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Shabaz Shareef biggest achievement in Punjab

PML N has badmash, gullus in every town and street.... PMLN is a terrorist party..... Party of Badmash.

We all agree. Good to know some people with gairat have no hesitation in speaking truth unlike the goons of PLMN who are shamelessly still supporting it. Few of those goons are on these forums too. No wonder why this country is so messed up.
Now is not the time to be starting political feuds, Pakistan is in the middle of a war, and it needs the full attention of everyone. While this incident disturbs me greatly, there are more urgent matters to attend to, like the 200,000 IDPs that needs help from Pakistan's establishment. Instead of trying to bring down the government and derail democracy, how about we start making a priorities list and following that?

Oh, and by calling the Punjab's government a terrorist government, you're giving more fuel and ammunition to anti-Pakistani idiots. You're basically justifying those people that say Pakistan is nothing more than a terrorist state.

Think before you idiots speak.

Finally, is there any source for the picture? Instead of posting a picture of a dead little girl, and shamefully using it to score political points, how about you give some evidence as to the background of the picture's origin, with evidence?

Sir these idiots are playing politics in bad a time. We waited 5 years for PPP term, worst ever. Lets wait another 4 for N, and then vote for PAT if you guys love Tuq so much.

Who started the model town mess in the first place? Punjab police with the backing of Punjab Govt. What do you think will happen if you storm residence of a political or religious leader (though I don't agree with his politics or religious believes but still he has following) in mid night without any prior notice? People will retaliate such an attack like this.

Things were still under control until Rana Sanaullah came at TV and gave angry statements, then everyone saw PML-N goon leading police force against PAT workers and straight rounds were fired at unarmed people.

Watch this:

N-League b@stards thought now that Army is engaged in operation in FATA, its good time to set the score against their opponents. They forgot its not 90s anymore. Media broadcasted every second of this incident and they are caught red handed.
Sir these idiots are playing politics in bad a time. We waited 5 years for PPP term, worst ever. Lets wait another 4 for N, and then vote for PAT if you guys love Tuq so much.

That's why Pakistan is going into worse condition day by day because two idiots are playing "Bari Bari" ... You waited for 5 years and you are equally responsible to destroying of Pakistan in PPP era .............

Damn he really does look like hitler here lol
:-) O my dear people...remember A time When you all Aspiring & Praying to God .......O God we need HITLER type Leader....
Now You have ...One :o::o:

NOW.... Accept the Will of GOD.........:yahoo:
TERRORIST ACCORDING TO PUNJAB GOVERNMENT SHOT IN FACE. Punjab Government and Punjab police are both terrorist organizations.

Listen Shabaz Shareef + PMLN, you cant hide behind Judicial comission and save yourself. Justice will be served on streets this time.
View attachment 35855 View attachment 35826

no doubt that Punjab police is no less than a terrorist PMLN tool, but Qadri i believe is a partner in crime in this as well

many people follow him, doesn't mean this mullah should let his disciples get brutalised by PMLN dogs?

qadri has never dared infront of the government has he ever?

during long march this container dude was sitting cozy while the common people had to bare all the harships

my point is, when the police was raiding qadri's place, he should have instructed his followers to let police do so that their lives don't get harmed, but qadri incited them to resist the police and the innocent people got killed because of qadri's ego
Who started the model town mess in the first place? Punjab police with the backing of Punjab Govt. What do you think will happen if you storm residence of a political or religious leader (though I don't agree with his politics or religious believes but still he has following) in mid night without any prior notice? People will retaliate such an attack like this.

Things were still under control until Rana Sanaullah came at TV and gave angry statements, then everyone saw PML-N goon leading police force against PAT workers and straight rounds were fired at unarmed people.

Watch this:

N-League b@stards thought now that Army is engaged in operation in FATA, its good time to set the score against their opponents. They forgot its not 90s anymore. Media broadcasted every second of this incident and they are caught red handed.
Anecdotes and unverified footage, that, in reality, really doesn't show much, is not evidence that the PML-N party started this, nor endorsed it. It's ridiculous. All the facts haven't come out yet, get off your high horse until they make an appearance.
Anecdotes and unverified footage, that, in reality, really doesn't show much, is not evidence that the PML-N party started this, nor endorsed it. It's ridiculous. All the facts haven't come out yet, get off your high horse until they make an appearance.

Looks like you aren't following this event much. Everything that's coming out is showing one thing only. i.e. Punjab Govt and police's nexus behind this.

