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UPDATE: Tue, March 5th, 2013 4:00 AM BST

Train communication in all over the country completely collapsed as of tonight. Situation in tomorrow morning (in few hours) expected to be much worse.

Dhaka is viirtually cutoff from rest of the country no supply is coming from outside.

Chittagong port which handles 2000 containers could hardly handle 200.

Shahbagh fascist mob realizing their days are numbered announced they will not be in the street tomorrow to face hartal like other days.
. .
we Pakistani have reservations on persecution of those respected Elders of JI, they did in 1971, what they were supposed to do. being patriotic they did the best they could. But awami league must be ashamed of what they are doing.
we Pakistani have reservations on persecution of those respected Elders of JI, they did in 1971, what they were supposed to do. being patriotic they did the best they could. But awami league must be ashamed of what they are doing.

diplomacy is not your cup of tea.....

quit trolling
So they do not have any affiliations to mosques like in Pakistan? They just run profitable businesses to get money?

They are quite detached from BD religious organizations.
They are only after money.
They get their supporter fby brainwashing poor ppl and school going childs.
Mainstream Islamic ppl hate them.
They follow controversial type of Islam led by moududi.
do you mean my self ? of my nation ?
if that so then who are you ?
. .
Respect, but i believe our foreign office must raise that issue internationality as those elders fought for us.
i mean its their issue let them handle it ,

a comment or two can lead to misunderstandings which might spoil the mutual respect between the pak & bd members
I venomously object on UR comment like it's their issue let them handle it. No it's not only their issue as allegations against JI leaders are 71s war related, in which aiding PAK's army while involving unethical deeds are highlighted in the surface but the real motive is to drive Islamiat away from sub-continent gradually. The current saga is the continuation of the break up of Babri Masjid, Gujarat's massacre that actually started with the establishment of BRITS empire. So, please don't try to run away from battle field by hiding tail behind the legs as It's also very important for PAK's survival as well, thanks.
They are quite detached from BD religious organizations.
They are only after money.
They get their supporter fby brainwashing poor ppl and school going childs.
Mainstream Islamic ppl hate them.
They follow controversial type of Islam led by moududi.
JI has built around 8500 Masjids,Libraries, orphanage, charities for not to be leveled as above. JI provides more help for the needy than even GOVT. to some extents. Proof? PAK's JI's volunteers reached at the earth-quake's sufferers even before soldiers, BD's JI provided help for needy during flood, cyclone, winter etc.even before GOB did. Followings are the JI's Creedo, so if don't like it then please critisize constructively but not with the falsehood.Here we go,

Bangladesh Jamaat e Islami

A perfect plan of knowledge of Islamic studies.

A strong association for the improvement of character.

A pragmatic program for public welfare and social reform.

A legitimate movement for the establishment of public welfare oriented ideal state and government.

Duty of Eqamat e Deen

Allah said in clear language in three chapters of the holy Quran indicating the fact why He sent His Prophet Muhammad (SAW) to the world:

“It is He Who hath sent His Messenger with guidance and the Religion of Truth, to proclaim it over all religion.” (sura at tawba-33, sura al fatah-28, sura as saff-9)

Rasul (SAW) discharged this duty by establishing The Deen of Allah. He proved that Islam is the only path of peace in the earth by enforcing the law of Allah in all spheres of individual, family, society, state, law, administration, judiciary and commerce. So, to perform the duty of establishing Islam is very important task. Sahaba e kiram (companions of prophet) also performed this duty with Muhammad (SAW). We all should discharge this duty properly as a Muslim. Satisfaction of Allah can never be possible by neglecting this duty.

Importance of united life

It was not possible even for a prophet to accomplish this duty individually. So, prophets executed a movement making them united who came under the shade of faith. It is tough to lead life as a complete Muslim in a society where Islam is not in force. And, the task of establishing the Deen of Allah is in no way possible without being united.

