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Shouldn't CIA be on CIA most wanted list as killer of lot more innocent Muslims?

That's the problem with silly Hindus. They don't understand the word "Abrahamic". They just come here without studying anything about history, identity and geo-politics. The word "secularism" and "khuda" of bollywood has made hindus dumb like you.

Let me explain -
In Islam, Christians are considered as junior partners, younger brothers. Jesus is considered as one of the prophet in Islam. So, even if CIA butchered 10 million muslims in Afganistan, palestine, pakistan, it doesn't matter to ISI and policy-makers(who are islamist but have deeper uderstanding of Abrahamic history). At the end of the day, they club to same pole and lineage. (if u are in a delusion that USA will destroy Islam and Mecca then u are silly. The war is only between Shia and USA. Sunnis are with USA since 1973 dollar accord. The plan is to either get IRAN on American side or eliminate/destabilize IRAN's leadership so it doesn't ally with China. The plan is not to attack Islam.) Those ISIS types are merely tools of CIA to destroy Shia(Iraq). Nothing more than that. For capturing and looting Iraq's oil, breakup of iraq is necessary. Breakup of Pakistan is also necessary because USA needs airbase in P0K, to invade China with militancy & war).

Abraham was common ancestor to Islam and Christianity both. He was common ancestor to both Jesus and Mohammad. Ok, now the real shocker - Shahruk Khan named his kid as "Abraham" after a fight with some hindu corporates after mumbai attacks in 2008. Since then, he has sent all signals to Jama mosque, AMU and indian muslims that they should align their roots with Abraham, not stop with just islamic invaders(Mughals).

The ultimate plan is to use India as launching base to attack China with both Abrahamic cults. And this process has begun. It seems you didn't read what Bihari muslims are openly telling to muslims - "Goto China, study there". The long-term wave has started. POPE visited Mecca in 2012 and this plan was discussed. India is done by 2030. By the way, it was HILLARY CLINTON who funded & promoted Dravidian separatist terror movement in South India. Many books have been written on this and Modi went to lick Obama's a$$ despite knowng it. It was CIA who got Rajiv Gandhi killed through Norwegian route to LTTE(fully on missionary pair).

Rajapakshe is a smart-a$$, intellignet guy. He wiped out whole LTTE using China's help. Indian leaders were busy licking american a$$. :rofl:

The beauty of China is, they don't have "English". Hence they don't suffer from inferiority complex of White men, which Modi and Indian leaders do. (see how Modi talks in his feudal speeches - "Bill clinton said, we are not snake charmers anymore". Only some ch*tiya African will speak like this). China knows how to treat Obama. They made him walk 30 meters of stair-case climb up and walk upto Chinese premier, where Premier was standing on stage. The whole scene was so insulting for Americans because Obama looked like a chaprasi walking to the King on high pedestal. :rofl: :D :tup:

India(the name itself is given by British viceroy) has no hope, its a basket case which keeps jumping based on imported weapons & serving their women to Americans, while indian men serve as "bonded labour" for English nations(UK,USA,AUS,NZ). None of other developed nations(Germany/Russia/China/France) do such stupidity. They don't use English at work so no question of doing coolie-work. Smarter races. ;)

Ok, so go back, do your research again. Don't bark here like a stupid kid.
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how many Muslim he killed?

Depends on who you ask. Millions, if you ask Pakistanis and Chinese.

However, if you are one of those who trust the Judgement of the highest court of India, he killed NONE!

They couldn't even frame him in any of the wrong-doings, forget conviction.

The day he is convicted of killing Muslims, I will accuse him of killing Hindus as well!
Depends on who you ask. Millions, if you ask Pakistanis and Chinese.
However, if you are one of those who trust the Judgement of the highest court of India, he killed NONE!
They couldn't even frame him in any of the wrong-doings, forget conviction.

Typical silly "good boy" Hindu. Sitting on internet & begging people to accept that Modi didn't kill muslims. This mindset of urs is the reason u have become joke within India. Not a single muslim fear any hindu in india. :rofl:

Infact, Modi is begging that jehadi Sajjad Lone in private and begging to him - "i also follow Allah. We are same, brother". Sajjad Lone - "Now u speak nice. I love that, Ok, remove all terror charges from my head, give me money". Modi - "done, allah hu akbar". Ever seen Modi sitting with hindu naxals & showing them same love & inviting them inside in PMO in private, to convince them to fight elections? (no, he won't. Because hindus didn't kill Modi's home minister so he is not scared of hindus. Its the muslims he fears. ;)) Modi has converted a holy place like PMO into a joke. Have u ever seen white-men doing that with Osama after inviting him to white-house? :rofl:

Modi's gujarat is another joke. This diwali, there were attacks from muslims, but media didn't report it because that would put Modi's chaddi down. Also, does any mosque follows LoudSpeaker norms in gujarat? :lol:
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Typical silly "good boy" Hindu. Sitting on internet & begging people to accept that Modi didn't kill muslims. This mindset of urs is the reason u have become joke within India. Not a single muslim fear any hindu in india. :rofl:

It was said by "Supreme Court of India", not by a "silly hindu" like me!

No Hindu believes in the business of scaring other minorities! If they did, you would have at least, noticed it!

Rest of your post is unsubstantiated and unadulterated BS -- and hence not worth replying!
It was said by "Supreme Court of India", not by a "silly hindu" like me! No Hindu believes in the business of scaring other minorities! If they did, you would have at least, noticed it!

you can't scare anybody(maybe only ur wife) because u r hindu. Hindus are impotent. ;)

You can only beg & plead to USA and say "be force with you, plz save my a$$ from pakistan", just like chhakka Modi. :rofl:

It was TATA who stopped Vajpayee from pushing into Azad Kashmir during 2002 parliament attack. Same group working today, Modi is merely an uneducated pappu.
same allegation were on Mr. Daoud Ibrahim. but USA didnt put travel restriction on him.

US declared Dawood Ibrahim a global terrorist more than a decade ago. You're little bit behind times here. Perhaps some light reading might help? Or is that too much to ask?
you can't scare anybody(maybe only ur wife) because u r hindu. Hindus are impotent. ;)

You can only beg & plead to USA and say "be force with you, plz save my a$$ from pakistan", just like chhakka Modi. :rofl:

It was TATA who stopped Vajpayee from pushing into Azad Kashmir during 2002 parliament attack. Same group working today, Modi is merely an uneducated pappu.
Ok Jai Shri Allah Nath :rofl::rofl::rofl:
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