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Secularism is ........



New Recruit

Jul 4, 2008
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Secularism is a concept that is derived from mans pride and arrogance in front of his Creator. Islam is a Deen, a complete way of life as taught to us by the Prophet SAW touching every sphere of life. Corrupt secularism attempts to relegate and limit Islam to the mere role of a religion, where we only consult or use the Quran for births, deaths, marriages and other religious rituals, but rarely or never refer to it for resolving worldly issues (e.g. contracts, company structure, etc). Leaving man to spread his evil and mass corruption in the playground of World affairs, like mischievous children when the teacher is absent. This is why there is so much misery in the world today, the Just (INSAAF) system of our Creator is not being implemented, instead mans Zulam (oppression) has spread to the 4 corners of Earth causing much grief, misery, suffering and tears.

Some times secularism is used to imply protection of minority groups.
An Islamic state better guards the interests of its minorities than secular states. Look at the way the Secular US treats its minorities ask the Blacks who are regular victims of institutional racism, the Japanese that were moved to camps during WWII, ask the South Koreans, the plight of the original Americans Red Indians would bring you to tears. The picture is similar in many Western Secular states even in Australia the suffering and plight of Aborigines is inhuman. This oppression is encouraged because they do not follow a Just system from their Creator and they have little or no concept of fear of their Creator or accountability from Him.

The Islamic state and Muslims mentality must be built on Fear (Taqwa) and accountability from his Creator. The Islamic state orders us and makes it a duty upon us, an issue of worship that Allah SWT will account strongly, the good treatment and defence of Non-Muslim citizens (Dhimmi) of the state. There is a meagre tax, the “Jizya” that the Dhimmi pays (Muslims pay the Zackat which is usually more) and they are equal citizens of state and must be protected from internal and external threats. Being non-secular doesn’t mean usurping the rights of non-muslims or oppressing them, completely forbidden for us. On the contrary the Islamic system will permit them to marry, divorce and resolve other religious affairs according to their religion. If their religion permits consumption of alcohol then the non-secular Islamic state will also allow them to drink alcohol in privacy, not publicly. All these rules were revealed by Allah SWT to His Prophet SAW and He SAW in turn taught us.

The Quran & Sunnah condemn the concept of Secularism in strongest terms. The example of the Sahabah, Tabieen, Tabi Tabieen show they never practiced it. Indeed why did the Sahaba refer new worldly problems & realties they faced to the Prophet SAW for resolving, instead they could have practiced
If you have taken this from somewhere could you please place a link on your post
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