Prophet (SAW) said, a Muslim separated from organization is captured by Satan as a sheep separated from herd is captured by wolf. So, life with an organization is an inevitable demand of Iman (faith).

What kind of party is Jamaat- e - Islami?

Jamaat e Islami is not a conventional religious, political, social or cultural party only. Jamaat performs as a spiritual party as spiritual life is important in Islam. Jamaat performs in political arena because Islamic law can’t be implemented without political force. Jamaat concentrates upon social service and social reform as strong emphasis has been given on social service and social reform in Islam. In this sense, Jamaat- e- Islami is a complete Islamic movement.

Fundamental (aqida) belief of Jamaat

• Allah is only Rob, lawgiver and commander of mankind

• Only Quran and sunnah are complete code of life for human being

• Only Muhammad (SAW) is the ideal leader to be followed in all spheres of life

• The movement of establishing Islam is the only objective of life of a mumin

• Satisfaction of Allah and salvation in eternal life (Akhirat) are the demand of life of a mumin (believer)

Organization of Jamaat e Islami

Bangladesh Jamaat e Islami is producing capable people through the organization because it wants to establish deen Islam. People fit for this great task are to be gathered to establish Islamic society, state and government. These people will not come from space or can’t be imported from abroad. Jamaat e Islami is making capable people from amongst the people of Bangladesh as the prophet (SAW) gathered people by invitation and organization.

Three points of Dawat (invitation) of Jamaat

It is known from Quran and Hadith that prophets (AS) invited people in the manner that:

"O my people! worship Allah! ye have no other God but Him.” [Quran, sura al araf : 50, 61, 84]

They who accepted this Dawat, all entered Islam declaring that:


(There is no God but Allah and Muhammad (SAW) is His messenger)

Jamaat e Islami has presented this declaration of kalmia e taiyaba as 3 points of dawat:

1. Admit Allahu Subhanau Ta’la as sole Ilah (absolute commander) and prophet Muhammad (SAW) as the ideal leader to get peace in the world and attain salvation in akhirat (hereafter);

2. If you have undoubtedly admitted it, remove the thoughts, deeds and practices contrary to Islam from your practical life and firmly decide not to obey anyone opposed to Allah and His Rasul (SAW);

3. Being united if you want to lead life as a pure Muslim according to two above principles; remove dishonest people from the leadership and offer leadership for the people who are believer, God-fearing, honest and efficient.

Four points programs of Jamaat:

1. Work of purification of thought and reconstruction through Dawat: Jamaat is widening the thoughts of people by upholding the correct knowledge of Quran and Sunnah through convincing argument and also awakening their courage and attitude to follow Islam and to enforce it.

2. The work of organizing and training: Jamaat is building people eligible to establish Islamic society through appropriate training and by making the people well organized those who are interested in the movement of establishing Islam.

3. The work of social reform and service: Jamaat is developing and patronizing the society through the work of social purification, morale reconstruction and social services on the basis of Islamic values.

4. The work of government reformation:

Jamaat is striving democratically to enforce God-fearing, honest and efficient leadership in all spheres of ruling system instead of inefficient and dishonest leadership

Working policy of Jamaat e Islami:

• Working policy for building manpower

Islamic movement is the only means to create strong belief and character appropriate for Islamic society. Efficient manpower is built by the movement against vested political, economical, social and religious interests. Therefore, Jamaat is building manpower in this process. Dedicated and philanthropic workers are made in this process.

• Working policy for forming government

Work of nation-building and social change can’t be executed through craze, terrorism and disorder. So, Jamaat wants to take responsibility of managing government in a systemic and democratic way. Islamic ideology is not the matter to impose on the people forcefully. The true victory of Islam is possible only with the popular support.

Contribution of Jamaat e Islami

• Wide expansion of Islamic literature in Bengali language

• Significant contribution to play a positive role in national politics and to create strong Islamic practice in political arena.

• Creating an environment to serve nation and people unitedly by increasing capability of the people educated both in Madrahsa and general background.

