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Send back Sri Lankan Air Force jawans, say all parties in Tamil Nadu


Jan 21, 2012
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Chennai: Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa has said that nine personnel from the Sri Lankan Air Force, who are being trained in Chennai, must immediately be sent back.

The jawans arrived recently at the Tambaram Air Force station in Chennai for a nine-month training period.

"It's inappropriate when countries are demanding action against Lanka for violations during the war," Ms Jayalalithaa said. "This is anti-Tamils. I condemn it," she added.

Opposition parties have agreed. DMK chief M Karunanidhi has backed the demand for expulsion. MDMK chief V Gopalswamy, popularly known as Vaiko, has warned of a huge protest outside the air force base.

The Indian Air Force says that the centre must decide what happens next, since the training was agreed upon by the governments of both countries.

Political parties in Tamil Nadu together pressured the Central government into voting against Sri Lanka last year at a session of the UN Human Rights Council. The resolution asks Sri Lanka to investigate alleged human rights violations during the final phase of the country's civil war with the Tamil Tigers. Sri Lankan forces ended the war in May 2009 after nearly three decades. Tamils, who are in the minority in Sri Lanka, have regularly complained of discrimination. Their alleged abuse and exploitation is a politically-volatile issue in Tamil Nadu.

Send back Sri Lankan Air Force jawans, say all parties in Tamil Nadu | NDTV.com
Such calls smacking of short-sightedness must be ignored by the center in larger national interest. Karunanidhi or Jayalalitha are more concerned with the tamil votes they have little concern otherwise for tamils in India let alone Sri Lanka & elsewhere. The center must engage sri lanka constructively as this is a good opportunity to iron out the wrinkles in the Indo-Sri Lankan relations. Already china is engaging sri lanka & pakistan i following suit as well. Sri Lanka cosying up to these two pariahs will only spell bad news for India , Sri Lanka & whole of South Asia.
GOI always acting against TN and its people , GOI want to create problems in TN for a sake of diplomatic relations with SL?. Tolerance also having some sort of threshold level bear in mind.

Such calls smacking of short-sightedness must be ignored by the center in larger national interest. Karunanidhi or Jayalalitha are more concerned with the tamil votes they have little concern otherwise for tamils in India let alone Sri Lanka & elsewhere. The center must engage sri lanka constructively as this is a good opportunity to iron out the wrinkles in the Indo-Sri Lankan relations. Already china is engaging sri lanka & pakistan i following suit as well. Sri Lanka cosying up to these two pariahs will only spell bad news for India , Sri Lanka & whole of South Asia.

You want me to write something??
GOI always acting against TN and its people , GOI want to create problems in TN for a sake of diplomatic relations with SL?. Tolerance also having some sort of threshold level bear in mind.

I disagree with you . DMK and AIADMK both are making issue for vote bank .

India did opposed srilanka (only asian country ) for human right abuse at UNHRC .
India votes against Sri Lanka; resolution adopted
Such calls smacking of short-sightedness must be ignored by the center in larger national interest. Karunanidhi or Jayalalitha are more concerned with the tamil votes they have little concern otherwise for tamils in India let alone Sri Lanka & elsewhere. The center must engage sri lanka constructively as this is a good opportunity to iron out the wrinkles in the Indo-Sri Lankan relations. Already china is engaging sri lanka & pakistan i following suit as well. Sri Lanka cosying up to these two pariahs will only spell bad news for India , Sri Lanka & whole of South Asia.

So how long TN interests will be sacrificed in the larger interests of the nation? TN fishermen death and arrests ?? Katchatheevu - Hello anyone??? And what short-sightedness are we talking about here? How long India is going to fall for the bogeyman of a foreign country having a base in SL? Before it was US and now it is China??
Lankan security forces must not be allowed to set foot inside Tamil Nadu.

Hope both the parties - DMK and ADMK force the Congress govt to send back these 'enemies of mankind', 'killers of Tamil civilians' back to their country -- or to any other state. They are not welcome in TN.
Atleast the government could train the lankans in some other states.
what did they expect from tamil nadu government? of course there will be issues...
This politics of centre and state is running into bad weather...:hitwall:
All this stems from a weak central Govt.

How can a state interfere with Defence issues ?

Petty politics at its worst, I hope Delhi has the strength to tell her to hop.