Lahore clash: IG Punjab says cannot arrest policemen for firing – The Express Tribune

CCPO threatens Shebaz Sharif over Lahore Killing !

Read both carefully, in the first one, IG Punjab clearly says since police officers were just doing everything on someone else's orders, hence he can't arrest those officers.

Further there is no proof of PAT workers doing firing on police, there is only one picture available where a man is throwing a patrol bomb from roof. Other fact is, no casualties on police side, only 3 policemen got minor injuries.

But on the other hand, there are several footages of police firing straight rounds, and then we have 11 dead PAT workers. Who started it first is another debate, what do you think from ground results?
Looks like you aren't following this event much. Everything that's coming out is showing one thing only. i.e. Punjab Govt and police's nexus behind this.

Lahore clash: IG Punjab says cannot arrest policemen for firing – The Express Tribune

CCPO threatens Shebaz Sharif over Lahore Killing !

Read both carefully, in the first one, IG Punjab clearly says since police officers were just doing everything on someone else's orders, hence he can't arrest those officers.

Further there is no proof of PAT workers doing firing on police, there is only one picture available where a man is throwing a patrol bomb from roof. Other fact is, no casualties on police side, only 3 policemen got minor injuries.

But on the other hand, there are several footages of police firing straight rounds, and then we have 11 dead PAT workers. Who started it first is another debate, what do you think from ground results?
Anecdotal evidence, nothing more. Your logic is that correlation equals causation, which is simply not true. The fact that police side did suffer injuries, does say that the protesters did get violent. I've said it many times, the police made a stupid mistake, the use of force was far too disproportional.

And they were ordered, but by whom? Simply saying that Shahbaz ordered the shooting is ridiculous, since we don't have all the facts. It could simply have been a superior officer in the area.

How do we know that the CCPO is even telling the truth? The confessions could simply be politically motivated.

There are simply too many question here, and to simply throw out accusations is a great disservice to the dead.
Resisting arrest, creating hindrance, stopping law enforcement agencies from performing their duties is a crime. If criminals start hiding behind women (like they did in Lal Masjid) and women start protecting criminals from law, then they are criminals too and should be dealt accordingly.

TERRORIST ACCORDING TO PUNJAB GOVERNMENT SHOT IN FACE. Punjab Government and Punjab police are both terrorist organizations.

Listen Shabaz Shareef + PMLN, you cant hide behind Judicial comission and save yourself. Justice will be served on streets this time.
View attachment 35855 View attachment 35826

Why should the policemen be arrested? for performing their duty? These same people start crying like bitches when terrorist come knocking at their doors, then they want police to kill every terrorist, as though they roam around with "Terrorist" engraved on their foreheads.

Any one who obstructs the law, is a criminal and should be dealt accordingly. These are difficult times and people should try to look at the bigger picture.

My question is why is this bhagora TQ have become so active recently, is he trying to create the same kind of chaos and lawlessness as we are seeing in Libya, Egypt, Syria? who is sponsoring this idiot? Gov should revoke his nationality and ban his entry in Pakistan or if he is already here give him a one way ticket to hell.
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Anecdotal evidence, nothing more. Your logic is that correlation equals causation, which is simply not true. The fact that police side did suffer injuries, does say that the protesters did get violent. I've said it many times, the police made a stupid mistake, the use of force was far too disproportional.

And they were ordered, but by whom? Simply saying that Shahbaz ordered the shooting is ridiculous, since we don't have all the facts. It could simply have been a superior officer in the area.

How do we know that the CCPO is even telling the truth? The confessions could simply be politically motivated.

There are simply too many question here, and to simply throw out accusations is a great disservice to the dead.

I never said protesters didn't go violent. It was a mistake from both sides, but protesters get sympathy because they were the ones who suffered most damage.

About rest of your post, I was just raising the suspicious aspects of this controversy. Ofcourse there are a lot of questions that needs to be answered. Maybe Shahbaz wasn't involved directly, but at the same time, we can't say no one from Punjab Govt was involved.
I never said protesters didn't go violent. It was a mistake from both sides, but protesters get sympathy because they were the ones who suffered most damage.

About rest of your post, I was just raising the suspicious aspects of this controversy. Ofcourse there are a lot of questions that needs to be answered. Maybe Shahbaz wasn't involved directly, but at the same time, we can't say no one from Punjab Govt was involved.
All I can say is that before raising any suspicion, let the facts come out first. Considering your previous comments, I know you're smarter than falling for this political trap.
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