• Creating a group of sincere, honest and efficient manpower and leaving examples of honesty and transparency.

The condition for victory of Islam

Allah Ta’ala doesn’t implement Islam by directly driving force. Allah in this venture helps them those who try to perform the duty of khilafah. He confers the power upon them if the efficient manpower for establishing His deen on the earth of Allah is prepared. [Al Quran, sura an-nur : 55]

Do you want the victory of Islam?

Surely you want to see the victory of Deen of Allah. If so, come and be associated with Jamaat. Decorate yourself with Iman (faith), ilm (knowledge), akhlaq (virtues) and amal (good deed). The working policy which Jamaat in this purpose has adopted will help you to go forward.

To be associated with Jamaat:

• Firstly fill up the form of associate member

• Regularly attend in weekly meeting for attaining Islamic knowledge and character

• Attentively read tafsir (explanation) of Quran and Hadith, Islamic literature and news papers.

• Practice according to what knowledge you have gained and take firm decision not to do anything against your conscience.

• Be the member of Jamaat to perform the duty of deen efficiently.

Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami

I.E. JI had to change its constitution thus newly designed creedos seemed like little hazy but PAK's JI's one was more concrete. Here we go,

Constitution of Jamaat-e-Islami, Pakistan

Part I
Name, Mission, and Conditions and obligations of Membership

Article 1
The name of the Jama’at shall be “Jama’at-e-Islami Pakistan” (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Jama’at’ unless otherwise specified) and that of its Constitution, “Constitution of Jama’at-e-Islami Pakistan”.
Date of Enforcement

