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Senior Tibetan Monk Beaten to Death in Chinese Police Custody

Has it been proven that he was killed by Chinese police by a reliable source? Do you even know what was the cause of death?

If RFA is a reliable source, so it stormfront.

The monk is declared dead, if you want to prove that the news article is wrong prove it!!!

one more source....

Tibetan Buddhist Monk Beaten to Death by Authorities in China: Jamyang Geshe Ngawang


According to reports a very healthy Tibetan Buddhist monk named Jamyang Geshe Ngawang was beaten to death while in the custody of Chinese police. Of course, the sad reality is that the people of Tibet are subject to the continuing Han Chinese domination of this part of modern day China where Beijing rules like a colonial power. Similarly, while powerful Western nations may raise the issue of Tibet, it is more than apparent that trade is triumphing at the expense of human rights. Therefore, the murder of a Tibetan Buddhist monk will not stop political leaders in powerful nations from focusing on economics at all costs.

Jamyang Geshe Ngawang was a very popular Buddhist monk in the restive Driru County. Yet he was arrested along with two friends while visiting Lhasa on dubious grounds on November 23. After this period, he disappeared from the radar because of the nature of modern day China whereby political authorities, the security apparatus and local police forces can enforce their power on a whim. However, on December 17 it became known that Jamyang Geshe Ngawang had been killed after the police contacted his family in order to give them his body.

The Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy stated categorically that “the monk was beaten to death while being held in a secret prison. He was a big man and in good health when he left his monastery to visit Lhasa.”

Asia News says the Buddhist monk was “Born in 1968 in the county of Driru, Geshe Jamyang entered the monastery in 1987, two years after moving to India, where he continued his religious studies for 19 years. In 2007, he returned to Tibet to try to propagate Buddhism and Tibetan culture in its region of origin. In 2008 he was sentenced to two years in prison on charges of “maintaining contacts with foreign countries,” but was released early on good behavior.”

Since September the brutal crackdown against Tibetans is continuing in Driru therefore approximately one thousand Tibetans have been arrested. Ironically, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), which basically supports rampant capitalism and the exploitation of labor, is now imposing re-education classes on Tibetans. Of course, re-education means acknowledging the supremacy of China over indigenous Tibetan culture.

Radio Free Asia reports from a source inside Tibet who comments that “Area monks who have studied at Buddhist institutions in neighboring Chinese provinces are being recalled for indoctrination, while monks who have visited India and Nepal are being targeted for intense re-education sessions.”

The sad reality for Tibetans is that the CCP is enforcing a demographic and cultural time bomb against the indigenous people of Tibet. At the same time, Westerns powers on the whole care little about the plight of Tibetans apart from photo opportunities with the Dalai Lama and empty words. In the meantime, the onslaught against Tibetans is continuing and Buddhist monks like Jamyang Geshe Ngawang are paying the ultimate price, while capitalists from all over the world are thinking about trade and profits.

Tibetan Buddhist Monk Beaten to Death by Authorities in China: Jamyang Geshe Ngawang | Modern Tokyo Times

One more source .....

Tibet, Chinese police beat an influential Buddhist monk to death

Jamyang Geshe Ngawang, a religious teacher much loved by his community, was arrested on November 23 in Lhasa. His body, with obvious signs of violence, was returned to the family by agents who threatened to kill his family to silence them .

Lhasa ( AsiaNews) - Chinese police have beaten Tibetan Buddhist monk to death in a prison, who was arrested a month ago with two friends while on holiday in Lhasa, the provincial capital . The monk, Jamyang Geshe Ngawang, was very popular among the local religious: he had taught for many years in an Indian monastery before returning to Tibet, where he had accepted the post of lecturer at the monastery of Tarmoe Nagchu, Diru County . The region is known for being the center of a campaign of resistance against the new rules on "loyalty to the state" imposed by Beijing .

Public security officials arrested Jamyang last November 23 . Since then all trace of him was lost until December 17 when the police handed over his body to his family. Ngawang Tharpa , a Tibetan living in India but who maintains contact with his county of origin, told Radio Free Asia : "He was beaten to death . When the police handed over his body, they warned the family members of to say nothing of the incident. Otherwise, they would be killed". There is no news so far of the two companions arrested along with Jamyang .

According to the Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, it is " clear that the monk was beaten to death while being held in a secret prison. He was a big man and in good health when he left his monastery to visit Lhasa". According to some sources, his dead body was covered with "obvious" signs of the beating that took place in prison.

Born in 1968 in the county of Diru, Geshe Jamyang entered the monastery in 1987 , two years after moving to India, where he continued his religious studies for 19 years. In 2007, he returned to Tibet to try to propagate Buddhism and Tibetan culture in its region of origin. In 2008 he was sentenced to two years in prison on charges of "maintaining contacts with foreign countries", but was released early on good behavior. He resumed his religious work as was " highly respected " by the local community, until November.

TIBET - CHINA Tibet, Chinese police beat an influential Buddhist monk to death - Asia News
Hey Hindu, enjoy yourselves here. I wont reply anymore and Chinese, lets stop replying to this shitt thread. You will have no ends with these Hindus IQ82.
The monk is declared dead, if you want to prove that the news article is wrong prove it!!!

one more source....

