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Set Kashmir aside, focus on trade

Pakistan's stand on Kashmir doesn't change just because of what Zardari says, and so far he hasn't said anything major. All he said.. is that Kashmir issue will be looked later on (and he is nobody to say that either). NS hasn't said anything.. nor ANY of the ELECTED political parties.

Therefore, making various assumptions is not a wise thing to do.

We don't bother what your leaders say. Kashmir is ours. :azn:
India and China are not similar economies, neither is it with Europe and the US.

There must be some benefits or esle why should they trade?

One of the Economic objectives of every Nation is the balance in trade.

Benefits can be there but there will be no equity in this type of trade.

I personally believe that China and India were closed economies. That’s why they developed self sufficiency and they are now emerging economies b/c they are in the transition phase now.

Pakistan should first focus on investor friendly policies and technology transfer than we can compete.
Said who? And what are you trying to imply with such a piece of information ?
Does this means Mullahs are more pleasing to anti-Pakistan elemets?

There were leaders in history of nations who drank urine but still they are celebrated but you never discussed him, why?

When I quoted Jinnah's habits I pointing out that its not what a man eats or drinks which make him good or bad but what he achieves is what makes him great.

I am a great admirer of Jinnah and his foresight in building Pakistan and giving it a unique identity.

Call it law of the jungle: Ruling benches are always subjected to scrutiny but why are you so keen to move on without any scrutiny, what so ever. He faked the will of her wife and installed as PPP chairman in a most undemocratic way, later begged votes in the name of her dead wife! Such character can be your favorite, Indian favorite but not mine?

The people of Pakistan voted for him not British or Indians or Martians.

So you must respect their will just as you were very happy when they voted for the Gen M a few years ago.

Just a question to the Pakistanis. What can be the Kashmir solution acceptable to both Pakistan and India? Can any of you think of anything?
Just a question to the Pakistanis. What can be the Kashmir solution acceptable to both Pakistan and India? Can any of you think of anything?

Nope. Either India or Pak will have to give it up for good and never gripe about it again.

Balance of trade is, of course, what Nations should strive for. However, that is not feasible in all cases. If India wishes to have a balance of trade with EU or US or even China, then they (India) might as well stop trading and live in a cocoon!

Using the same argument as was used regarding the IPI and India being the loser if it trades through tankers, the same applies to Pakistan hauling in goods from far with high transportation charges, now that oil is at $104 per bbl, when it will be way cheaper to import from neighbouring countries who have the resources needed in Pakistan.

In so far as Zardari is concerned, he baffles me. With such serious charges against him, his party PPP walked away with the majority of seats!
//Lets have a plebiscite there and let Kashmiris decide//

Has not happened after so may years and will never happen.. Pakistan must learn to live with Azad Kashmir and India with its own.. What makes you think there would be aplebiscite.. It did not happen in when Pakistan had coventional parity with India and not in the future.. Let LOC be IB and let those Kashmiris who want to go to Azad Kashmir go there..

Kashmir isuue is in a backburner as far as worl is concerned .. who in the world cares about kashmir or which country points out India and accuses it ofpogrom or pressurises us.. so why do you think India will have to cede it when there is not enough pressure on it .. we can live with a minor millitancy, and can face war with you .. but frankly let us convert loc to ib and laets live in peace
//Lets have a plebiscite there and let Kashmiris decide//

Has not happened after so may years and will never happen.. Pakistan must learn to live with Azad Kashmir and India with its own.. What makes you think there would be aplebiscite.. It did not happen in when Pakistan had coventional parity with India and not in the future..
It has been done beacuse thousands of Indian Soldiers are killing innocent Kashmiris.

plebiscite could not take place beacuse Indian have no guts to even fullfil what its founders said in UN.
And what do you mean by India will live with its own Kashmir Part.???
HOw something that was never Indian property could be called as her own ???

Let LOC be IB and let those Kashmiris who want to go to Azad Kashmir go there..
Ho ho ho why Should The Kashmiris leave their own land that is occupied by the Indians.