Article 2
This Constitution shall come into force from the 1st day of June, 1957 (Zi-Qa’d 2, 1376 AH).[1]
The Creed
Article 3
The main creed of Jama’at-e-Islami Pakistan shall be La ilaha illa-Allah Muhammad Ur Rasul Ullah: There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.
Explanation: The first part of this creed i.e. ‘there is no God but Allah’ means that He alone is the Creator, Sustainer, Lord, and such a Sovereign who is the Maker and the Law-Giver. No one shares any of these attributes with Him.
Knowing and admitting this, it becomes imperative:
1. Not to consider any one else as Patron, Accomplisher, Satisfier of needs, Resolver of difficulties, Hearer of supplications, Supporter and Helper, because none else possesses any power.
2. Not to consider any one else as Benefactor or Injurer, be afraid of or dutiful to none, trust reliance in none, and vest no hope in any one else, because all powers are vested in Him.
3. To supplicate to none but Allah, seek refuge with none beside Him, and call none else for help. Not to think that one can influence or interfere with Allah’s management of things and that one’s intercession can change Allah’s Will, because all are subjects in Allah’s empire and without authority, be they angels or prophets and saints.
4. Prostrate to none but Allah, adore none, offer sacrifices to none, and not to think of any as the polytheists do about their deities, because Allah alone has the right to be worshipped.
5. Accept none as King, Sovereign, and Supreme Ruler, look upon none as capable of issuing orders on his own, not to think of any one as Law-Giver in own right, and refuse to submit to any orders that do not conform to Allah’s obedience and abide by His Law, because Allah alone is the Lord of His Universe and legitimate Sovereign of His creation. None else has any right to lordship Sovereignty.
Moreover, acceptance of this faith obligates:
6. Renunciation of own liberty and freedom, give up devotion to one’s own selfish desires, and instead be slave of Allah —Whom one has accepted as God.
7. Not to think of own self as having authority on and ownership of anything, but to think of everything, even one’s own life, limbs as well as intellectual and physical abilities as Allah’s belongings and a trust from Him.
8. Consider one’s own self as responsible and answerable before Allah; and always keep in mind that he has to render an account of all uses of his potentials and consumption before Allah on the Day of Judgement.
9. What Allah likes or dislikes should be the criterion for one’s own likes and dislikes.
10. The objective of one’s all efforts and struggle, of entire life, should be the achievement of Allah’s pleasure and one’s proximity with Him.
11. Accept Allah’s guidance in every sphere of life: ethics, conduct, social and family life, economics, and politics; and reject every rule of conduct that is opposed to Allah’s shari’ah.
The next part of this creed, i.e., Muhammad is Allah’s messenger, means that the last prophet whom certified guidance and a code of law were sent through, and who was appointed to establish a perfect example in accordance with that code, is Muhammad (pbuh).
Knowing and admitting this, it becomes imperative:
1. To accept without the least hesitation every teaching and guidance proved on the authority of Muhammad (pbuh).
2. The knowledge of an order or prohibition by the Prophet of Allah should be sufficient to induce one to act upon certain instruction or refrain from following certain way. No other consideration should influence his obedience.
3. Not to accept leadership or guidance of anyone beside that of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Obedience to others should be subordinated to the Book of Allah and Sunnah of His Prophet, not independent of these.
4. To accept, in all matters of one’s life, the book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Prophet as final argument, authority and reference; adopt a thought, belief or rule that is in accordance with the Book and Sunnah, and give up whatever is opposed to these; and refer to the same source of guidance for the solution of problems.
5. Cleanse the heart of all prejudices, be they personal, family-related, tribal or racial, national or patriotic, sectarian or group-oriented. One must not be so overwhelmed by love for or devotion to someone as to let it dominate the love and devotion to the truth brought by the prophet of Allah, or become its competitor.
6. Take no one, besides the Prophet of Allah, as the criterion of truth, not to consider anyone above criticism, not to indulge in mental slavery of anyone. Evaluate everyone by this God-sent perfect criterion, and grade others against that criterion.
7. Not to accord such a status to anyone born after Muhammad that believing or not believing him determines one’s kufr or Iman (i.e., disbelief and Faith).
The Mission
Article 4
The mission of Jama’at-e-Islami and the objective of all its efforts and struggle shall in practical terms be the establishment of the Deen (establishment of Divine Order or the Islamic way of life) and in essence the achievement of Allah’s pleasure and success in the Hereafter.
Explanation: Jama’at views the three terms ‘al-Deen’, Divine Order’, and ‘Islamic Way of Life’ as synonyms. The Jama’at uses the terms of ‘Divine Order’ or ‘Islamic Way of Life’ in the same sense in which the Qur’an uses the term of ‘establishment of al-Deen’. The three mean the same that man must accept willingly the law-giving Order of Allah in those spheres of human life in which he has been given discretion in the same manner in which every part of the universe submits willingly or unwillingly to His physical empire. The way of life that emerges as a result of willing acceptance of Allah’s law-giving Order is called ‘al-Deen’, ‘Divine Order’, or ‘Islamic Way of Life’.
‘Establishment of Deen’ does not mean establishing some part of it, rather establishing it in its entirety, in individual and collective life, and whether it pertains to prayers or fasting, Haj or Zakat, socio-economic or political issues of life. No part of Islam is irrelevant, but the whole Islam is necessary. It is incumbent upon a Believer to strive for establishing Islam in its entirety without discretion and division. The part that is related to individuals’ life should be observed by every Believer in his own life; and all the Believers should arrange for party-discipline and joint effort for establishing that part that cannot be established without collective struggle.
While the Believer’s real objective is to attain Allah’s pleasure and success in the Hereafter, this cannot be realised without trying to establish Allah’s Deen in this world. Therefore, a believer’s mission in practical terms is the establishment of Deen while in essence it is the attainment of Allah’s pleasure that comes as a result of the effort for establishing Deen.
The Strategy
Article 5
