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Poll..... 56% of Prothom Alo readers think BNP will be able to overthrow Hasina...... What does that mean??


So its safe to assume BNP still got majority support in Educated class... Rural Bengal will not tolerate any bigotry against Islam... Already proven by Jamat power demo in rural areas...........
:lol:its no point arguing sepoi, man has the intellect level of a 14 year old girl. You can't win with him, he will bring you down to his level.

@ If she is 14 year level then be it like that and have a test.........
No, people like you bunch who serve the jamat purpose on the internet are the real ones. :omghaha:

Ah.now I am a jamati because I don't support league? Bro I don't support BNP,jamat,nap,CPB,japa either. So what will you call me now?
The place can take 1lac people max, granted, they stand together and there is no space and not counting the traffic and passerby. Mostly same people go there everyday. if you ask for percentage then it would be less than 1%

I think currently only BAL and leftists members are there. Everyone knows that there are huge security cordoning them. Bangldeshi people simply like gathering without any reason. If there are no security and people know there is no security threat, the gathering could be huge too. Once I saw a white girl was buying muri makha in front of IDB bhaban....surprisingly, bunch of clueless Bangali gathered around her within short, it was startling to them a white girl can order muri makha. More interestingly, I saw that one rickshaw puller without any passenger was so surprised that his face changed and he stopped there too to enjoy the circus :cheesy:.
it's just waste of my time argue with someone who post commonly baseless things and has no evidence.send some examples not the theories

well why basherkella banned?Who used basherkella? BAL ?well everybody knows basherkella is a shibir's page.if you dont know its your problem not mine.

So others post baseless and you get banned :laugh: ....khai jamal mota hoi kamal!!

Ah.now I am a jamati because I don't support league? Bro I don't support BNP,jamat,nap,CPB,japa either. So what will you call me now?

Still you're r$zakar, you've to support BAL....no way out :D !
Poll..... 56% of Prothom Alo readers think BNP will be able to overthrow Hasina...... What does that mean??


So its safe to assume BNP still got majority support in Educated class... Rural Bengal will not tolerate any bigotry against Islam... Already proven by Jamat power demo in rural areas...........

The rural Bengal have a tendency to sell their vote to the highest bidder always being mostly illiterate to current socio-economic development & changing social dynamics. They consider themselves that they are nothing.Takes no real part in this country's democracy.

Besides it is safe to assume that BNP will be winning the next election as in our country no political party has been elected so fat twice in a row, so no surprise in that.
Poll..... 56% of Prothom Alo readers think BNP will be able to overthrow Hasina...... What does that mean??


So its safe to assume BNP still got majority support in Educated class... Rural Bengal will not tolerate any bigotry against Islam... Already proven by Jamat power demo in rural areas...........

Prothom Alo didn't manipulate that? Or you just pick and choose?
Prothom Alo didn't manipulate that? Or you just pick and choose?

If anything go against them they will accuse that a biased media.
But funny how sharing this prothom alo news even though they said its a biased gov newspaper :omghaha:
A breaking news our ''freedom fighter'' of new generation have wet their pant while going Chittagong
as Hefajote Islam warn them .:chilli:

Bro how u know that those young ppl wet their pants :cheesy:
If those hefazoti islam aka jamat had that courage why they bombed on them.

Even though their life threatening those young ppl were determined to go there. Its the gov sending back them.
But lets see what happens next day.

These hefajoti islam is funny. First they said they had 20 mil supporter. Then they said they had 4 mil thousand supporter.
Now their number came down to 10 thousand.
Not sure whats their present condition :azn:

Youths sent back from Feni | The Daily Star
জামায়াতের রাজনীতি নিষিদ্ধ ও এদের অর্থের উৎসগুলো সরকারিভাবে বাজেয়াপ্ত করার দাবিতে আগামী ২৩ মার্চ মতিঝিলের শাপলা চত্বরে মহাসমাবেশের ডাক দিয়েছে বাংলাদেশ ওলামা মাশায়েখ তৌহিদী জনতা সংহতি পরিষদ।

বৃহস্পতিবার সকালে ঢাকা রিপোটার্স ইউনিটিতে (ডিআরইউ) এক সংবাদ সম্মেলনে ঐতিহাসিক শোলাকিয়া ঈদগা’র খতিব ও সংহতি পরিষদ চেয়ারম্যান মওলানা ফরীদ উদ্দীন মাসঊদ এ সমাবেশের ঘোষণা দেন।

প্রসঙ্গত, ২৩ মার্চ শনিবার বেলা ১১টায় মহাসমাবেশ শুরু হবে। দুপুরের নামাজ পরবর্তী সময়েও মহাসমাবেশ চলবে।

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