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Second Italian-Built FREMM for Egypt Started Sea Trials

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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The second FREMM for Egypt BERNEES (FFG 1003)

The Egyptian Navy’s latest frigate, Bernees (FFG 1003), setting sails from La Spezia on 15 February for sea trials. It is the former “Emilio Bianchi” FREMM built for the Italian Navy (but never delivered). Georgio Arra picture.

The second of two FREMM frigates to be delivered by Fincantieri to Egypt started sea trials in mid-February according to photographs obtained by Naval News.

Formerly known as "Emilio Bianchi", the frigate has been named: BERNEES (FFG 1003)

According to our information, the sea trials of Bernees started on (or shortly before) 15 February, date when the pictures were taken in La Spezia, where the Fincantieri shipyard is located (Muggiano). This marked the first time the vessel went to sea with Egyptian markings.

The delivery date of Bernees has not been publicly disclosed, but it will likely take place in the coming weeks. The first vessel, Al Galala (FFG 1002) left La Spezia on 25 December and arrived in Alexandria on 30 December.

The second FREMM for Egypt BERNEES (FFG 1003)

The Egyptian Navy’s latest frigate, Bernees (FFG 1003), setting sails from La Spezia on 15 February for sea trials. It is the former “Emilio Bianchi” FREMM built for the Italian Navy (but never delivered). Georgio Arra picture.

As we reported at the time, the hand-over of Al Galala to the Egyptian Navy which took place on 22 December 2020 was preceded by crew familiarization activities/support of the personnel with the Italian Navy and industrial support. Therefore the ongoing sea trials of Bernees may fulfill a similar role.

As was the case for the first frigate, some electronic countermeasures systems (EW suite’s jammers, NETTUNO-4100 RECM system and Thales Altesse CESM equipment) and some communication aerials have been disembarked. Apart from that, no major change is visible compared to the original FREMM design.

For the record, the contract for the transfer of the two FREMM frigates to Egypt, reportedly quoted at circa €1.2 billion, without further information on the inclusion of the training and support package, is expected to include options for two additional new-built frigates, as the programme regarded four platforms, according to industrial sources. A separate deal or part of the same contractual agreement is the supply of smaller patrol vessel to be built locally under a technological transfer package. The naval package is reported as part of a wider deal to be signed with Italian industries and including Eurofighter Typhoon combat fighters and Leonardo M-346 dual-role attack/advanced trainers, space platform and weapon systems.




- 24 Typhoon fighters
- 24 Aermacchi
- 1 SAR radar spy satellite
- 2 Fremm Berghamini ..Making 4 in total
- An ammunition production line for Egypt from the Leonardo Company with a license to manufacture various ammunition ..(Among the ammunition is the guided artillery munitions Vulcano: 155mm land, 76mm and 127mm Naval)


The deal is worth 10.7 billion euros

* Fincantieri and Leonardo will open branches in Egypt, and they will maintain production lines, Italy's deal is one of the most important deals in the transfer of manufacturing technology.

** The Russian deals also involve production lines and the transfer of manufacturing technology. (The T-90MS deal is just one example)..

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That's a good looking ship. Erdogan must be drooling.

ERDOGAN's Turkish Navy has TF-2000 class Destroyer project which is only in the region

even Turkish Navy modernized MEKO-200 ( BARBAROS ) class Frigates will be so superior to Egyptian FREMMs

also Turkey build its own ISTIF class Frigate which is superior to Egyptian FREMM


Egyptian Navy FREMM Frigate with 24 missiles
16 x ASTER-15 SAMs
8 x OTOMAT MK2 anti ship missiles
6 x MU-90 Torpedos

Turkish Navy ISTIF class Frigate with 80 missiles
16 x ATMACA anti ship missiles
6 x MK-46 Torpedos
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They should invest 10 billion dollars in the Egyptian defence industry.
even Turkish Navy modernized MEKO-200 class Frigates are so superior to Egyptian FREMMs

Turkey build its own ISTIF class Frigate which is superior to Egyptian FREMM
View attachment 726186
View attachment 726187

Egyptian Navy FREMM Frigate with 24 missiles
16 x ASTER-15 SAMs
8 x OTOMAT MK2 anti ship missiles
6 x MU-90 Torpedos

Turkish Navy ISTIF class Frigate with 80 missiles
16 x ATMACA anti ship missiles
6 x MK-46 Torpedos

