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Shahzain Bugti's name on ECL, prevented by FIA from flying abroad

Not the agencies, our beloved Govt. Removal of name from ECL has nothing to do with agencies.

ahan, and the government runs the affairs of balouchistan ?? :lol:
i never said kill him....but i dont appreciate the fact that he is going around with heavy weapons and RPGs.....who does he think he is?

If he wants to live like a gangster, then he should be treated like one. I think the fact that he runs a political party that talks about ''Baloch nation'' and the State allows him to do that, it shows already how much restraint there has been on him and people like him.

In Turkey if Kurds were allowed to have a party that talked about ''Kurd nation'' you know what the hell would happen to them?

Pakistan is becoming too much of a free country, sometimes I feel.
i never said kill him....but i dont appreciate the fact that he is going around with heavy weapons and RPGs.....who does he think he is?

If he wants to live like a gangster, then he should be treated like one.

he wanted to go back to his home town Daira Bhugti, that is why even anti-air craft guns( :lol: ) were found from his convey. I mean why would he ever do that when he knows the Army is after him and family ??

just like culture of having girl friend is no point of objection in our society, walking with guns is no point of objection in their society...
the strategy should always be bend the hearts and minds of opponents, through force you cannot make anyone come by your side... and its not weakness and its not just asking peace with honour but also giving peace with honour.

and if you know Balouch people, you know the world may bend, but not Balouch !! be it in Kakul academy or be it the Saramchars in the mountains !!
he wanted to go back to his home town Daira Bhugti, that is why even anti-air craft guns( :lol: ) were found from his convey. I mean why would he ever do that when he knows the Army is after him and family ??

just like culture of having girl friend is no point of objection in our society, walking with guns is no point of objection in their society...

I'm not convinced, friend.

and carrying around ack-ack guns is not funny....he should be punished for that. I have nothing personal against him, but i'm fed up of this lack of accountability. There's no concept of right vs. wrong anymore.
I'm not convinced, friend.

and carrying around ack-ack guns is not funny....he should be punished for that. I have nothing personal against him, but i'm fed up of this lack of accountability. There's no concept of right vs. wrong anymore.

and yes the guns he was carrying were licensed while the anti air craft guns added by FC wasnot :lol: as later in court they restored to arguments of not having license of 14 trucks rather than their previous claim of carrying anti air craft guns... it is definitely funny... No ? :)

Accountability should start by digging the grave of Ayub kuttta then !!
No i dont subscribe to that. It should start NOW, since what's done is already done.

where did you hear about FC ''planting'' AA guns? Is that the truth or is that a fiction?
No i dont subscribe to that. It should start NOW, since what's done is already done.

where did you hear about FC ''planting'' AA guns? Is that the truth or is that a fiction?

you can well guess from the fact why they couldnot give proper evidence in court about those guns belonging to ShahZain...and restored to having unlicensed trucks...

who would start accountability? the government, the army or judiciary ? which has the most credibility or any credibility at all?? even if today our institutions restore to work honestly in their respective sphere, we might survive...but realistically its too late, we have done enough crimes in the name of Pakistan, that it would be difficult to carry out further more, without breaking into anarchy...civil war is inevitable. one cannot restore to fascist strategy (army style of accountability) and expect to survive long...
i dont tolerate attitude of defeat and melancholy.

pull yourself together young man
i dont tolerate attitude of defeat and melancholy.

pull yourself together young man

look at my avatar and tell me if I would ever be hopeless from future of Pakistan?? and look at my signature statement :P

last week, three politicians said the same thing:

Imran khan said if we didnot correct ourselves we are going to doom,

Javed Hashmi said if we didnot adopt the right path, we are going towards destruction,

Etizaz Ehsan said if we didnot elect capable politicians in 2013, we are going towards anarchy.

the Nation needs to think how to survive the civil war, which to me is inevitable now...unless something dramatic occurs from the very british left system.
so when all else fails, you blame the army? :laugh:

Pakistanis wanted democracy, they got zardari. So we should also collectively take responsibility for electing douche-bags
so when all else fails, you blame the army? :laugh:

Pakistanis wanted democracy, they got zardari. So we should also collectively take responsibility for electing douche-bags

army is nothing more than a defence related institution in its right place, but state within state in Pakistan history. sometimes used by politicians other times for their own power motives.#
The nation is not at back of army in any of their Amreeki paid missions, kayani knows, that is why he often has to say sentences like fooj awam mein se hai...

yes we may have elected douche bags, but if the process continues, it automatically filters itself.
you're still young, my friend....as time passes, you will learn.

dig deeper into things; at shallow-end, things seem clearer than they really are
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