And secondly it means the Indians are only intrested in keeping the land and not the people of Kashmir.

Kashmir isuue is in a backburner as far as worl is concerned .. who in the world cares about kashmir or which country points out India and accuses it ofpogrom or pressurises us.. so why do you think India will have to cede it when there is not enough pressure on it .. we can live with a minor millitancy, and can face war with you .. but frankly let us convert loc to ib and laets live in peace

lol the world dosnt not blam Indians for killing Innocent Kashmiris oh yeh.
If you only read the news posted on this forum you will come to know.

For us Kashmir is not on back burner.
its LoC and will remain so untill Indian Held Kashmir is not given back to its true citizen the Kashmiris.

And you can live with what you said a "minor millitancy" well yes this minor Kashmir freedom struggle is causing the Indian soldiers commit suicide and kill own officers and companion under guilt of killing Kashmiris.

And the same minor movement has forced India to deploy thousands and thousands of troops in Indian Held Kashmir.

And the same minior movement has forced you to spend billions on purchase of dreaded weapons to use on Kashmiris.
And you can live with what you said a "minor millitancy" well yes this minor Kashmir freedom struggle is causing the Indian soldiers commit suicide and kill own officers and companion under guilt of killing Kashmiris.

Oh yeah!! Jana has passed the verdict!! :sniper:

She personally went down to kashmir to do the psychiatric evaluation!
Oh yeah!! Jana has passed the verdict!! :sniper:

She personally went down to kashmir to do the psychiatric evaluation!

Actually i just winked at them in their dreams and the Indian Soldiers posted at Indian Held Kashmir strated committing Suicide and killing their seniors with service weapons ;)
It has been done beacuse thousands of Indian Soldiers are killing innocent Kashmiris.

plebiscite could not take place beacuse Indian have no guts to even fullfil what its founders said in UN.
And what do you mean by India will live with its own Kashmir Part.???
HOw something that was never Indian property could be called as her own ???

And what makes you think that you are the vanguard of that land.. As far I see it , its ia part of land in India that has the name kashmir where I have equal rights over it ...

Its not whether we have guts or not, we have the guts to have it and not allow it to to be taken by you...Frankly India does not care whether there is plebescite or not and what can you do about it..

What makes you say it was not Indian property, then by that sense america does not belong to white americans and its citizens but to native americans.

Ho ho ho why Should The Kashmiris leave their own land that is occupied by the Indians.

And secondly it means the Indians are only intrested in keeping the land and not the people of Kashmir.

As far as Indians are concerned its our land and not theirs alone .. Let them go if they want afterall azadi is what they want and you seem to be providing it across the border. I am an ethnic Tamil and I dont face any discrimination and I am comfortable to be with the union of India and those Kashmiris willing to be with us are welcome to be with us

lol the world dosnt not blam Indians for killing Innocent Kashmiris oh yeh.
If you only read the news posted on this forum you will come to know.

For us Kashmir is not on back burner.
its LoC and will remain so untill Indian Held Kashmir is not given back to its true citizen the Kashmiris.

And you can live with what you said a "minor millitancy" well yes this minor Kashmir freedom struggle is causing the Indian soldiers commit suicide and kill own officers and companion under guilt of killing Kashmiris.

And the same minor movement has forced India to deploy thousands and thousands of troops in Indian Held Kashmir.

And the same minior movement has forced you to spend billions on purchase of dreaded weapons to use on Kashmiris.

I am sorry I dont see Kashmir in headline of any international daily in the way they talk about palestine , chechenya or srilanka or even for that matter Kurdistan.

Who cares whether it is the backburner among Pakistani minds , it is a backburner as far as India is concerned and major international powers are concerned.. No major power makes a hue and cry , no muslim nation has avoided recognising us or opening embassies like they do for Israel

Yes we can live with it period. Kshmir is a minor insurjency when compared to major civil conflicts in the world. Russia can live with a conflict in Chechenya, Israel with palestine, Turkey with Kurdish problem and you with Balochistan and NWFP.If all the above can live with it, so can we.