Istanbul class has similar size to Lafayette class at 3,000 tons. FREMM is way bigger at nearly 7,000 tons. While Istanbul has more missiles, they are short range ones. FREMM has long range missiles.
Istanbul class has similar size to Lafayette class at 3,000 tons. FREMM is way bigger at nearly 7,000 tons. While Istanbul has more missiles, they are short range ones. FREMM has long range missiles.

who cares about tonnage ? Egypt and Turkey are rivals in the Eastern Mediterranean , not in Pasific Ocean

Egyptian Navy FREMM Frigates are so pathetic with inferior fire power

and Egyptian FREEM Frigate armed with 16 x ASTER-15 SAMs with range of 30 km
8 x OTOMAT MK2 anti ship missiles with range of 250 km

Turkish ISTIF class armed with 64 x ESSM or HISAR-O+ with range of 50 km
16x ATMACA anti ship missiles with range of 250 km

Turkish Frigate has far superior fire power

even 4 modernized GABYA class Frigates armed with 36x SM-1MR and 32x ESSM SAMs

even now Turkish Navy 12 Frigates armed with 608 of ESSM and SM-1MR SAMs ( bigger fire power than Egyptian+Greek+İsraeli Navies combined )
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even now Turkish Navy 12 Frigates armed with 608 of ESSM and SM-1MR SAMs ( bigger fire power than Egyptian+Greek+İsraeli Navies combined )

Current stock of Perry class frigates in Turkish navy from the 70s are way overdue for decommissioning. Istanbul class is meant to phase out Perry class starting in the mid 2020s but will be delayed by covid.
Current stock of Perry class frigates in Turkish navy from the 70s are way overdue for decommissioning.

You know nothing about Turkish Navy

only 4 modernized GABYA class Frigates and 4 MEKO-200 class Frigates are stronger than all Egyptian Navy

Turkey has upgraded extensively the majority of its main surface combatants. Such vessels are 4 of the total 8 Gabya (O.H. Perry) class Frigates between 2007 and 2011

-- 8-cell Mk41 vertical launcher system (VLS) for total 32 ESSM SAM
-- SMART-S Mk2 3D Radar
-- Mk92 STIR Mod 12 fire control system
-- GENESIS advanced combat management system
-- ASIST landing platform system
-- The addition of a new long range SONAR

The GENESIS advanced combat management system includes the following characteristics and abilities
  • A modern and reliable system
  • High performance
  • Open architecture
  • Capacity of tracking more than 1,000 tactical targets
  • Modern digital sensor data fusion
  • Automatic threat evaluation
  • Weapon engagement opportunities
  • Link16/22 system integration

250 km SMART-S MK2 3D Radar
AN/SQS-56 Sonar
AN / SLQ-32 Electronic Warfare System
AN/SQR-19 Towed Array Sonar
AN/SQQ-28 LAMPS MK III Sonobuoy Processing System
ASWCS MK116 MOD 7 Anti-Submarine Warfare Control System
AN/SLQ-25 Nixie towed torpedo decoys
36 x SM-1MR Air Defense Missiles
32 x ESSM Air Defense Missiles
8 x HARPOON Anti Ship Missiles
6 x Mk 46 Mod 5 Torpedos
1 × Oto Melara 76mm DP gun
1 × Mk 15 Phalanx CIWS
1 × S-70B Seahawk


GENESIS Advanced Combat Management System
  • Quick reaction time against guided missiles
  • High level combat system automation
  • Centralized command and control capability
  • Situational awareness and decision support
  • Increased robustness and high reliability
  • Onboard training capability

Turkish Navy GABYA class Frigates are superior to Greek,Egyptian,Israeli current Frigates/Corvettes

also Within the scope of the Barbaros Class Frigate Half-Life Modernization Project ( about €250 million )
4 Ships are planned to be delivered to the Turkish Navy until 2025

TCG Barbaros (F-244) entered service in 1995
TCG Oruçreis (F-245) entered service in 1996
TCG Salihreis (F-246) entered service in 1998
TCG Kemalreis (F-247) entered service in 2000

-- Havelsan Network Enabled Data Integrated (GENESIS ADVENT) Combat Management System
-- Aselsan TAKS Fire Control System
-- Aselsan SMART-S MK-II 3D Radar
-- Aselsan MAR-D 3B AESA Radar
-- Aselsan AKR-D X and Ka-Band fire control Radars
-- Aselsan ARES-2N Electronic Warfare System
-- Aselsan PIRI Panoramic Infrared Imaging - KATS Infrared Search and Track system
-- Aselsan FERSAH Carina Mounted Sonar System
-- Aselsan HIZIR Torpedo counter measure System

