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Shabaz Sharif & PML-N appeasing terrorists?

Just for the n fun of it, a MQM-er-ist (whatever the name should be) activist friend of mine just updated this on his facebook :-

Today: Hamlay Punjab par nahee karnay chahiyeen.
Tomorrow: Hamlay Lahore par nahee karnay chahiyeen.
Day After: Hamlay Jati Umra par nahee karnay chahiyeen.:rofl::rofl::rofl:
Just for the n fun of it, a MQM-er-ist (whatever the name should be) activist friend of mine just updated this on his facebook :-

Today: Hamlay Punjab par nahee karnay chahiyeen.
Tomorrow: Hamlay Lahore par nahee karnay chahiyeen.
Day After: Hamlay Jati Umra par nahee karnay chahiyeen.:rofl::rofl::rofl:

I think they should go back to Saudi Arabia and run the steel mill for which people of Pakistan paid them as reward for their meritorious service...
At least now i am convinced that when PML-Q calls Nawaz a coward, they have a valid point.
As far as i am concerned the ganja brothers are not fit to lead.

In all honesty Gillani is a far better man than them and much more honest if truth be told, i find new respect for our PM when i realize that one of these brothers was twice the elected Prime Minister of Pakistan.
?BBC Urdu? - ????????? - ????? ????? ?? ???? ???? ?????: ??????

Hellooo friends,

I saw this on the BBC Website and living in Peshawar the province that has suffered the most by this WOT i strongly condemn and Chief Minister Punjab must appoligize on what he said, According to him the terrorist must stop attacking Punjab and carry on with their carnage on other parts like Sindh, NWFP and Balochistan

Buddy, this is BBC, commonly known as Best British Comedy,
They always tend to add spice to a story, if this was the case, I am sure PPP and specially Salman Taseer would have capitalized on it big time.
Besides, no other net work reported it in such manner.
Unbelievable. This is a new low even for the PML-N.

I, for one, failed to understand why Musharraf didn't hang Nawaz when he took over. We'd have one less jackass to deal with... He shouldn't have let them come back.
Terrorism result of Musharraf's pro-US policies: Shahbaz Sharif

Mon, Mar 15 03:55 PM

Lahore, Mar. 15 (ANI): Pakistan Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif has accused former Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf of enacting a bloodbath of innocent Pakistanis at the behest of foreigners in order to prolong his rule.

Addressing 12th annual seminar in the memory of Maulana Mufti Muhammd Husain Naeemi at Jamia Naeemia on Sunday, Sharif said that terrorism in Pakistan is the result of wrong policies of General Musharraf.

The Nation quoted him, as saying that People of Pakistan need to employ unity and solidarity to rise above their sectarian and petty differences for the progress and prosperity of the country.

He added that a system to ensure supremacy of justice and equitable distribution of resources should be introduced in Pakistan.

He also pointed out that Pakistan was created after innumerable sacrifices but it had not been transformed in accordance with the ideas of Quaid-e-Azam and Allama Iqbal. (ANI)

Terrorism result of Musharraf's pro-US policies: Shahbaz Sharif - Yahoo! India News
PML-N, Taliban fighting for same causes: Shahbaz Sharif

Updated on Monday, March 15, 2010, 16:25 IST

Lahore: Stoking a controversy, Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif has said the Taliban should not target the province as his party, the PML-N, and the militants are fighting for the same causes and both had opposed former military ruler Pervez Musharraf.

Addressing a seminar in Lahore, Shahbaz, the brother of PML-N chief and former premier Nawaz Sharif, expressed surprise that the common stance of his party and the militants had failed to stop the Taliban from carrying out terrorist attacks in Punjab Province.

"Gen Musharraf planned a bloodbath of innocent Muslims at the behest of others only to prolong his rule but we in the PML-N opposed his policies and rejected dictation from abroad, and if the Taliban are also fighting for the same cause, then they should not carry out acts of terror in Punjab," he told the seminar held on Sunday.

Shahbaz claimed extremism and terrorism were the result of the "wrong policies" of the Musharraf regime and Pakistan is now paying a heavy price for those policies.

He further claimed the PML-N pursues policies that are not dictated from abroad and the party had taken a forceful stand on the Kerry-Lugar Act because it compromised Pakistan's sovereignty, integrity and survival.

Shahbaz's comments were greeted with surprise and shock by the people, including analysts and commentators.

Punjab Governor Salmaan Taseer slammed Shahbaz today, saying the Chief Minister's comments amounted to bowing down before the militants. Taseer said: "This statement has disturbed the whole of Pakistan...it is a shameful statement for all Punjabis."

