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১৯৯২ সালের ১১ ফেব্রুয়ারী জাহানারা ইমামের নেতৃত্বে মুক্তিযুদ্ধের চেতনা বাস্তবায়ন ও ৭১ এর ঘাতক দালাল নির্মুল জাতীয় সমন্বয় কমিটি গঠন করেন এবং আন্দোলন শুরু করেন। এই সংগঠনের আন্দোলনে জনগন ব্যাপক সাড়া দেয়।নতুন প্রজন্ম শহীদ জননী জাহানারা ইমামের নেতৃত্ব ও কর্মসূচিতে দারুন উৎসাহ ও আস্থা নিয়ে অংশ নিতে থাকলে বিরোধী দলীয় নেত্রী শেখ হাসিনা অস্থির ও উত্তেজিত হয়ে উঠেন।তিনি কেবলই বলতে থাকেন, জাহানারা নতুন দোকান খুলেছে। নতুন ব্যবসা ধরেছে। নেত্রী হতে চায়। ব্যবসার জায়গা পায় না, মুক্তিযুদ্ধের নাম নিয়ে ব্যবসা শুরু করেছে!

নেত্রীকে যখন বললাম, সমগ্র জাতি জানে জাহানারা ইমাম শহীদ জননী। তখন নেত্রী উত্তেজিত হয়ে বলেন, “রাখ তোমার শহীদ জননী। ও কিসর শহীদ জননী? ওর ছেলে রুমি লুটপাট করতে যেয়ে নিজেদের গুলিতেই মারা গেছে। ওর স্বামী ’৭১ সালে যুদ্ধের সময় আর্মিদের সাপ্লাই করতো। ওই সময় এরা প্রচুর টাকা পয়সা কামিয়েছে। আর এখন আসছে মুক্তিযুদ্ধের চেতনা বাস্তবায়ন করতে? তোমাদের বলে রাখছি, তোমরা এগুলা বাইরে বলবা। আমি নির্বাচনে হেরেছি আর এই সুযোগে তলে তলে খালেদা জিয়ার সঙ্গে লাইন করে জননেত্রী হওয়ার পরিকল্পনায় আছে জাহানারা। আর তাই গোলাম আজমের বিচার, যুদ্ধ অপরাধীর বিচার, মুক্তিযুদ্ধের চেতনা বাস্তবায়ন ইত্যাদি নানা কথার আড়ালে নেত্রী হওয়ার খায়েশ জাগছে তার।”

“তোমরা এর থেকে সাবধান থাকবা, এবং আমাদের সকল কর্মীদের সাবধানে রাখবা। কেউ যেনো জাহানারা ইমামের খপ্পরে না পড়ে।” রেন্টু প্রশ্ন করে, নেত্রী আপনি কি ঘাদানিকের কর্মসূচিতে যাবেন না? তিনি বলেন, “সে আমি যাই বা না যাই, তোমরা কেউ যাবা না। আর আওয়ামীলীগের কোনো কর্মীকে যেতে দেবে না। বুঝ না, আমার ইচ্ছা না থাকলেও তো কত যায়গায় যেতে হয়। জাহানারার প্রোগ্রামে হয়ত কৌশলগত কারণে আমি যাব, কিন্তু তোমরা যাবা না।”

20 years later situation changed 180 degree.... :rofl: ...
. .
Aren't all these shabag walas from the awami/leftist circles. Ghadani clowns along with leftist bloggars have arranged it. Gathering 10-20 thousand people is not a problem for such a qater with money , media & power. Add to that some bypassers lured with Biryani along with some naive lots going there to have some fun.:lol: What do U thing @MBI Munshi @kobiraaz.
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. .
১৯৯২ সালের ১১ ফেব্রুয়ারী জাহানারা ইমামের নেতৃত্বে মুক্তিযুদ্ধের চেতনা বাস্তবায়ন ও ৭১ এর ঘাতক দালাল নির্মুল জাতীয় সমন্বয় কমিটি গঠন করেন এবং আন্দোলন শুরু করেন। এই সংগঠনের আন্দোলনে জনগন ব্যাপক সাড়া দেয়।নতুন প্রজন্ম শহীদ জননী জাহানারা ইমামের নেতৃত্ব ও কর্মসূচিতে দারুন উৎসাহ ও আস্থা নিয়ে অংশ নিতে থাকলে বিরোধী দলীয় নেত্রী শেখ হাসিনা অস্থির ও উত্তেজিত হয়ে উঠেন।তিনি কেবলই বলতে থাকেন, জাহানারা নতুন দোকান খুলেছে। নতুন ব্যবসা ধরেছে। নেত্রী হতে চায়। ব্যবসার জায়গা পায় না, মুক্তিযুদ্ধের নাম নিয়ে ব্যবসা শুরু করেছে!