I am sorry what kind of dreaded weapons are you referring to .. we dont use airforce, tanks, missiles on which we spend billions of dollars...
And what makes you think that you are the vanguard of that land.. As far I see it , its ia part of land in India that has the name kashmir where I have equal rights over it ...

Its not whether we have guts or not, we have the guts to have it and not allow it to to be taken by you...Frankly India does not care whether there is plebescite or not and what can you do about it..

Yes the world knows that India dosnt care what the Kashmiris want.
Your brutal Indian army is killing the innocent Kashmiris.
Kashmir was never part of Indian. If it was Kashmiris would not opt for freedom.

What makes you say it was not Indian property, then by that sense america does not belong to white americans and its citizens but to native americans.

:lol: native Americans ????? care to prove or explain who are native Americans ???

As far as Indians are concerned its our land and not theirs alone .. Let them go if they want afterall azadi is what they want and you seem to be providing it across the border. I am an ethnic Tamil and I dont face any discrimination and I am comfortable to be with the union of India and those Kashmiris willing to be with us are welcome to be with us.
first of all being an Indian Tamil your likness for atrocities against Kashmiris by indian army can be well understood.

YOu are comfortable with Indian Union the Kashmiris are not.

I am sorry I dont see Kashmir in headline of any international daily in the way they talk about palestine , chechenya or srilanka or even for that matter Kurdistan.
The Kashmir news are as much reported as that of other areas.
And the areas you mentioned are in the same line as Kashmir as the world is also not pressurizing all these states as it is not pressurizing India.

But It Doesn not mean that these Issues are not there.

Who cares whether it is the backburner among Pakistani minds , it is a backburner as far as India is concerned

Moroons do not care i know that

I am sorry what kind of dreaded weapons are you referring to .. we dont use airforce, tanks, missiles on which we spend billions of dollars...

:) yes you are purchasing these to deprive force billions of Indians to go to bed empty stomach.
Yes the world knows that India dosnt care what the Kashmiris want.
Your brutal Indian army is killing the innocent Kashmiris.
Kashmir was never part of Indian. If it was Kashmiris would not opt for freedom

All you can do is whine and cry rather than see the issue pragmatically. This will not take pakistan anywhere. period

native Americans ????? care to prove or explain who are native Americans ???

I am sorry aren't Red Indians who were the original inhabitants of American continent supposed to be called Native Americans because Red Indians sounds racist.

first of all being an Indian Tamil your likness for atrocities against Kashmiris by indian army can be well understood.

YOu are comfortable with Indian Union the Kashmiris are not.

Which kashmiris are you talking about, what do you know about the Indian side of Kashmir, have you lived there long enough to put forward such claims? You emotions are not the ones that matter, but ground reality does.

And what was your connection of my ethnicity and likeness for atrocities .. I fail to understand or wait a minute are you trying to pass a racist remark.

The Kashmir news are as much reported as that of other areas.
And the areas you mentioned are in the same line as Kashmir as the world is also not pressurizing all these states as it is not pressurizing India.

But It Doesn not mean that these Issues are not there.

Not even close . If you mean certain newspapers in your country , then I am sorry . As far as the international media goes the issue does not even grab headlines, not even close to the lines of east timor.

Moroons do not care i know that
Backoff ... you neither have the right to call me a moron nor do you know me enough. If so much emotion blinds your eyes then be it. Whine and cry but who cares. Be pragmatic and learn to accept ground realities.

yes you are purchasing these to deprive force billions of Indians to go to bed empty stomach

Like your country does not do it. Those people have opportunity and its up to use them. I was at UNICEF and the country head EIMAAR BARR quoted saying that India has all the money it has to alleviate poverty and is finally finding out channels to do it effectively. However it is none of your concern. Your argument was about Indians using billion dollar weapons against kashmiris and I ment otherwise.
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