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Secret document reveals Indian subversion in Pakistan


Aug 29, 2009
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LAHORE – Even as India and Pakistan were actively engaged in laying a framework for normalising their relations in the aftermath of Operation Parkaram (Dec 2001 - Oct 2002), Research and Analysis Wing’s (RAW) Counter Intelligence Team - X (CIT-X), had been assigned to conduct subversive operations targeting Pakistan. The CIT-X was working relentlessly to destabilise Pakistan while New Delhi stepped up interaction with Islamabad on the diplomatic channels.
According to well-placed sources, the details of these plans came to light once a copy of the classified document detailing these activities was accidentally lost and became available for public scrutiny.
The strategy to advance the interaction with Pakistan on the diplomatic channels, while perpetrating acts of terrorism on a parallel track, was envisaged after the failure of Indian spell of coercive diplomacy vis-a-vis Pakistan during the Premiership of Atal Bihari Vajpaee.
The document lays out the extensive espionage network dovetailed into the diplomatic missions in Central Asia, particularly Afghanistan, and Middle East which the Indian undercover intelligence operatives utilise to rake trouble not only in FATA but in Pakistani hinterland as well.
As per details given in the purloined paper, agents for anti-Pakistan subversion were trained in 57 training camps established in the Indian Held Kashmir (IHK), East Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Karnataka and Assam.
Activists of anti-Pakistan nationalist groups were the focus of Indian search for recruits who received cash, weapons and ammunitions from undercover RAW operatives masquerading as al-Qaeda agents.
While sections of the Taliban have been named as perpetrators of some of the most heinous and bloody acts of subversion in Pakistan, it were their Indian handlers who manipulated the invisible strings. Mossad’s tactics of infiltrating Palestinian resistance acted as model and provided the modus operandi for CIT-X to stir insurgency on Pakistan’s Western border that, hitherto fore, had remained free from a military threat.
‘Apart from concentrating on the FATA region, stoking the fires of sub-national movements in Pakistan can be identified as one of the vulnerable area where Indian agencies are focused’,
reveals the document.
Targeting interior regions of Sindh province, Seraiki-belt and the Northern Areas of Pakistan forms pivots of the Indian plan, receiving riveting and ceaseless attention of CIT - X, the classified document further revealed.
The declassified document of RAW revealed CIT ‘X’ operations which spells out the Mossad/RAW/CIA plot against Pakistan indicating that Pakistan has been effectively engaged in for a long hot summer as the ‘summer offensive continues.”
Sources believed that UAE is being used as a launching pad for terrorist activities in Pakistan. Agents are getting hold of young, disgruntled elements and after carrying out their proper brainwashing, they are dispatched to Dubai. Indian Consulate in Dubai is issuing temporary passport to these activists for getting training and briefing. After completion of their formal training, they are launched into Pakistan to carry out terrorist activities.
In retaliation to the alleged unending terrorist pursuits of Pakistan, RAW and MOSSAD had conceived the ‘summer offensive’ a year ago. Modus operandi has been successful. Following were their operational tactics.
Intelligence had successfully tapped known international drug and mafia dons against Pakistan. CIT ‘X’ is effectively training agents for covert operations in Pakistan.
Under the Vajpayee government, the CIT ‘X’ and other sensitive organisations were authorised to strengthen contacts with sleeping agents, and recruit new front men to carry out covert operations in Pakistan.
This intelligence model is an improvement on the practices of Mossad which has infiltrated several Jewish agents into the occupied territory of Palestine as Muslims. These agents practice Islam like any ordinary Muslim. Mingle into local Muslim population just to wait for the appropriate time to strike.
While Taliban and al-Qaeda are getting the blame and Pakistan gets the rap for ‘not doing enough’ by US and friendly Afghan authorities.
RAW is also involved in sponsoring Balwaristan Movement. It is being organised under Abdul Hamid, self-styled Chairman of his own faction of Balwaristan National Front based in Delhi. The Front is working for the independence of Northern Areas. It has been inculcating into Pakistan a highly subversive material from abroad.
The hostile intelligence operatives are making concerted attempts to achieve their aim of destabilising Pakistan through a well-conceived plan. It needs to be countered utilising all means available at our disposal.
Analysts say that Pakistan should think twice before initiating dialogue with India due to New Delhi’s dangerous track record.

Secret document reveals Indian subversion in Pakistan | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online
According to well-placed sources, the details of these plans came to light once a copy of the classified document detailing these activities was accidentally lost and became available for public scrutiny.


Has Zaid Hamid started writing for Nation under a pseudo name ???:azn:
Indian support for mass terrorism is well known for those who are inside Pakistan government, army, and ISI. These documents might reveal more details about what they are doing. I wonder what ISI and army are doing to counter this. Perhaps take out indian terrorist infrastructure and terrorists supports/providers/sympathizers in Afghanistan and middle east?
Where is the moderator and think tank member who keeps on shouting not to post unverified media junks and prompt in closing such threads??? Is the rule different for everyone?
Something written just for the sake of filling the blank spaces when there is no advertisment and news to print....
Yea and I accidentally found Jack's magic beans....you can ask those same unnamed sources
Where is the moderator and think tank member who keeps on shouting not to post unverified media junks and prompt in closing such threads??? Is the rule different for everyone?

You do your work, let us do our work, we know well what to do with what and what not.
What a freedom speech. One post three response from Indian members. Plus advice and agitation.
Why don't you guys prove it wrong or sub standard journalism(or yellow one)
What a freedom speech. One post three response from Indian members. Plus advice and agitation.
Why don't you guys prove it wrong or sub standard journalism(or yellow one)

Prove it wrong....???

I m not in perview of getting such "Classified" information..:bunny:

maybe i will have to wait until some document is accidentally lost....:rofl:
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Maybe Nation.pk should post scanned copies of the classified documents that "got lost" that will give more credibility as most medi organisations do so by publishing memos, documents or uploading video audio files of conversations. Any such links? Besides The nation is edited by Shireen Mazari isn't it? So there goes your objectivity.

Anyways, on a more serious note, CIT-X and CIT-J were RAW desks setup in response to Pakitani support ot Khalistani rebels in East Punjab. After a meeting with Hamid Gul (then head of ISI) and the RAW chief, it was decided that all support of Khalistani rebels would be stopped in return no attacks by RAW will be conducted in Pakistan. This was in the late 1980s. IK Gujaral later dismantled these desks completely as such covert operations were becoming counter productive on world stage.

Interestingly many people consider Benazir Bhutto responsible for ending support to Khalistani militants when its most likely Hamid Gul himself who did it. However, the Pakistani agencies then started supporting militants in Kashmir in the 90s but successive PM did not authorize a creation any covert operations as the global blow back is just to expensive, particularly post 9/11.

So the author is probably living in the past by about 25-30 years. Here is an interesting read on this
The 'Jihad' Against India
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