Tibetan Buddhist Monk Beaten to Death by Authorities in China: Jamyang Geshe Ngawang


According to reports a very healthy Tibetan Buddhist monk named Jamyang Geshe Ngawang was beaten to death while in the custody of Chinese police. Of course, the sad reality is that the people of Tibet are subject to the continuing Han Chinese domination of this part of modern day China where Beijing rules like a colonial power. Similarly, while powerful Western nations may raise the issue of Tibet, it is more than apparent that trade is triumphing at the expense of human rights. Therefore, the murder of a Tibetan Buddhist monk will not stop political leaders in powerful nations from focusing on economics at all costs.

Jamyang Geshe Ngawang was a very popular Buddhist monk in the restive Driru County. Yet he was arrested along with two friends while visiting Lhasa on dubious grounds on November 23. After this period, he disappeared from the radar because of the nature of modern day China whereby political authorities, the security apparatus and local police forces can enforce their power on a whim. However, on December 17 it became known that Jamyang Geshe Ngawang had been killed after the police contacted his family in order to give them his body.

The Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy stated categorically that “the monk was beaten to death while being held in a secret prison. He was a big man and in good health when he left his monastery to visit Lhasa.”

Asia News says the Buddhist monk was “Born in 1968 in the county of Driru, Geshe Jamyang entered the monastery in 1987, two years after moving to India, where he continued his religious studies for 19 years. In 2007, he returned to Tibet to try to propagate Buddhism and Tibetan culture in its region of origin. In 2008 he was sentenced to two years in prison on charges of “maintaining contacts with foreign countries,” but was released early on good behavior.”

Since September the brutal crackdown against Tibetans is continuing in Driru therefore approximately one thousand Tibetans have been arrested. Ironically, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), which basically supports rampant capitalism and the exploitation of labor, is now imposing re-education classes on Tibetans. Of course, re-education means acknowledging the supremacy of China over indigenous Tibetan culture.

Radio Free Asia reports from a source inside Tibet who comments that “Area monks who have studied at Buddhist institutions in neighboring Chinese provinces are being recalled for indoctrination, while monks who have visited India and Nepal are being targeted for intense re-education sessions.”

The sad reality for Tibetans is that the CCP is enforcing a demographic and cultural time bomb against the indigenous people of Tibet. At the same time, Westerns powers on the whole care little about the plight of Tibetans apart from photo opportunities with the Dalai Lama and empty words. In the meantime, the onslaught against Tibetans is continuing and Buddhist monks like Jamyang Geshe Ngawang are paying the ultimate price, while capitalists from all over the world are thinking about trade and profits.

Tibetan Buddhist Monk Beaten to Death by Authorities in China: Jamyang Geshe Ngawang | Modern Tokyo Times

Does that man with lotsa of black hair look like a monk to you?????????????

It is another me another propaganda website.
Does that man with lotsa of black hair look like a monk to you?????????????

It is another me another propaganda website.


Sure I will mate :cheers:

No need to worry!!!

The article just posted a pic about the atrocities of Chinese hans on Tibetans.
I have already told you buddy, I can not make you believe what you don't want. You want to say they are just BS and propaganda. Tell me one thing if chinese are so good to these Tibetan people why do they do this. Why tibetian monk set ablaze himself on the streets of Delhi.Why would their paper or source lie. Buddy you can deny it as much as you want but you also know the truth and I also do. :-)

You told me nothing except news that you picked from the internet, many of which are dubious source.

Have you been to Tibet? Have seen the lives of Tibetan?

Sure I will mate :cheers:

No need to worry!!!

The article just posted a pic about the atrocities of Chinese hans on Tibetans.

That pic is not a monk, neither was he Tibetan.
You told me nothing except news that you picked from the internet, many of which are dubious source.
Have you been to Tibet? Have seen the lives of Tibetan?
So you want me to go to Tibet to bring you news of their torture.Grow some brains Bro.
I have met many exiled monks in Delhi and Arunachal. And I know what they feel of china and how Chinese police torture their country men in Tibet.

Hey Hindu, enjoy yourselves here. I wont reply anymore and Chinese, lets stop replying to this shitt thread. You will have no ends with these Hindus IQ82.
Post reported.
Mods look into this matter.
Chinese are killing our Buddhist brothers and sisters like no tomorrow in Tibet, and this impotent Congressi Govt is sitting silent like it was when China forcefully invaded Tibet.

Just you wait Chinese, Buddhists in Tibet share the cultural/religious bond of Buddhism with India, and we will make you pay 100 times what you have made them go through.

You should stop read propaganda and face the reality.

Chinese is not killing Tibetan Buddhist monk, because many of them are Buddhist as well.

Instead the Tibetan Buddhist monk is a bit kind of little celebrity there.
So you want me to go to Tibet to bring you news of their torture.Grow some brains Bro.
I have met many exiled monks in Delhi and Arunachal. And I know what they feel of china and how Chinese police torture their country men in Tibet.

News again?! Are you intellectual sound? I said visit Tibet.

Exiled monks are political rebels, not just normal monks. It's like talking to indian mujahideen mullah what they feel of India. Have some credibility!!!!
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