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Sedimentary deposits in the basins of Pakistan | Zameen ka DNA | Dr. Suleman Khan from UOP

An important area of study. Large parts of Pakistan have not sufficiently been studied for mineral resources. Based on Pakistan geographic history,..you would expect more iron ore deposits than we we currently know of. Who knows of other minerals.
Is there any indication how much (time, money, resources) it would take to fill in the blanks of a full geological survey of Pakistan? This should should be a matter of national security.

Very valid point,
An important area of study. Large parts of Pakistan have not sufficiently been studied for mineral resources. Based on Pakistan geographic history,..you would expect more iron ore deposits than we we currently know of. Who knows of other minerals.

its widely ignored and government must pay attention to this matter.
Just Reko-Diq alone has attracted global mining attention. If Pakistan found even a few more massive finds of valuable minerals, global investment would come pouring in under the right legal contracts.

we need to look at how the allure of the Trillions in Afghan minerals keep the world interested there for the past 4 decades.

Minerals (along with water) not oil will be the resources that will shift global geo-politics
Very valid point,

its widely ignored and government must pay attention to this matter.
Even Thar coal deposits were discovered accidently by USAID workers digging water wells for locals. Geological Survey of Pakistan employees enjoy cushy government jobs that don't require any real effort. They need to be slapped around like PIA.
Even Thar coal deposits were discovered accidently by USAID workers digging water wells for locals. Geological Survey of Pakistan employees enjoy cushy government jobs that don't require any real effort. They need to be slapped around like PIA.

Yes, you are very right. these morons deserve an immediate slap on their wrist.
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