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Shadian, the second largest mosque in Southeast Asia, capacity over 10000 people

Shadian, the second largest mosque in Southeast Asia, capacity over 10000 people

Nice architecture! I just wished it was encorporates more chinese arts. But Not sure about being the biggest in Southeast Asia since the Istiqlal Mosque in Jakarta has a capacity of 120,000 for each congregation. That capacity has been expanded to 200,000 after recent expansion. There at least 4 other mosques with capacity more than 10,000 in Indonesia alone, countries like Malaysia and Brunei surely has some mega mosques as well.
absolutely marvelous .. building is very much inspired with Islamic architecture
Southeast Asia? Or China? I saw Chinese flag outside the Mosque.
Southeast Asia? Or China? I saw Chinese flag outside the Mosque.

Some people consider South China is in South East Asian, the Youtuber from China that I believe said it

Istiqlal Mosque (Central Jakarta), biggest in South East Asia

Baiturrahman Mosque, Aceh Province

Sadian is a city in China, so it belongs to East Asia.
Nothing to be proud of. Shadian is a mini verson Saudi Arabia in China. It's a country within a country. Muslims there barely recognize their Chinese citizen identity. Shadian even offered refuge for Uyghur terrorists. And Shadian's economy also copies Saudi Arabia. Instead of oil, people there sell metal mines(Aren't all underground mines properties of the country?)

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Those are history. The extremism had been eradicated in that place. Moderate Islam are encouraged for Muslim in China.
There are many mosque in Indonesia with Chinese Characteristics
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Build by Respected Chinese Admiral, Zheng He
Chinese Muslims eat pork, drink alcohol also, also you dont see much of these written on internet.
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