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'Shame on you, Sky News!' Romania threatens reporter over 'staged' terror report


Mar 6, 2013
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United Kingdom
ROMANIAN officials have ripped into a Sky News report about illegal arms dealers in the country who said they would sell weapons to terrorists

The report on Sky News saw journalist Stuart Ramsay meet illegal arms dealers in a remote corner of Romania who said they would sell weapons to any terrorists.

The British broadcast segment caused a widespread uproar in Romania that has seen even the country's Prime Minister hit out at the London-based TV news station.

Romania has claimed the report was staged and fake and at least one government minister has threatened legal action against Mr Ramsay.

The national crime agency has already detained several men for giving "false information" in the broadcast report.

In the report, chief correspondent Mr Ramsay meets two masked men who offered a range of weapons including semi-automatic rifles, shotguns and pistols for sale.

One of the men said sales of AK-47s, the automatic rifle used in recent terror attacks, had “rocketed” in the past two years.

The man was asked if he was worried about his guns ending up in the hands of extremists.

He said: “If you have the money I don’t care who you are."

However, Romanian officials have attacked the Sky News production team claiming they had been "staging the fake report".

Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos said it was "unacceptable to denigrate a country without proof".

Organized crime prosecutor Daniel Horodniceanu called the report "a setup by British journalists".

Romanian prosecutors allege that Sky paid those in the report more than £5,000 - a claim that Mr Ramsay denies.

Prosecutors say the men featured in the Sky News report entitled "Gang selling AK-47s 'Bound for Western Europe'" face charges including suspicion of communicating false information and being in a criminal group.

Mihaela Porime, a spokeswoman for the prosecutors' agency, said the alleged "illegal guns" in the report are in fact legal hunting guns with permits.

The Romanian investigators also found the car that appears in the video belonged to a local hunter who had lent it to a friend.

Mrs Porime also said those arrested claimed they had been given a script by Mr Ramsay.

The men who appeared in the report told prosecutors they were just pretending to be members of a mafia gang.

However, Sky News have stood firm and have since defended the report on gun running.

A statement from the broadcaster read: “Stuart Ramsay is one of our most experienced and tenacious journalists with a long history of delivering major stories from around the world.

"He’s delivered a robust report on gun-dealing in Romania and Sky News fully stands by the story."

Mr Ramsay blamed the Romanian response on the government being embarassed from the fallout.


What a complete sham these tossers made out of journalism.There are pictures of the British journalist released by Romanian security agencies in which he meets the so called "arms dealers" in a hotel parking lot,without their masks,where they discuss the script they'll act.:rofl::tdown::bad:

He He He !

But what if they say the same thing about Iran or Russia ...

I want to see the reactions then :D
The facts are like this:

Stuart Ramsay (Sky News chief correspondent) contacted Szanto Aurelian Mihai, a man who speaks both English and Romanian and is a Romanian citizen. Ramsay told Szanto to find a few people in Romania that for around 2000 Euro in total accept to masquerade as arms traffickers.

Szanto immediately talked with two friends: Pantics Levente and Pantics Csaba Atilla, one of them a hunter. On July 29, 2016, Ramsay and his team landed in Targu Mures (town in Romania). The scenario of the entire show was written by Ramsay and given to Szanto. Both of them can be seen in front of a hotel in Romania on a surveillance video, Szanto wears a blue T shirt with the word "FINAL" printed on it, see: (search the net for this string SKY+NEWS+STUART+RAMSAY+IMAGINI+REACTIE and watch the photos).

Latter, on July 31, 2016, Ramsay, his team and Szanto drove to Jeica, Mures county, Romania where they met Pantics Levente and Pantics Csaba Atilla who had a few hunting rifles in their car. Ramsay and his people directed the entire show. Szanto even received, from the British team, a mask because he did not have one with him, unlike the other two. Under the supervision of Ramsay the three Romanian citizen (their nationality is Hungarian) did what they were told to do and say, masquerading as dangerous criminals.

The next day Ramsay left Romania and a few days later the staged reportage was aired by Sky News as genuine when in fact it was an ordinary fake fabricated by Stuart Ramsay who used three irresponsible paid amateur actors.

The media from UK is specialized in making up stories which are aired as real things. For me it has become evident that all reports about ISIS and Al Qaeda are fictitious. These two organisations never existed.
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the British media are full of shit and lies. nothing unusual here.

The British media is the amongst the most balanced in the world, and we have organisations that represent the full political spectrum. Freedom of press is paramount here.
As for the incident, I'll have to read more into it.
the British media are full of shit and lies. nothing unusual here.

The sad thing is that people like you flamer84 quote similar articles from Sky news and Daily Mail when they make up lies about Bosnia

Truth be told,Bosnia isn't a country but a a federation where Serbs,Bosnians and Croats are forced to live together.The sooner you separate,the better it is.

The British media is the amongst the most balanced in the world, and we have organisations that represent the full political spectrum. Freedom of press is paramount here.
As for the incident, I'll have to read more into it.

Read into it,i's an embarassment
Read into it,i's an embarassment

If he has done something like this, then that is terrible and his career is over. I want to see his side as well, or least the organisation that employs him.
If he has done something like this, then that is terrible and his career is over. I want to see his side as well, or least the organisation that employs him.

He's just tweeting that Romania is trolling without answering.Anyway,as I've understood,we're going to file criminal charges against him
He's just tweeting that Romania is trolling without answering.Anyway,as I've understood,we're going to file criminal charges against him

What would be the process then? Is he still in the country?
Truth be told,Bosnia isn't a country but a a federation where Serbs,Bosnians and Croats are forced to live together.The sooner you separate,the better it is.

No it's not

You obviously do not know much about Bosnia as it was originally the Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina. It only became fractionalized into a loose state due to a peace accord at Dayton in which the country is under International Occupation and an International written constitution that we were forced to accept.

The Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina parliament in 1995 did not even ratify the Dayton accord which was signed when Bosnian Muslim and Croat Forces were weeks away from defeating the Serbs.

Any new attempt at trying to seize and occupy Bosnian territory will result in a new war. You can't separate a country that has an almost 1000 year old history and expect things to go smoothly.
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