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Shabqadar: 87 killed, dozen injured in twin explosions

This is what happens when US chooses to interfere in Pakistan's affairs. Leave Pakistan alone & let it deal with its own affairs. If the US conducts more drone strikes over wider areas, you can expect to see more stuff like this happening. On the other hand, this TTP has shown virtually no distinction from the AQ, & I am sure they are infested in Pakistan's Bajaur & Mohmand agency; & they get their refuge in Kunar, Afghanistan. They said they wanted to avenge the death of OBL, I find that a bit strange, considering most Pakistanis didn't support him.
Which side is Pakistan on? Terrorist? USA?

The time has come to pick a side

we send lanat on both of you. Fcuk you and your war. Mofos. What a bunch a holes you guys are.

Sorry for the language mods but couldn't let it go when 69 more Pakistanis have lost their lives due to this joke called as WOT which is actually WAP(war against Pakistan).
Damn these motherfvking terrorist.....may they rot in hell :angry:

RIP to the deceased....:cry:
we send lanat on both of you. Fcuk you and your war. Mofos. What a bunch a holes you guys are.

Sorry for the language mods but couldn't let it go when 69 more Pakistanis have lost their lives due to this joke called as WOT which is actually WAP(war against Pakistan).

You passionately believe that don't you? But who carried this attack though? Are they saints? America and the world in general is doing whatever they can to avoid this sort of thing happen in their country. But why are all the terrorists in your country? Its very sad that you don't realize what your country has become. In the pursuit of sending these terrorists into other countries you gave up your country to them.

PS: Personally abusing others would not change anything.
These Generals don't care .... we need to end this war rite now ... TODAY ...
What has been the reaction of different political parties with regards to this incident?
You passionately believe that don't you? But who carried this attack though? Are they saints? America and the world in general is doing whatever they can to avoid this sort of thing happen in their country. But why are all the terrorists in your country? Its very sad that you don't realize what your country has become. In the pursuit of sending these terrorists into other countries you gave up your country to them.

PS: Personally abusing others would not change anything.

About the bold part.

This is happening in Pakistan because a BS war has been waged by Uncle Sam in our neighbor. Before this BS their was no terrorism in Pakistan. Now thanks to this war for terrorism our country is facing all these incidents. Thanks to America's b@stardness this whole region has been converted into hell. If this stupid war has been waged behind the as$ of your home then these incidents would have been happening in your country too. This isn't difficult to understand. Stop speaking BS and taking cheap shots.
may the innocent souls rest in peace......pak need to come up with something..coz this is kinda getting regular....its the innocent who bleed for the corrupt officials.
انّا للہ و انّا الیہ راجعون
Inna lillahi wa ina Ilahi rajioun

May the departed souls find a place in Jannah & may ALLAH grand Sabr to the families & May the attackers find a place in HELL for taking life of so many innocent people.. This is no Jihad this is murder....
These Generals don't care .... we need to end this war rite now ... TODAY ...
The day Pakistan makes that decision will be the day the American war machinery would move to Pakistan and make the current trend of bombings seem like crackers in the courtyard. It is in Pakistan's best interests to keep eliminating these terrorists before they blow the whole country apart.
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