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Sexual abuse of young boys on the rise in Pakistan: watchdog

I think increased awareness and consequent reporting of crimes plays a major part. In India, the worst crime statistics are from states like West Bengal and Kerala, which are reasonably safe places by all accounts. The simple reason is that law enforcement and awareness in the Cow-Belt is so low that crimes don't get reported/prosecuted. Expect the crime rate in Pakistan to skyrocket in coming years and start reflecting reality.

about west bengal, one must consider another thing... rapes have increased since the communist party went out of power and the thugs of trinamool party took over.

the most tragic of the rape cases was the park street one... the trinamool's crass culture seems to have changed the culture even of generally intellectual calcutta.
Even babur in his biography mentioned that his uncle had relations with catamites (young boys)
PESHAWAR .... the mighty people who go to Cinema's to jerk off ..
the native and rural tradition of south asia always had sexual exploitation of males by males... "laundabazi" is a well-known word in india and pakistan.
Wrong...it originated in persian/afghan culture...and is mainly prevalent today in Afghanistan and Pakistan. In Pakistan possibly due to afghani refugees. And it is more commonly called bacha baazi
Bacha bazi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
about west bengal, one must consider another thing... rapes have increased since the communist party went out of power and the thugs of trinamool party took over.

the most tragic of the rape cases was the park street one... the trinamool's crass culture seems to have changed the culture even of generally intellectual calcutta.

True, lumpenism has skyrocketed in Kolkata after the Trinamool came to power. But the largest problem here is organized political violence, which makes it vital for parties to cultivate thugs in order to win elections. These thugs then get political patronage from their political bosses. Every Durga Puja season, many localities in Kolkata become victim to thugs who extort money in the name of Puja celebration. Outside the city, in the Muslim areas, thugs do the same in the name of Eid contributions. Unless the requirement of thugs to win elections and the ensuing political patronage is curtailed, the situation will only get worse.

But on a larger point, at least Bengal is still safer than places like UP/Bihar. Try registering a police complain in Champaran and see what the Thanedaar tells you. Which means that violent crime statistics in South Asia will always be misleading until law enforcement is made accountable.

It is not the shariah law but how they implement it and in Zia times they really made a joke of it and on most instances it was against the spirit of the religion because Zia's aim was to dissuade opposition and continue his dictatorship plus he had subscribed to saudis' extreme version of the religion. I can go pages writing against him and his ideology so I stop here. :)

But If one really studies, unbiasedly, the religion and the rules, the whole aim is to get the society cleaned up of any public display of immorality and justice for oppressed. But what the govt do is they mess with the rules, make loopholes and rig it to their side. That is where the punishment are made to look barbaric and unjust like Saudis handing 1000 lashes to a person for his criticism of the govt. In Islam you can criticise the govt without fear retaliation.

I will tell you a gut wrenching fact. Maybe you are aware of the Nithari serial killing and cannibalism case? A rich man named Moninder Singh Pandher and his henchman Surinder Koli were involved in the abduction and killing of dozens of small children from a poor area in the outskirts of Delhi. The estimates range from 20-60. No one actually knows the number of children who were killed because in most cases the police simply refused to register FIRs of the poor people. And in the few cases where cases were registered, no one cared that the cases had not been solved.

An NGO decided to do research on the issue. They found that in the very next police station, more than sixty missing children's reports had been registered in the previous year alone, and no one was accountable for the fact that these cases were unsolved. Criminal apathy of this magnitude is rampant in South Asia. How can we do anything unless our police and judiciary understand the task they are entrusted with?
I will tell you a gut wrenching fact. Maybe you are aware of the Nithari serial killing and cannibalism case? A rich man named Moninder Singh Pandher and his henchman Surinder Koli were involved in the abduction and killing of dozens of small children from a poor area in the outskirts of Delhi. The estimates range from 20-60. No one actually knows the number of children who were killed because in most cases the police simply refused to register FIRs of the poor people. And in the few cases where cases were registered, no one cared that the cases had not been solved.

An NGO decided to do research on the issue. They found that in the very next police station, more than sixty missing children's reports had been registered in the previous year alone, and no one was accountable for the fact that these cases were unsolved. Criminal apathy of this magnitude is rampant in South Asia. How can we do anything unless our police and judiciary understand the task they are entrusted with?
It seems both the countries and even Bangladesh are suffering from the same culture of insensitivity. That hints at a much bigger problem with our systems and bureaucracy. The English made these rules to colonise and subjugate people. They used the divide and rule policy, Hindus vs Muslims, educated vs uneducated and list goes on. The civil service people were trained to treat indians like dogs. They were given a false sense of superiority over their own compatriots. I think that system is still intact in both the countries despite the label change. This system will not provide us justice. If we compare this system against the Imperial rule (Mughals), at least, the justice was quick and merciless.
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It seems both the countries and even Bangladesh are suffering from the same culture of insensitivity. That hints at a much bigger problem with our systems and bureaucracy. The English made these rules to colonise and subjugate people. The used divide and rule policy, Hindus vs Muslims, educated vs uneducated and list goes on. The civil service people were trained to treat indians like dogs. They were given a false sense of superiority over the their own compatriots. I think that system is still intact in both the countries despite the label change. This system will not provide us justice. If we compare this system against the Imperial rule, at least, the justice was quick and merciless.

True, the civil service system has failed in south Asia. Bureaucrats who treat ordinary people like dirt, and politicians who in turn treat these bureaucrats and people as dirt. A perverse systme has developed in this part of the world - power without accountability. People in positions of power are supposed to exercise their discretionary authority to achieve the goal set out for them. Apart from that, there is no reason to give one human authority over another. In South Asia, power has become an end in itself. Hassan Nisar once made a very insightful critique on the matter, about how South Asian history is nothing but a history of lust for power.
i think about a year or 2 Dawn published a report about young male kids from the street are being sexuality abused. very worrying incident.. gov should immediately take some action before their lives are ruined
if by shariah you mean the additional-to-modern-socialism islami system that used to be followed in the libyan jamahiriya, i support your statement, but if by shariah you mean the beliefs of south asian mullahs, then i must mention that mullahs have been primary in sexual exploitation and rape of boys.

and your mention of culture - refer to my previous post's mention of laundabazi.
When we say about Islamic system - shariah law just a part of it, basically we mean the social justice system that treats everyone equally, you don't have to pay for the lawyers (liars :)) fee, don't have to wait years to get it solved, only 2-3 sessions should be sufficient, every person of the state has a basic income support, every child is paid by the state, the rich have to pay a tax called zakaat, education for all is guaranteed (both girls boys). And state helps young people to get married. After that if some one commits crimes....why should they not be dealt with severity.
if by shariah you mean the additional-to-modern-socialism islami system that used to be followed in the libyan jamahiriya, i support your statement, .

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