1,000 live births

Life Expectancy at birth -
Males - 62.3 (2005); 67.46 (2009)
Females - 65.3 (2005); 72.61 (2009)

Neonatal mortality rate : 37 per 1000 live births (2006); 34 per 1000 live births (2009)
Early neonatal mortality rate : 28 per 1000 live births (2006)
Under 5 mortality rate : 72 per 1000 (2007); 64 per 1000 (2009)

General fertility rate - 93.3 (2006)
General marital fertility rate - 111.7 (2009)
Total feritility rate - 2.72(2009)
GRR--> 1.3 (2006)
NRR--> 1.4
MMR--> 301/lakh Live Birth(2003); 2009 --> 254
CPR--> 58%

Seks ratio--> 933(2001); 927 (2009)
Least- Haryana
Least child seks ratio- Punjab

Population--> Rural(72%): Urban(28%)

A powerful Indicator is IMR--> highest of Japan (5-8/1000 LB)

So u can compare where we stand....we are doing better than 5 yrs ago......within next 5 yrs we will change it to much much better....

New census will also make these data clearer..........

But title of thread not worthy of any serious discussion.......:tdown:
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