নেত্রীকে যখন বললাম, সমগ্র জাতি জানে জাহানারা ইমাম শহীদ জননী। তখন নেত্রী উত্তেজিত হয়ে বলেন, “রাখ তোমার শহীদ জননী। ও কিসর শহীদ জননী? ওর ছেলে রুমি লুটপাট করতে যেয়ে নিজেদের গুলিতেই মারা গেছে। ওর স্বামী ’৭১ সালে যুদ্ধের সময় আর্মিদের সাপ্লাই করতো। ওই সময় এরা প্রচুর টাকা পয়সা কামিয়েছে। আর এখন আসছে মুক্তিযুদ্ধের চেতনা বাস্তবায়ন করতে? তোমাদের বলে রাখছি, তোমরা এগুলা বাইরে বলবা। আমি নির্বাচনে হেরেছি আর এই সুযোগে তলে তলে খালেদা জিয়ার সঙ্গে লাইন করে জননেত্রী হওয়ার পরিকল্পনায় আছে জাহানারা। আর তাই গোলাম আজমের বিচার, যুদ্ধ অপরাধীর বিচার, মুক্তিযুদ্ধের চেতনা বাস্তবায়ন ইত্যাদি নানা কথার আড়ালে নেত্রী হওয়ার খায়েশ জাগছে তার।”

“তোমরা এর থেকে সাবধান থাকবা, এবং আমাদের সকল কর্মীদের সাবধানে রাখবা। কেউ যেনো জাহানারা ইমামের খপ্পরে না পড়ে।” রেন্টু প্রশ্ন করে, নেত্রী আপনি কি ঘাদানিকের কর্মসূচিতে যাবেন না? তিনি বলেন, “সে আমি যাই বা না যাই, তোমরা কেউ যাবা না। আর আওয়ামীলীগের কোনো কর্মীকে যেতে দেবে না। বুঝ না, আমার ইচ্ছা না থাকলেও তো কত যায়গায় যেতে হয়। জাহানারার প্রোগ্রামে হয়ত কৌশলগত কারণে আমি যাব, কিন্তু তোমরা যাবা না।”

20 years later situation changed 180 degree.... :rofl: ...

Don't know how much of it is true, but 'amar fanshi chai' is a good read.
Aren't all these shabag walas from the awami/leftist circles. Ghadani clowns along with leftist bloggars have arranged it. Gathering 10-20 thousand people is not a problem for such a qater with money , media & power. Add to that some bypassers lured with Biryani along with some naive lots going there to have some fun.:lol: What do U thing @MBI Munshi @kobiraaz.

Nah...huge people are attending not concerned with any politics or crooked view, they want war criminals' capital punishment. This is the business of BAL, they are capitalizing the sentiment of huge masses. You wouldn't understand these games. One of my junior colleagues heavy emotional soft guy rushed there at the beginning. He is not involved in any politics, moreover he hates BAL and india. However, today he was saying that he along with his friends decided not attend anymore as chatra league captured the scene there. This guy once rallying for Felani's justice was attacked by chatra league and police, they had to run away. Also, today our COO had a banner signed by us "sokol judhdhaporadhider fashi chai". So, it's not that only politically motivated guys are gathering there. Do you sense the degree of BAL's deception and how they are gonna fill the basket from this success? Hujuge Bangali.

????? ??????? ?????? ?? ??? ???? ??? ???? ???? ?? -?????? ???? | The Daily Sangram
40 years old wound would be heal but who will heal the current wound of this Family ?

Link not opening.
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Nah...huge people are attending not concerned with any politics or crooked view, they want war criminals' capital punishment. This is the business of BAL, they are capitalizing the sentiment of huge masses. You wouldn't understand these games. One of my junior colleagues heavy emotional soft guy rushed there at the beginning. He is not involved in any politics, moreover he hates BAL and india. However, today he was saying that he along with his friends decided not attend anymore as chatra league captured the scene there. This guy once rallying for Felani's justice was attacked by chatra league and police, they had to run away. Also, today our COO had a banner signed by us "sokol judhdhaporadhider fashi chai". So, it's not that only politically motivated guys are gathering there. Do you sense the degree of BAL's deception and how they are gonna fill the basket from this success? Hujuge Bangali.

