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Senkaku showdown: US to send in drones


Aug 27, 2013
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The U.S. military's Global Hawk unmanned spy planes will be heavily involved in these activities around the islands known as Diaoyu in China. © Reuters

WASHINGTON -- U.S. drones are heading to the Senkaku Islands.

Japan and the U.S. will step up joint warning and surveillance activities over the islands in Okinawa and other parts of the East China Sea. The U.S. military's Global Hawk unmanned spy planes will be heavily involved in these activities around the islands known as Diaoyu in China.

The increased joint activities, which will also involve the Japan Self-Defense Force's E-2C early warning aircraft, are to reduce the risk of accidental clashes amid heightened tensions.

China's establishment Saturday of an air defense identification zone, which covers airspace over the disputed islands, escalated tensions. Japan and the U.S. will put pressure on China to retract its decision through this demonstration of security solidarity.

Global Hawks can fly for more than 30 hours at high altitudes of about 20km. Ordinary fighter jets reportedly cannot reach the high-flying drone. They are also capable of getting close to China's airspace and monitoring aircraft activity across the sea through high-performance cameras.

Governments are ramping up pressure on China. A security council meeting at the Japanese prime minister's official residence Tuesday morning discussed the escalation in the East China Sea. The government decided to strongly urge China to restrain itself, in partnership with international allies.

Businesses were taking a different tack. Japan Airlines and All Nippon Airways started Nov. 23 submitting flight plans to Chinese authorities regarding their flights passing through any part of the Chinese ADIZ. Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said at a press conference after the security council meeting that the Japanese airlines do not need to submit such plans to Chinese authorities.

Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida said at a separate news conference that Japan will deal with the issue through close partnership with the U.S., South Korea and Taiwan, which have also expressed concerns about the Chinese ADIZ.

White House spokesman Josh Earnest on Monday criticized China's latest move as "unnecessarily inflammatory." He made the remark to reporters travelling with President Barack Obama aboard Air Force One.
ohhhh now what uncle china will decide on next step? BTW why big countries fight for little peace of SEA or land always ? just because of ego when money and power come ?
USA is asking for it. At first the US said they would not interfere with the dispute of the islands. What's with the sudden change in policy?
USA is asking for it. At first the US said they would not interfere with the dispute of the islands. What's with the sudden change in policy?

if USA was staying on its limits they will be superpower more 1000 years not bankrupt and loans of 16trrillion$ :sick:
Russian placing missiles near EU and China with it's new ADIZ and the incident in the South China sea with the Cowpens seems to be a concerted strategy.
Russian placing missiles near EU and China with it's new ADIZ and the incident in the South China sea with the Cowpens seems to be a concerted strategy.

Symphony not yet synchronized, I guess.
USA is asking for it. At first the US said they would not interfere with the dispute of the islands. What's with the sudden change in policy?

Asking for what exactly? More bellicose hyper-nationalist huffing and puffing here? Will you personally contact China and order them to nuke everything? Knowing full well China would get nuked back to oblivion. Ok, being serious now. I know you're a hyper-nationalist, but you always seem to be at least rational and level headed here. Unlike some other hyper-nationalists here who act like they personally control China's military, but in actual reality are just huffing and puffing, and have no power outside of PDF.

As for the topic at hand, and your question. I don't know why the change in policy. Curious myself. Which is why I'm going to read up on other sources to find out.
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Asking for what exactly?
All I meant was, asking for a war with China. Not nuke each other to oblivion as you so call it.
Let's not get too serious about this, I don't wish for a war. I don't and never want to see people blow themselves up.
All I meant was, asking for a war with China. Not nuke each other to oblivion as you so call it.
Let's not get too serious about this, I don't wish for a war. I don't and never want to see people blow themselves up.

My friend, I agree with you! Glad you didn't take offense! I respect your devotion to your home country, but at the same time you also being rational about things.
My friend, I agree with you! Glad you didn't take offense! I respect your devotion to your home country, but at the same time you also being rational about things.
No I didn't. But thank you for understanding. I was just curious as to why the sudden change in it's policy and looks for a war with China. If it happens, I know it's gonna be bad and don't wish it. Hopefully some sane heads would sort this out.
Russian placing missiles near EU and China with it's new ADIZ and the incident in the South China sea with the Cowpens seems to be a concerted strategy.

50 cent BS of painting a picture China has bigger allies then it really has. Btw, 50 center, next year, a detachment of Iskanders is going to get posted in eastern Russia, near China.

Russian move has to do with Ukraine procrastinating and as a show of force to EU diplomats who are negotiating in Kiev.
50 cent BS of painting a picture China has bigger allies then it really has. Btw, 50 center, next year, a detachment of Iskanders is going to get posted in eastern Russia, near China.

Russian move has to do with Ukraine procrastinating and as a show of force to EU diplomats who are negotiating in Kiev.
Get back to your troll cave if you have nothing constructive to add.

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