The Jama’at’s permanent strategy shall be as follows:
1. It shall ascertain as to what is the instruction of Allah and His Prophet, before deciding on any matter or taking any step. All other things shall be secondary and kept in the view only to that extent that Islam permits.
2. for its ideals and objectives to realise the Jama’at shall never use such ways and means that are opposed to the demands of honesty and truth or may cause ‘mischief on the earth’.
3. For the desired reform and revolution, the Jama’at shall use democratic and constitutional means, i.e., the use of advice and propagation of thought for reforming the mind and character and preparing public opinion for accepting the desired changes.
4. Jama’at’s struggle for the realisation of its objectives shall be open and public, and not on the pattern of secret movements.
Conditions for Membership
Article 6
Every mature and sensible person (man or woman, belonging to any race, caste or community) may become a member of the Jama’at, provided that:
1. After understanding the Jama’at’s creed along with its explanation, he/she bears witness that the same is also his/her creed.
2. After understanding the Jama’at’s mission along with its explanation, he/she declares that the same is his/her mission.
3. After studying the constitution, he/she commits that he/she shall bind him/herself to the Jama’at’s discipline in accordance with this constitution.
4. He/she observes the obligatory duties of the Shari’ah and avoids the major sins.
5. None of his/her means of subsistence falls in the category of illegitimate earnings e.g., interest (usury), wine, adultery, dance and music, false witness, bribery, breach of trust, gambling etc.
6. If he/she be in possession of property that came to him/her by forbidden means, or that in which are the usurped rights of the deserving, he/she shall withdraw from it and return to the deserving their dues.
Explanation: Such action shall be taken only when the rightful owners as well as the property in which their rights have been usurped are known. Otherwise, repentance and reform of conduct in the future will suffice.
7. He/she is not associated with such a party or institution whose principles and objectives are opposed to the creed, mission, and strategy of Jama’at-e-Islami.
8. The Jama’at’s cadre is satisfied that he/she qualifies for the Jama’at’s membership.
The Procedure for Joining
Article 7
In accordance with the conditions stated above the procedure for joining the Jama’at shall be that the applicant shall declare before the President of the Jama’at or before the one authorised by the President for the purpose:
First, that he/she has understood completely the creed of the Jama’at along with its explanation and, having understood it, now bears witness with full sense of responsibility that there is no god but Allah, Who is single and without partners, and Muhammad is the Prophet of Allah.
Second, that he/she has understood completely Jama’at’s mission along with the explanation and, having understood them, declares that the establishment of Allah’s Deen in this world is the mission of his/her life; that he/she is joining Jama’at-e-Islami purely for Allah’s sake; and that his/her sole end is the achievement of Allah’s pleasure and success in the Hereafter.
Third, that he/she has also understood completely the Jama’at’s Constitution and pledges that he would observe the Jama’at’s discipline according to this Constitution.
Obligations of Membership
Article 8
After joining the Jama’at, the changes that every member would have to bring in his/her life are as follows:
1. Acquiring at least that much knowledge as is necessary to differentiate between Islam and non-Islam and to acquaint with the ‘Limits set by Allah’ (Hudud-ul-Allah)
2. Moulding one’s opinion, thought, and action according to the teachings of Qur’an and Sunnah, and redirecting one’s life objectives, criteria for liking and valuing and one’s loyalties in such a way as to conform to Allah’s pleasure, and to become obedient to Allah’s orders by smashing the idol of the self and egotism.
3. Purifying oneself from all customs of ignorance that are opposed to Qur’an and Sunnah, and to try utmost to adapt one’s outer- and inner-self according to the commandments of Shari’ah.
4. Purifying ones’ heart from prejudices and indulgences and one’s life from such habits, quarrels, and deliberations that stem from egotism and worldly pursuits but have no place in Deen.
5. Giving up transactions and affectionate relations with transgressors, sinners, and those who are forgetful of Allah, and associating with the righteous.
6. Basing one’s deals on rightfulness, justice, God-fearing, and unflinching Truth-seeking.
7. Concentrating one’s efforts and struggle on the objective of establishing Deen, and, barring the real necessities of one’s life, abdicate all activities which do not lead towards this objective.
Explanation: It is not necessary that all these changes are at their best in a certain individual, but everyone would try to attain perfection in this regard; for being defective or perfect with respect to these changes would determine one’s status in Jama’at-e-Islami.
Article 9
It shall be incumbent on every member of the Jama’at to project the creed and mission of the Jama’at (explained in Articles 3 and 4) in his circle of acquaintance and, as far as he can reach, to the people. Prepare those who accept this creed and mission for organised struggle for the establishment of Deen, and invite those who are ready to struggle to the discipline of Jama’at-e-Islami.
Explanation: If in spite of one’s agreement with the mission, strategy, program, and organisation of the Jama’at, one is unwilling to carry out the responsibilities of membership, one should be persuaded to join the circle of Jama’at’s Associates[2] so that, to the extent possible, one may co-operate with the Jama’at’s in the struggle for the establishment of Deen.
Obligations of Women Members
Article 10
All articles of Articles 8 and 9 shall apply on women joining Jama’at-e-Islami, in their sphere of activity. Besides, the duties of a woman as member of the Jama’at shall be:
1. Convey the Jama’at’s creed and mission to her family and circle of acquaintance.
2. Propagate this to her husband, parents, brothers and sisters and other family members.
3. Try to kindle the light of faith in her children’s hearts.
4. If her husband, sons, father, and brother join the Jama’at, she should encourage them with her enduring companionship, and, to the extent possible, lend a helping hand in their services to the Jama’at’s objective, and in the event of adversity, bear it with steadfastness and patience.
5. If her husband or patrons be victims of ignorance earn by forbidden means or lead a sinful life, she should try to correct them with persistent patience, try to protect herself from their illegitimate earning and evil deeds and refuse to obey their orders that amount to disobeying God and His Prophet.