"The crime rate in Punjab has increased by 40 percent over the past two years. Should we go to the criminals and say don't do anything in Punjab and please loot the rest of Pakistan?" he asked.

Taseer also criticised PML-N leader and provincial Law Minister Rana Sanaullah for hob-nobbing with leaders of the banned Sipah-e-Sahaba group while campaigning for recent by-polls.

He also alleged the PML-N-led government had a hand in the release of convicted members of militant groups.

"After the Chief Minister's statement, I have doubts about where the PML-N is going, how they want to do the Talibanisation of Punjab, which people they are in league with...We will not tolerate this," Taseer said.

Noting that Shahbaz had not responded when he recently asked him in an official letter whether he was for or against the militants, Taseer said: "The Chief Minister has given his reply through yesterday's comments."

Commentator Shafiq Awan wrote in the Daily Times: "The Chief Minister's appeal, asking the Taliban not to target Punjab, since both the group and the government have the same views over foreign dictation, has shocked many. I believe his statement will lead to further controversy and that Sindh and NWFP should have serious reservation over it.

The PML-N has repeatedly accused the Pakistan People's Party-led government at the centre of backing the war against terror at the behest of the US and called for a review of policies to tackle militancy and terrorism.

PML-N, Taliban fighting for same causes: Shahbaz Sharif
I heard his comment yesterday on tv and thought to myself that he shouldn't have said it. Funny thing is that media hasn't picked up on it or maybe they don't want to considering the super hero status PML-N and esp. Shehbaz has in Lahore. But I'm sure if this comment were comming from a PPP member they would have ripped him a new one and no doubt that PML-N would be leading the charge.
Buddy, this is BBC, commonly known as Best British Comedy,
They always tend to add spice to a story, if this was the case, I am sure PPP and specially Salman Taseer would have capitalized on it big time.
Besides, no other net work reported it in such manner.

Yes, he certainly didn't say that they should carry on their carnage in other provinces, but unfortunately his line of reasoning as reported in most newspapers is despicable and underscores the basic issue I have with the PML-N: they are way too right wing for my liking.

Basically what Shahbaz Sharif said was that the Taliban and the PML-N both opposed Musharraf and therefore this is a unifying element between them. Since this is the case, he was surprised and disappointed that the Taliban would attack a province whose government was allied with them in their anti-Musharraf views. This is heinous to say the least. Trying to identify commonalities with terrorists is not something Shahbaz Sharif should be doing.

Despicable, third-class behaviour for which he should be put on the mat. This is insulting - by implication - to all the military & security forces and civilians who have died in our WoT. Shame on Shahbaz Sharif for saying this. I am a fan of his development work, but I absolutely despise this statement and want him to apologize for it.
LAHORE: Punjab Governor Salmaan Taseer said that with the entire country facing the threat of terror, Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif has indirectly pledged support for Taliban by saying they should not target Punjab, thereby creating a negative distinction with the rest of the country.

Reacting strongly to Sharif's statement in Jamia Naeemia on Sunday, Taseer said that Punjab has been embarrassed, and that such statements will only embolden Sipah-e-Sahaba and the Taliban. He said that he feared the Punjab Government wanted to Talibanise Punjab.

Taseer alleged that the federal government is in the dark about safe houses and alleged that they were being run by Punjab Law Minister, Rana Sanaullah.

He said deciding the foreign policy of the country is not responsibility of a chief minister. The governor said all parties should join hands against sectarianism. He said the crime rate in the province has increased by 30 to 40 percent.

Source: Nation is fighting against terrorism: Taseer - GEO.tv
i often used to say this to my friends that thank God that PML N is not in power. at this crucial stage they would

Exactly. The PML-N is showing itself to be an immature, right-wing party which is littered with self-serving, myopic supremacists. I have admired Shahbaz for the work he has done in Punjab, but a single statement like this exposes his belief system... and it is despicable.

Both him and his brother became what they are because of the support they received from Zia - the biggest evil to have befallen our country. And they prove themselves the spawn of this devil at every turn. They are SO blindly consumed by their hatred of Musharraf that they would now appeal to murderers and terrorists invoking their 'shared views' on this subject?

Very disappointing. Shahbaz Sharif and his brother need to clean up their act and get with the program. :pakistan:
I heard his comment yesterday on tv and thought to myself that he shouldn't have said it. Funny thing is that media hasn't picked up on it or maybe they don't want to considering the super hero status PML-N and esp. Shehbaz has in Lahore. But I'm sure if this comment were comming from a PPP member they would have ripped him a new one and no doubt that PML-N would be leading the charge.

Media bombardment has started my friend.
Let us see how it affects the PML-N standing, they will lose more and more support.
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