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Senior Haqqani Network leader killed near Islamabad

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Senior Haqqani Network leader killed near Islamabad
By Tahir Khan
Published: November 11, 2013
ISLAMABAD: Unidentified gunmen shot dead senior Haqqani Network leader Dr Naseer Haqqani near Islamabad, leaders of the group told The Express Tribune on Monday.

Dr Naseer came under attack late Sunday in Barakau area, they said.

“I can confirm that Dr Naseer has been martyred,” a militant, who had previously worked with Haqqani Network in North Waziristan, said.

Giving details of the incident, the militant said the gunmen, riding a motorcycle, opened fire at Dr Naseer when he was returning home from a mosque.

“The dead body has been sent to Miranshah for burial later in the evening,” the former Haqqani Network official said.

Dr Naseer had been mainly involved in dialogue-related affairs of the group.

Dr Naseer was Afghan fighter Jalaluddin Haqqani’s eldest son. Jalaluddin’s three other sons were also killed.

Born in Neka district of Paktika province, Afghanistan, Dr Naseer was put on UN Security Council’s sanction list of individuals who were subjected to assets freeze, travel ban and arms embargo.

According to the details provided in the sanction list, Dr Naseer had travelled to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates to raise funds for the Taliban and operates from Pakistan’s North Waziristan.

Haqqani Network

Founded by Jalaluddin, the network is considered the most dangerous faction in the Taliban army in Afghanistan.

The Haqqanis have been blamed for spectacular attacks on Afghan government and Nato targets across Afghanistan as well as kidnappings and murders.

Jalaluddin Haqqani

Jalaluddin was a mujahedeen leader sponsored by the CIA, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia during the fight against Soviet occupation of Afghanistan in the 1980s. He served in the Taliban government after it took power in 1996 following years of civil war.

He is known to have close ties to al Qaeda, and after the fall of the Taliban regime in the 2001 US-led invasion, he joined the insurgency.

In recent years, his son Sirajuddin has taken on increasing leadership within the group from his father, who was born in 1942.
I wonder who would kill strategic asset haqqani suspected of attack on Indian consulate in Kabul near national capital??? Pakistan is unsafe for terrorists these days, a sad state of affairs.

Pakistani Taliban spokesperson Shahidullah Shahid has blamed ISI for this killing & has vowed to take revenge.
Haqqani network chief's son shot dead in Islamabad

ISLAMABAD: The son of the chief of the Haqqani terror network, blamed for attacks on US forces and the Indian embassy in Kabul, was shot dead by unidentified gunmen near the Pakistani capital, leaders of the group said on Monday.

Haqqani network leader Nasiruddin Haqqani, the eldest son of warlord Jalaluddin Haqqani, was killed by gunmen riding a motorcycle when he was returning home from a mosque late Sunday night in Barakahu area, leaders of the group said.

"I can confirm that Dr Naseer has been martyred," a militant, who previously worked with the Haqqani network in North Waziristan, was quoted as saying by The Express Tribune.

Giving details of the incident, the militant said Nasiruddin's body had been sent to Miranshah for burial on Sunday.

Nasiruddin had been mainly involved in dialogue-related matters of the Haqqani network. Jalaluddin's three other sons have also been killed.

Born in Paktika province of Afghanistan, Nasiruddin was put on the UN Security Council's sanctions list for individuals subjected to assets freeze, travel ban and arms embargo after the 9/11 attacks.

According to the sanctions list, Nasiruddin had travelled to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates to raise funds for the Taliban and operated from Pakistan's North Waziristan tribal region.

The Haqqani network, founded by Jalaluddin, is considered the most dangerous Taliban faction in Afghanistan. The Haqqanis have been blamed for devastating attacks on the Afghan government, US and Nato forces and the Indian embassy in Kabul.

The network is also considered to be close to the Inter-Services Intelligence and the Pakistani military.

Haqqani network chief's son shot dead in Islamabad - The Times of India
Pakistani Taliban spokesperson Shahidullah Shahid has blamed ISI for this killing & has vowed to take revenge.

ISI and Army has been supportive of them, from whom they will take revenge ?
He was instrumental in back channel talks b/w taliban and USA lately. That's why he was quietly released from pakistani custody and was living in islamabad.
Pakistani Taliban spokesperson Shahidullah Shahid has blamed ISI for this killing & has vowed to take revenge.
How can he blame the ISI? The ISI is in cahoots with the Afghan Taliban (Haqqani) providing them moral, and military support. After all, it's they whom the PA/ISI want in Kabul to head a Pakistani controlled government after 2014. Some will say he was killed by the ISI as he didn't conform to their diktats.

But as per conspiracy theorists, it must be the RAW who are avenging the attack on the Indian embassy in Kabul!
ISI and Army has been supportive of them, from whom they will take revenge ?

Shahidullah added that ISI killed him because he supported late Hakimullah Mehsud:

A spokesman for the Pakistani Taliban confirmed the death and vowed to take revenge, accusing Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) agency of killing him.
"Nasiruddin Haqqani has been martyred by ISI," Shahidullah Shahid, the main spokesman for the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), told AFP.
"He was killed because he bravely supported Taliban chief Hakimullah Mehsud."

Haqqani network leader killed in Islamabad
Nasiruddin Haqqani alias "Zabihullah Mujahid" is targeted by foreign elements. It will create more confusion and also it is a big setback to the Haqqani network. In December 2010, Pakistani operatives arrested Nasiruddin and shifted him to the safe house under the name of "arrest" and after that the famous US-Pak tension started on Haqqani Network which created a possibility of war between US and Pakistan. Pakistan never acted against Afghan freedom fighters but PTI, JI and other so called US haters always blame that we are fighting America's War.

TTP's deputy chief openly confessed that they are supported by Afghan and Indian intelligence agencies but still some so called US haters are telling us that TTP are real mujahideen and they are shaheeds but Pakistan Army is fighting them because we are fighting America's War. A very simple question from them, if we are fighting America's war then why we are not fighting against Haqqanis, why we made peace accords with Qari Zain and Molvi Nazir, one was killed by TTP themselves and later was killed in a drone strike. If Pakistan Army is fighting in return of American Dollars, then why local tribal peace lashkars are supporting Pakistan Army instead of supporting Afghan, Uzbek, Tajik, Chechen and Indian comprised Tehrik e Taliban Pakistan?


Courtesy: Abuzar Ilyas
How can he blame the ISI? The ISI is in cahoots with the Afghan Taliban (Haqqani) providing them moral, and military support. After all, it's they whom the PA/ISI want in Kabul to head a Pakistani controlled government after 2014. Some will say he was killed by the ISI as he didn't conform to their diktats.

But as per conspiracy theorists, it must be the RAW who are avenging the attack on the Indian embassy in Kabul!
& you think he was the only person, which could hve brought a pakistani like minded govt in afghanistan after 2014, funny theories?
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