[1] Amendments made to the Constitution after June 1, 1957, which are part of it, are given in Appendix 5.
[2] Interpreting Article 9 of the Constitution, the Central Council decided that ‘associate’ of Jama’at-e-Islami can also be called ‘member’ of Jama’at-e-Islami.


I.E. I would be glad if somebody can point out any contradiction/flaw on PAK's JI's constitution with Islamic one, thanks. If no one can then MADX should shut up for ever on the issues that he has opined in the post.
. .
I venomously object on UR comment like it's their issue let them handle it. No it's not only their issue as allegations against JI leaders are 71s war related, in which aiding PAK's army while involving unethical deeds are highlighted in the surface but the real motive is to drive Islamiat away from sub-continent gradually. The current saga is the continuation of the break up of Babri Masjid, Gujarat's massacre that actually started with the establishment of BRITS empire. So, please don't try to run away from battle field by hiding tail behind the legs as It's also very important for PAK's survival as well, thanks.

If Pakistan raise any kind of object it will go in favor of AL. Pakistan's interference will further fuel the anti-Pakistani sentiment which @genmirajborgza786 is wise enough to realize it.
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Legal notice to open Shahbagh intersection

Legal notice to open Shahbagh intersection

Dhaka Tuesday March 5 2013

A Supreme Court lawyer Monday served a legal notice on the government asking it to open the Shahbagh Chattar to public. Advocate Ekhlas Uddin Bhuiyan sent the notice to the home minister, the home secretary, the communications secretary, the IGP, the DG of Rab, the Dhaka South City Corporation administrator, the DMP commissioner and the officer-in-charge of Shahbagh Police Station by post. — UNB
Legal notice to open Shahbagh intersection

Legal notice to open Shahbagh intersection

Dhaka Tuesday March 5 2013

A Supreme Court lawyer Monday served a legal notice on the government asking it to open the Shahbagh Chattar to public. Advocate Ekhlas Uddin Bhuiyan sent the notice to the home minister, the home secretary, the communications secretary, the IGP, the DG of Rab, the Dhaka South City Corporation administrator, the DMP commissioner and the officer-in-charge of Shahbagh Police Station by post. — UNB

Yes baton those mobs off the street. Bunch of retarded parrots who waste their time doing nothing and pulls back the national economy along with themselves.
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