These airmen must have come for a specific training, can a training establishment be shifted for the political convenience of a political party ?
All this stems from a weak central Govt.

How can a state interfere with Defence issues ?

Petty politics at its worst, I hope Delhi has the strength to tell her to hop.

These airmen must have come for a specific training, can a training establishment be shifted for the political convenience of a political party ?

ok if you think that SL ties is more important then there is no point for us to be part of India union,yes we need a free nation.

If somebody died in J&K borders means I am expressing my condolence with whole heartily because I am Indian but wen genocide happened to my race at my backdoor I shouldn't talk about that issues? becoz I am Indian ,wat a logic?. In addition my nation supporting that mass murderer and given royal welcome wat it implies? did our nation thought abt our feelings? hw many non tamilians talking against that act? then hw we become brothers and sisters wen you can't understand our feelings? talking national integration is pointless now.

If our nation not bothering us means then why we have 2 think about Pakistan and China those are non- tamilian problems ryt.
The happiness of Indian Citizens should be given more importance than ties with any country.

It doesn't matter if it is petty politics or not.

There have been mass atrocities on Tamils in Sri Lanka and India cannot be blind about the fact.

I, as an Indian, support all the Tamils in this. You cannot have good ties with Sri Lanka until and unless they stop atrocities on Tamils.
ok if you think that SL ties is more important then there is no point for us to be part of India union,yes we need a free nation.

If somebody died in J&K borders means I am expressing my condolence with whole heartily because I am Indian but wen genocide happened to my race at my backdoor I shouldn't talk about that issues? becoz I am Indian ,wat a logic?. In addition my nation supporting that mass murderer and given royal welcome wat it implies? did our nation thought abt our feelings? hw many non tamilians talking against that act? then hw we become brothers and sisters wen you can't understand our feelings? talking national integration is pointless now.

If our nation not bothering us means then why we have 2 think about Pakistan and China those are non- tamilian problems ryt.

Sri Lankan Tamils are not Indians. Also things are relatively peaceful in SL today between Tamils and Sinhalas. Pakistani Hindus in Sindh/Punjab and so on are raped and converted and this is an ongoing issue, what has the GoI done for that other than Aman ki Asha and all that friendship BS (if GoI only cared about North Indians as per your logic)?
The happiness of Indian Citizens should be given more importance than ties with any country.

It doesn't matter if it is petty politics or not.

There have been mass atrocities on Tamils in Sri Lanka and India cannot be blind about the fact.

I, as an Indian, support all the Tamils in this. You cannot have good ties with Sri Lanka until and unless they stop atrocities on Tamils.

At least somebody like you is supporting ,thanks.
Sri Lankan Tamils are not Indians. Also things are relatively peaceful in SL today between Tamils and Sinhalas. Pakistani Hindus in Sindh/Punjab and so on are raped and converted and this is an ongoing issue, what has the GoI done for that other than Aman ki Asha and all that friendship BS (if GoI only cared about North Indians as per your logic)?

Sri Lankan Tamils are not Indians..agreed. But they were the ones who were shortchanged by the Indian Govt for its own designs and hence India is morally responsible for their well-being.They werre the ones who suported India when the Lankans were giving the Pakistanis logistics during the '71 war.

Moreover being a Punjabi - I assume you are one, sorry if you are not - you can easily disconnect yourself from the happenings in Lanka and see it only through the prism of India-Lanka diplomatic relations....As Tamils, to us, this issue transcends mere diplomatic relations between two countries...its an emotional issue for us...Trust me most of those unaffected by Partition feel the same, you feel towards the Lankan Tamils...but only a Punjabi can understand the pain of partition and only a Tamil can understand the pain of seeing the Lankan Tamils systematically annihilated in Lanka.

So if you cant say anything other than - they are not Indians, so dont worry about them - please refrain from that. I am being much courteous as this is a Pakistani site...some may not be so.
Sri Lankan Tamils are not Indians. Also things are relatively peaceful in SL today between Tamils and Sinhalas. Pakistani Hindus in Sindh/Punjab and so on are raped and converted and this is an ongoing issue, what has the GoI done for that other than Aman ki Asha and all that friendship BS (if GoI only cared about North Indians as per your logic)?

ok...Why India intervened into east Pakistan issue?
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