Link not opening.

politics is nothing but playing with public sentiment, a famously politician once told me.
. . .
@ Awami and leftist

I ask you. Can you call it fair, plain and flat? I mean this people has police protection and free food whearas Jamat-BNP are welcome with paper spray and stick as soon as they try to stand on the street.

By the way, these people are same people who participate in Boshaki mela every year. So what's the bigy?
@PlanetSoldier, that's a pretty sad state of affairs. But the questions is who is leading these floks? Ignorants R there but less compared to the leftist/gazakoors IMO. Ghadhani and all like minded groups who is the major benficery of these dalal gov is in this. As for sushil and sanskritik shangatons , we all know the type of organizations they R. This whole thing is quite well planned and lead by awami-leftist axis. No rocket science. Btw how many do U think R there. What did your friend say?
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@PlanetSoldier, that's a pretty sad state of affairs. But the questions is who is leading these floks? Ignorants R there but less compared to the leftist/gazakoors IMO. Ghadhani and all like minded groups who is the major benficery of these dalal gov is in this. As for sushil and sanskritik shangatons , we all know the type of organizations they R. This whole thing is quite well planned and lead by awami-leftist axis. No rocket science. Btw how many do U think R there. What did your friend say?

It's better to let them dance on their hype...why worry man? They know it's a safe protest...no police, chatra league are gonna hurt them.
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Teeming thousands chant ‘Hang them all’


Tens of thousands of people forgetting their caste, professional and political identities descended on Shahbagh intersection on Friday afternoon with the chant of ‘Death penalty to all war criminals’, including Abdul Quader Molla, and a ban on the politics of Jamaat-e-Islami.

The ‘grand rally’ at the intersection, called ‘Prajanma Chattar’, ended with a vow to spread the ongoing movement from Teknaf to Tetulia.

People from across the broad spectrum of society who gathered from far and wide of Bangladesh also took an oath to carry on their movement demanding death penalty for all war criminals and pledged to boycott all business and social organisations, including media outlets, of the Islamist party.

The rally organisers repeatedly reaffirmed their resolve to take their movement forward until all war criminals were handed down the capital punishment.

The protesters took oath: “The platform of the masses will spread the movement across the country from Teknaf to Tetulia untl the death penalty of the despicable Razakars, al-Badrs, genocide plotters and rapists of the 1971 [Liberation War]. The movement will continue until the politics of Jamaat-Shibir is banned. We’ve to do work so that the anti-liberation elements that had been released after the 1975 period are put before the special tribunal.”

Demanding a ban on the business, social and cultural organisations run by the war criminals, the rally was told that the Jamaat and its student wing Islami Chhatra Shibir were infiltrating into organisations by collecting funds through these institutions.

The campaigners took the oath: “We’ll demand arrest and maximum punishment to the Jamaat-Shibir leaders and activists who have threatened to push the country into a civil war.”

People including women took the oath to occupy the streets until the government outlawed the Jamaat-run business establishments -- Islami Bank, Ibn Sina, several coaching centres including Focus and Retina, media outlets including Diganta Television and the daily Naya Diganta – and revoked citizenship of their activists.

They took oath: “We’ll boycott all the educational and cultural organisations that spread anti-liberation thoughts among the children. In a word, we’ll boycott all the political, social and financial institutions.”

They further promised: “Through video clips and newspaper reports, we’ll help in bringing to trial those who threatened of civil war. We’ll not subscribe to the newspapers of the war criminals in our homes and offices.”


The rally began at Shahbagh with the announcement of a ‘Chorompotro’ or the ultimate call to hang the war criminals from the main platform for the rally erected atop a pick-up truck at 3pm.

In order to give the rally an apolitical look, at one stage all partisan banners and festoons were removed from the rally, barring those demanding capital punishment for the war criminals.
Blogger Shahidul Islam Raju read out the ‘Chorompotro’ and the national anthem was sung after that.

The spirit at the venue was infectious as people broke into the chants of “Tui *******” (you are a war criminal) and the protesters stood and sang the national anthem in chorus at the rally organised by Blogger and Online Activists Network.

People in droves came to the rally venue from across the capital in a procession of vehicles and in small groups carrying the national flag, musical instruments, banners and placards.

The gathering had run as far back as to the streets up to Doel intersection, Banglamotor, Kataban and Matsya Bhaban areas from the rally venue.

Anjan Roy hosted the presentation at the main rally stage while freedom fighter Nasiruddin Yusuf Bachchu assisted him.

