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Seriously, what?! Kerry tells Russia 'you don't invade a country on completely phony pretexts'

Wait, I thought US needed incentive to intervene?
I was talking about military intervention.

Great achievement, indeed !!
There is nothing new in your rhetoric, you will cry foul to any event that doesn't align to your interests, but turn a blind eye to genocides and arm ruthless dictators all the while waving the flag of liberty and freedom....

Don't know what to make of this emotional rant?
If that is the justification for post war failure to prove Iraq as Nuclear armed, I would term it as pretty lame...

How could CIA, one of the world's premier intelligence agency probably gave inaccurate (not incorrect if positively considered your posted justification) information about nukes?? And we are not talking about Walk in the park... What we are debating is the very base of invasion on Iraq..
Unless proved with concret evidances, I wont believe US about WMD in Iraq...

MI6 and CIA heard Iraq had no active WMD capability ahead of invasion | World news | theguardian.com

Thoes are inspectors are from your allied nations... What can expect??

Its not accused who has to prove himself innocent, its the accuser who has to prove accused guilty... Prove Iraq had WMD, otherwise for us, US LIED..........
Then it is settled: You believed the US 'lied' about Iraq despite evidences that we could not.

For intellectually dishonest people like you, being wrong or wronged is a crime. The CIA is near omnipotent, which made it more likely that we 'lied'. Finally, not just the US 'lied', but the entire UN itself, all the way up to the office of the SecGen. You are just too much of a coward to say it.
Then it is settled: You believed the US 'lied' about Iraq despite evidences that we could not.

For intellectually dishonest people like you, being wrong or wronged is a crime. The CIA is near omnipotent, which made it more likely that we 'lied'. Finally, not just the US 'lied', but the entire UN itself, all the way up to the office of the SecGen. You are just too much of a coward to say it.
Should I be blamed as coward for the impotency of UNSC members.. Actually UNSC is more of hegemony of USA... And you did not understood the sarcasm I posted while mentioning CIA...

PS: :offtopic:Personally have great regards for your military tech knowledge and I read your posts with utmost interest..
You guys are not capable of debating rationally about Iraq. Being wrong is not the same as being deceitful. Putin claims that Russian nationals are being threatened and is not debatable. On the other hand, the issue of WMD in Iraq was debated for over a decade, with Russia being actively involved. So if you want to accuse US of being deceitful about Iraq, then make if official and accuse the entire UN of the same.

It was not a wrong decision.....wrong means that was happened as an error......but that was an intentionally fully planned attack on Iraq....and WMD were just an excuse to invade a country....
The main purpose to invade Iraq was to steal the Oil (Seen with my own eyes 4 and half years in Iraq, how many tankers of oil was going daily to Jordan and from Jordan to US).....
Secondly if yo see the Iraq on Map....it is in center surrounded by Islamic States...and strategically....it has a key value.
The Russians' reasoning (both in the Crimea and the Russian Federation) that the Euromaidan campaign brought about a ''ultranationalist'' / ''Anti-Russian'' / ''Fascist'' Ukrainian government is partially true. Ever since the riots started, fighters and hooligans who were alligned with the Svoboda, contributed greatly in the fight against the police.

Even though people, scholars and whatnot had warned about the influx of blind nationalist and far-right sentiments, the fact that the groups alligned with these political ideologies contributed so greatly during the Euromaidan, meant that they just COULDN'T be kept out of the political transition that would take place in the aftermath of Viktor Yanukovych's departure.

Aside from a substantial amount of new acquired seats in the Ukrainian parliament, the following Svoboda members have been GIVEN the following positions in the aftermath of 27th February:

-Andriy Mokhnyk- New Minister of Ecology
-Ihor Tenyukh - New Minister of Defence

This is also ONE of the reasons why some still want to keep protesting until the next upcoming elections
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New Ukranian Government



It was not a wrong decision.....wrong means that was happened as an error......but that was an intentionally fully planned attack on Iraq....and WMD were just an excuse to invade a country....
The main purpose to invade Iraq was to steal the Oil (Seen with my own eyes 4 and half years in Iraq, how many tankers of oil was going daily to Jordan and from Jordan to US).....
Secondly if yo see the Iraq on Map....it is in center surrounded by Islamic States...and strategically....it has a key value.
If we were there to 'steal' oil, then why bother with Jordan? Theft does not have to be clandestine. The US controlled Iraq: land, sea, and air. So what is the point with Jordan? Why not Kuwait, after all, the Kuwaitis owe US for saving their country? Why not just drove tankers to the ports by the Persian Gulf?

Whatever you claimed that you saw, which I doubt, how do you know the oil was stolen by US? WMD? If we were there to 'steal' Iraqi oil, then why not rig up a near functional nuclear explosive device with Iraqi uranium signature all over, then show it to the world to distract from US stealing the oil? Instead, we allowed the world to know we did not find any functional nuclear weapons and exposed US in allegedly 'stealing' Iraqi oil, as testified by you.
If we were there to 'steal' oil, then why bother with Jordan? Theft does not have to be clandestine. The US controlled Iraq: land, sea, and air. So what is the point with Jordan? Why not Kuwait, after all, the Kuwaitis owe US for saving their country? Why not just drove tankers to the ports by the Persian Gulf?

Whatever you claimed that you saw, which I doubt, how do you know the oil was stolen by US? WMD? If we were there to 'steal' Iraqi oil, then why not rig up a near functional nuclear explosive device with Iraqi uranium signature all over, then show it to the world to distract from US stealing the oil? Instead, we allowed the world to know we did not find any functional nuclear weapons and exposed US in allegedly 'stealing' Iraqi oil, as testified by you.

Your thinking is criminal like hell, but its normal because of your criminal US education.
If we were there to 'steal' oil, then why bother with Jordan? Theft does not have to be clandestine. The US controlled Iraq: land, sea, and air. So what is the point with Jordan? Why not Kuwait, after all, the Kuwaitis owe US for saving their country? Why not just drove tankers to the ports by the Persian Gulf?

Whatever you claimed that you saw, which I doubt, how do you know the oil was stolen by US? WMD? If we were there to 'steal' Iraqi oil, then why not rig up a near functional nuclear explosive device with Iraqi uranium signature all over, then show it to the world to distract from US stealing the oil? Instead, we allowed the world to know we did not find any functional nuclear weapons and exposed US in allegedly 'stealing' Iraqi oil, as testified by you.

You just misjudged my point.....by stolen i didn't mean that US was stealing and no body was knew...If you invade a country and you are the conquer than you can take what you want...that's what US was doing the oil which was taken. was with the price like a nut in the mouth of camel....Also after NATO and US armies left they also got contracts for oil export to these countries (and all this happened due to their pressure).....Even they left the Iraq's other bases but still US Base camp is in Basra City-Iraq where is the main hub of oil and why they still there? because of Oil. (Also don't forget the Kuwaiti oil is also on same part of land under the soil. It was also the main reason for war between Kuwait and Iraq, that Iraq was saying Kuwaitis are sucking their oil that has drain from Basra City towards Kuwait.)
About your question why from sending oil through Jordan not from Kuwait.....the answer is that Kuwait is a small country and US has already 3 base camps in Kuwait and Kuwaiti ports can't handle much traffic which US is already taking oil from Kuwait. That's why they choose the route from Jordan. Second thing it was plan to avoid any war between Kuwait and Iraq again in Future as Iraqis can say that their oil was taken and Kuwait Helped it.

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