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Seeing life in India, Chinese girl exclaims "I m so lucky I am Chinese".

Indians here always claim that we Chinese live in an isolated society we don't know what's going on outside China, we Chinese live in a big prison and people can not breathe and fresh air of freedom, Chinese are all slaves...

But Indians don't know that 160 million Chinese travel overseas all around the world every single year, the world biggest outbound source of tourists by a huge margin. Contrary to what Indians believe, visiting and studying overseas and seeing all other countries with our own eyes makes Chinese love China more.

Only after visiting different countries many Chinese realised that we took so many good things for granted in China which are far from the the daily reality in many other countries.

I'm actually surprised to find out China is the biggest spender when it comes tourism. According to Wikipedia they are spending as much as USA/Germany/France combined.
Seeing life in India, Chinese girl exclaims "I m so lucky I am Chinese"

A Chinese girl viisits Kolkata and find a landfill that is only 3km away from the very city center and close to the hotel she stays.

It totally shocks her to see that locals wash vegetable and themselve with the putrid, toxic water flowing down from the landfill, she asksed the locals how they can use that water for anything and they reply that is the only water avaible for them.

Locals make their living through a 10 storey tall landfill and the stench in the air makes her hard to breathe and she almost passes out.

In the end she exclaims that she never feels this strongly that it's so lucky that she was born in a good country, China and so lucky to be Chinese.

Please tell me she is traveling in the company of someone else ... if she's traveling alone in India, she really has a deathwish. I don't dare to think about the consequences.
India is a land of extremes.. Abject poverty living right beside extreme wealth, Like some one mentioned earlier.. It's how you experience it.. It doesn't need to be wholly negative like this video which is more like propaganda than a travelogue

Harassment of women in public is another issue altogether.. That needs to be in the national consciousness, India's highly patriarchal social structure and Caste system is a major impediment to it
Please tell me she is traveling in the company of someone else ... if she's traveling alone in India, she really has a deathwish. I don't dare to think about the consequences.

He can tell you when he's back from his ban.

In mean time he's likely getting "rogered" for failing his higher ups this stupidly and cringily. Has set back his promotion to tier 1 bot another decade maybe.

But if a person had basic common sense, one should have picked not being part of a hivemind to that degree...its another kind of deathwish.

All of course is well in the hivemind itself for its bots and lackeys to hypocritically point fingers in any other direction:



You should know Chinese people are not like Westerners. Westerners can think independently. Chinese people tend to do stupid things unless the government tells them not to. Using one's brain is practically the monopoly of the government institutions in China.

thats not true. people in the west do stupid things all the time. There is literally a revolt against wearing masks in the US right now, even though all scientists and health officials are begging them to for the sake of everyone. there also the anti-vaxx group, flat earthers, you name it.
thats not true. people in the west do stupid things all the time. There is literally a revolt against wearing masks in the US right now, even though all scientists and health officials are begging them to for the sake of everyone. there also the anti-vaxx group, flat earthers, you name it.
I said think "independently". I didn't say think "correctly". Trust me on this. Chinese people assume a nanny state. If the government doesn't tell them to stop doing something, they will assume it's perfectly fine to go ahead.
It would have been a good post if she/you had not added " feel lucky I am Chinese" .
It gives a ( perhaps unintended) reek of propaganda.
However the content itself is correct. There is no need to gloat at others misfortune. When China had wrong political/economic policies, you had famines perhaps even cannibalism instances. With the right direction you are moving well ahead.
Similarly India is under poor management, we will also make progress under the right direction. Individual effort matters little in a billion plus nation if the national leadership is not in the right keel
It would have been a good post if she/you had not added " feel lucky I am Chinese" .
It gives a ( perhaps unintended) reek of propaganda.
However the content itself is correct. There is no need to gloat at others misfortune. When China had wrong political/economic policies, you had famines perhaps even cannibalism instances. With the right direction you are moving well ahead.
Similarly India is under poor management, we will also make progress under the right direction. Individual effort matters little in a billion plus nation if the national leadership is not in the right keel

Dude, these guys just caused a pandemic that has killed more people than WW2 and probably has caused more economic damage.

Want to know how many pandemics originated from China
how many originated from India?

Pandemics are caused only when conditions are extremely dire...
Except for few areas, China is worse than a third world nation.
The government can't ban traveling, they chose to go to travel in India, they are at their own risk, if anything bad happened to them, tough luck.

A girl's suggestions to other fellow Chinese girls who plan to travel to India

This Chinese girl gives her suggestions to other fellow Chinese girls who plan to travel to India. Fully covered up with long sleeve shirts and long pants, cover your face if necessary, don't drink much water cause you won't find bathrooms anywhere.

What about just don't go. There are 200 other countries to visit. Why would you risk your health and possibly death by going to India? I am willing to bet that girl has dysentery
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Except for few areas, China is worse than a third world nation.
Dude, these guys just caused a pandemic that has killed more people than WW2 and probably has caused more economic damage.

Want to know how many pandemics originated from China
how many originated from India?

Pandemics are caused only when conditions are extremely dire...
Except for few areas, China is worse than a third world nation.
Actually, US spread more pandemic than others from smallpox to red Indian, then the Spanish flu and very likely the covid-19. So your theory failed. :enjoy:
Indians here always claim that we Chinese live in an isolated society we don't know what's going on outside China, we Chinese live in a big prison and people can not breathe and fresh air of freedom, Chinese are all slaves...

But Indians don't know that 160 million Chinese travel overseas all around the world every single year, the world biggest outbound source of tourists by a huge margin. Contrary to what Indians believe, visiting and studying overseas and seeing all other countries with our own eyes makes Chinese love China more.

Only after visiting different countries many Chinese realised that we took so many good things for granted in China which are far from the the daily reality in many other countries.
Chineese rulers are the most coward and self serving useless autocrats... censuring everything
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