The rally was addressed by Mili Rahman, widow of Shaheed Flight Lieutenant M Matiur Rahman Bir Shrestha – one of the most valiant heroes of the Liberation War – educationist and eminent writer Prof Muhammad Zafar Iqbal, Dhaka University Vice-chancellor AASM Arefin Siddique, and freedom fighter and cultural personalities Kamal Lohani and Hasan Imam.

They shouted slogans standing at the main platform demanding execution of the Razakars and the ‘war criminals’.

Overwhelmed by their Liberation War spirit, Mili Rahman said, “Our new generation is awake. No-one can stop us. It’s that Ekattor when we librated the country. Today you, the youngsters, will build a country free of Razakars and Shibir.”

Kamal Lohani also vowed to ensure trial of the war criminals. “Today the people have stood up.”

Later, Imran H Sarker, a lead organiser of the demonstration that began shortly after Jamaat leader Molla was sentenced to life in prison for war crimes on Tuesday, administered the oath to thousands of people, mostly youths.

Earlier, he announced a four-point charter of demands. The demands are: all the war criminals have to be given capital punishment, the Jamaat-Shibir politics has to be banned, those who threatened civil war have to be identified and put on trial, and all the forces which rehabilitated the war criminals have to be brought to trial.

To the dismay of many, the ICT-2 on Tuesday awarded Molla life in prison for his crimes against humanity during the Liberation War in 1971. People of all strata and various organisations, including the socio-political and cultural ones, said they expected death penalty for him.

Outraged by the ‘too little’ punishment, cultural and political activists and youngsters, mostly university students and bloggers, whipped up protests on the social media and blogs. People started converging at Shahbagh in the heart of the capital since Tuesday afternoon soon after the delivery of the verdict.

They then grew in numbers and have been keeping candle-lit vigil for the last four nights.

The protest spirit also spread to other parts of Bangladesh and voices called for hanging the Jamaat-e-Islami stalwart.

Different professional bodies, pro-liberation forces, students and commoners staging the sit-in demanding Molla’s execution on Wednesday called the mass gathering for Friday.

Responding to the call for institution of a people’s court at the heart of the capital, people started gathering at the intersection and its surrounding areas to join the rally in small protest procession from Friday morning.

The gathering covered Kataban, Shishu Park, BSMMU and Fine Arts Faculty of Dhaka University by 1pm and the attendance swelled ever since.

The organisers said that the rally was called to give the campaign an ‘apolitical’ shape.

The streets turned into a huge human sea by 3pm. An official of the Detective Branch (DB) of police said that some 250,000 people joined the mass rally.

The pro-liberation activists shared the ABC of asserting the right to get justice shouting creative slogans.

“Q for Quader Molla/Tui *******” (you are a war criminal), S for Sayedee/ Tui *******, M for Mujaheed/ Tui *******, N for Nizami/ Tui *******, G for Ghulam Azam/ Tui *******,” they shouted at the rally.

The Jamaat had opposed Bangladesh's independence from Pakistan in 1971. The party had sided with Pakistani troops during the war when officially three million people were killed, and the fundamentalist party allegedly masterminded the murders of the country's leading intelligentsia including professors, doctors and journalists.

Teeming thousands chant

Thousands in Ctg call for execution

Thousands of people from the all strata of society thronged the Chittagong Press Club at Jamal Khan Road for a third straight day on Friday demanding that all the war criminals including Jamaat-e-Islami leader Abdul Quader Molla be executed.

Everyone who joined the sit-in, starting from 3pm, was chanting the same slogan ‘Death penalty to all war criminals’.

As the day wore on, the area stretching from the city’s Cheragi Pahar to Jamal Khan intersection turned into a human sea.

The crowd included students, teachers, professionals, cultural and political activists.

The protestors have been singing, reciting poems, shouting slogans, screening films and making speeches to press home the demand

The organisers decided not to allow anyone to deliver political speech at the programme. Leaders of several political parties including ruling Awami League, Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD), Workers Party, Jatiya Samajtantrik Dal (JaSad) joined it and expressed solidarity with the protestors.


The ICT-2 on Tuesday awarded Molla life in prison for his crimes against humanity during the Liberation War in 1971, angering millions. People of all strata and various organisations, including the socio-political and cultural ones, said they expected death penalty for him.

Outraged by the ‘too little’ punishment, cultural and political activists and youngsters, mostly university students and bloggers, whipped up protests on the social media and blogs. People started converging at Shahbagh in the heart of the capital since Tuesday afternoon soon after the delivery of the verdict.

The demonstration spread to Chittagong the next day after some youngsters, online activists and cultural activists began streaming into the spot.

Films upholding the spirit of the 1971 Liberation War will be screened later in the night.

