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Sen. Hafiz Hamdullah is not Pakistani Citizen conveys NADRA - PEMRA issues notice to all TV channels

Fazul-r-Rehman and his group for votes have used this tactic of arranging CNIC for Afghan refugees, which is a well known fact in KP
They carry UNCHR ID card and Pak ID too. They use both identity at will. And Peshawari hate these Afghans and ask govt many time to remove them from city limit and send them back to designated refugee camps. But, corruption ...

What about Jinnah's gift mohajireen, people who shared no culture, values, history or looks with us and produced people like Altaf Hussain, and are a bigger curse to the safety and security of this country as even shaytan is more faithful then them.

Obviously your hatred of Afghans, Pukhtoons is visible like a ray of light.

People like you remind of my travels as a boy where a white man said to me I don't mind you Asians it's just the niggas I hate, but he was saying the same to them as well.

Your hatred for Pakistani Baloch and pukhtoon is embedded in you and you portray it by directing it at Afghans but our mothers didn't raise fools, we understand the bigger game

Your kind claims Zia and Pakistan helped defeat USSR but you can't even help yourselves to liberate the oppressed Kashmiris from india, such is reality.
stick with your Afghan identity and Afghan flag. Don't need your opinion in Pak matters.
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They carry UNCHR ID card and Pak ID too. They use both identity at will. Peshawari hate these Afghans and ask govt many time to remove them from city limit and send them back to designated refugee camps. But, corruption ...
Yes, Sir, But i have worked in UNHCR Pak, its literally impossible to get away with dual registration as NADRA is taking care of both the PoR and CNIC, they will be caught instantly they come for renewal, for registered refugees there is even IRIS scan, as these people used to receive their benefits for return and would come back through other means to receive the benefit again, therefore, IRIS scanning system was introduced to rule out multiple repatriation attempts by one....however those who gave up PoR for CNIC are the scum living among us and those who helped them in the process are real culprits who should be trialed and brought to justice
The entire gang should be behind bars plus this chap who engineered this scheme plus how crafty put his son serving in Pak army, agencies should check this entire gang. WoW really! he's crafted with all those fake documents, if one documents, not enough for this Chap nationality so why he referenced so many other mountains of documents to prove himself a Pakistani. Life imprisonment or at least 20 years of hard labor. He and many like him hold Afghan interests. Achakzai should also be checked when they go against our nation people like them should have their nationality revoked as they do in Britain and sent back to their respective countries. Its only us that think if they have lived here they should be allowed. The UK doesn't give nationality on birth since 1980 and revoke naturalized citizens if found working against national interests. So why not us. If one checks thoroughly his party, most of the recruits are afghani migrants who were embraced by his party for mere number and influence. These people need to be closed down along with the institutions they represent. It is the only way forward for a peaceful and forward-looking country. Well done ISI and Nadra I just wish they were stricter with them in previous governments

اسلام کے نام پر سیاست کرنے والو
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Anybody born in Pakistan is a Pakistani National irrespective of Nationality of his/her parents.
But, no country in the world give nationality on such basis. Specially non muslim country. Only in US.
He went to Afghanistan 1976 on Pakistani passport, with Afghan Visa. This surely is a Bonafide case . Nothing to do with his recent speeches against powerful people.

And when the day comes, that Pakistan has the courage and dignity to try and convict the criminal/corrupt politicians (Nawaz, Zardari/Talpurs/Shabaz/Bilawal + cronies) as traitors to Pakistan and be stripped of their Pakistani citizenships and deported from Pakistan, after extracting every last penny of wealth they looted from the state.

On that day, Pakistanis would become true to their country and be true Musalman.
And when the day comes, that Pakistan has the courage and dignity to try and convict the criminal/corrupt politicians (Nawaz, Zardari/Talpurs/Shabaz/Bilawal + cronies) as traitors to Pakistan and be stripped of their Pakistani citizenships and deported from Pakistan, after extracting every last penny of wealth they looted from the state.

On that day, Pakistanis would become true to their country and be true Musalman.

The sons of the soil of Pakistan want the revocation of the "citizenship" of only one guy who was born in Delhi India and that indian mof ruled this country illegitimately from 1999 to 2007.
The sons of the soil of Pakistan want the revocation of the "citizenship" of only one guy who was born in Delhi India and that indian mof ruled this country illegitimately from 1999 to 2007.

So when is Imran Khan going to deport him to his country of origin... which is?
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