Cry for Jamaat ban


A sea of humanity thronged the Shahbag intersection, now called “Prajanma Chattar” on Friday demanding that Jamaat-Islami be banned in Bangladesh.

The demonstrators, calling for capital punishment for the “war criminals”, vowed at the ‘grand rally’ to continue with their fight until the party, which opposed Bangladesh’s War of Independence in 1971, was declared outlawed.

The verdicts pronounced by the International Crimes Tribunal-2 so far prove that the members of the Islamist party were involved in war crimes during the Liberation War, which culminated in the formation of Bangladesh.

People from different walks of life took to the streets of Dhaka ever since Jamaat’s Assistant secretary General Abdul Quader Molla was awarded life term by the ICT-2 for his involvement in war crimes. They are demanding that Molla be hanged.

Tens of thousands of people now want to spread their agitation to the farthest corners of the country, from Teknaf to Tetulia. They also demanded that the people and financial institutions having links with the Islamist party be boycotted.

The protestors also joined the Convenor of the Blogger and Online Activist Network, Imran H Sarkar, who presided over Friday’s rally, in demanding that the Bangladeshi citizenship of the Jamaat leaders be revoked.

The first verdict delivered by the ICT against Abul Kalam Azad alias ‘Bachchu *******’ on Jan 21, underlined Jamaat’s role in carrying out war crimes. The tribunal’s second verdict provided a more vivid account of the Islamist party’s complicity with the Pakistani forces in 1971.


ICT’s first verdict described as to how the party set up “armed forces” to “save Pakistan”, and in the process helped the Pakistani forces against “unarmed Bengalis”.

The tribunal, headed by Justice Obaidul Hassan, observed: “There is no way to overlook the selfless sacrifice of the Bengalis in the face of atrocities in 1971. At the time, no country in the world had to undergo such sacrifice and pain to attain freedom.”

In its second verdict, the tribunal highlighted the involvement of Jamaat and its then students’ organisation – Islami Chhatra Sangha, in carrying out war crimes.

The verdict read: “The people of East Pakistan supported Bangladesh and fought for its independence. But a small number of Bengalis, Biharis, others supporting Pakistan and a few religious parties, especially Jamaat-i-Islami and its students’ wing Islami Chhatra Sangha, Muslim League …. in their barbaric efforts to resist the independence of Bangladesh either joined hands with the occupying Pakistani forces or helped them.”

“Most of them were either involved in barbaric acts or were conduit to them within the confines of Bangladesh, violating all international norms.”

The verdict said that in order to identify and eliminate the religious minorities, especially the Hindus, the Bengali intellectuals, the political groups under the Awami League and the pro-Liberation unarmed people, the Pakistani government and its armed forces formed groups like *******, Al-Badr, Al-Shams and Shanti Committee.


The tribunal then linked the Islami party with the pro-Pakistani forces and observed:“Jamaat-i-Islami and other pro-Pakistan political parties played an important role in setting up para-military forces to eliminate unarmed Bengalis in the name of saving Pakistan.”

Thousands of people from various walks of life, in processions with placards and festoons, started pouring into Shahbagh since morning. The intensity of the sloganeering increased with the passage of time.

In order to give the rally an apolitical look, at one stage all partisan banners and festoons were removed, barring those demanding capital punishment for the war criminals.

At around 3pm, blogger Shahidul Islam Raju read out the ‘Chorompotro’, the ultimate call to hang the war criminals, followed by the national anthem.

Moderated by freedom fighter Nasiruddin Yusuf Bachchu, the rally was addressed by Mili Rahman, wife of Shaheed Flight Lieutenant M Matiur Rahman Bir Shrestha (one of the most valiant heroes of the Liberation War), educationist and eminent writer Prof Jafar Iqbal, Dhaka University Vice-chancellor AASM Arefin Siddique, and freedom fighter and cultural personalities Kamal Lohani and Hasan Imam.

They chanted slogans standing at the main platform demanding execution of the Razakars and the war criminals.

Mili Rahman said, “Our new generation is awake. No-one can stop us. It’s that Ekattor when we librated the country. Today you, the youngsters, will build a country free of Razakars and Shibir.”

The protests, demanding capital punishment for Molla, was started by the Blogger and Online Activist Network and was later joined by other organizations.

Cry for Jamaat ban - bdnews24.com
@Al-zakir , bro U R on ignore list of those ignorant clowns. So why bother?

It's better to let them dance on their hype...why worry man? They know it's a safe protest...no police, chatra league are gonna hurt them.

That's the real gist of this hype , actually. :lol:
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