-- 127 mm Gun
-- Aselsan STOP 25mm Remote Controlled Stabilized Cannon System
-- Aselsan GOKDENIZ 35mm CIWS
-- 64 x ESSM Air Defense Missiles
-- 16x ATMACA Anti ship Missiles
-- Lightweight Torpedoes


Havelsan ADVENT next generation Network Enabled Data Integrated Combat Management System for Cooperative Engagment Capability ..... ( only Turkey in the region and only a few Countries in the World )

TURKEY has stronger Navy in the region and only Turkey has Destroyer project in the region

Egyptian Navy Frigates have no even electronic warfare capabilities
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You know nothing about Turkish Navy

only 4 modernized GABYA class Frigates and 4 MEKO-200 class Frigates are stronger than all Egyptian Navy

Turkey has upgraded extensively the majority of its main surface combatants. Such vessels are 4 of the total 8 Gabya (O.H. Perry) class Frigates between 2007 and 2011

-- 8-cell Mk41 vertical launcher system (VLS) for total 32 ESSM SAM
-- SMART-S Mk2 3D Radar
-- Mk92 STIR Mod 12 fire control system
-- GENESIS advanced combat management system
-- ASIST landing platform system
-- The addition of a new long range SONAR

The GENESIS advanced combat management system includes the following characteristics and abilities
  • A modern and reliable system
  • High performance
  • Open architecture
  • Capacity of tracking more than 1,000 tactical targets
  • Modern digital sensor data fusion
  • Automatic threat evaluation
  • Weapon engagement opportunities
  • Link16/22 system integration

250 km SMART-S MK2 3D Radar
AN/SQS-56 Sonar
AN / SLQ-32 Electronic Warfare System
AN/SQR-19 Towed Array Sonar
AN/SQQ-28 LAMPS MK III Sonobuoy Processing System
ASWCS MK116 MOD 7 Anti-Submarine Warfare Control System
AN/SLQ-25 Nixie towed torpedo decoys
36 x SM-1 Air Defense Missiles
32 x ESSM Air Defense Missiles
8 x HARPOON Anti Ship Missiles
6 x Mk 46 Mod 5 Torpedos
1 × Oto Melara 76mm DP gun
1 × Mk 15 Phalanx CIWS
1 × S-70B Seahawk

View attachment 726188

GENESIS Advanced Combat Management System
  • Quick reaction time against guided missiles
  • High level combat system automation
  • Centralized command and control capability
  • Situational awareness and decision support
  • Increased robustness and high reliability
  • Onboard training capability
View attachment 726189

Turkish Navy GABYA class Frigates are superior to Greek,Egyptian,Israeli current Frigates/Corvettes

also Within the scope of the Barbaros Class Frigate Half-Life Modernization Project ( about €250 million )
4 Ships are planned to be delivered to the Turkish Navy until 2025

TCG Barbaros (F-244) entered service in 1995
TCG Oruçreis (F-245) entered service in 1996
TCG Salihreis (F-246) entered service in 1998
TCG Kemalreis (F-247) entered service in 2000

-- Havelsan Network Enabled Data Integrated (GENESIS ADVENT) Combat Management System
-- Aselsan TAKS Fire Control System
-- Aselsan SMART-S MK-II 3D Radar
-- Aselsan MAR-D 3B AESA Radar
-- Aselsan AKR-D X and Ka-Band fire control Radars
-- Aselsan ARES-2N Electronic Warfare System
-- Aselsan PIRI Panoramic Infrared Imaging - KATS Infrared Search and Track system
-- Aselsan FERSAH Carina Mounted Sonar System
-- Aselsan HIZIR Torpedo counter measure System

-- 127 mm Gun
-- Aselsan STOP 25mm Remote Controlled Stabilized Cannon System
-- Aselsan GOKDENIZ 35mm CIWS
-- 64 x ESSM Air Defense Missiles
-- 16x ATMACA Anti ship Missiles
-- Lightweight Torpedoes

View attachment 726190

Havelsan ADVENT next generation Network Enabled Data Integrated Combat Management System for Cooperative Engagment Capability for modernized MEKO-200 and ISTIF class Frigates ..... ( only Turkey in the region and only a few Countries in the World )
View attachment 726191

TURKEY has stronger Navy in the region and only Turkey has Destroyer project in the region

Comparing Perry with FREMM is like comparing F-5 with Rafael. It's not even same generation. FREMM has far lower RCS due to newer hull.
Comparing Perry with FREMM is like comparing F-5 with Rafael. It's not even same generation. FREMM has far lower RCS due to newer hull.

F-15 with Rafale

Egyptian FREMM armed with only 16 x SAMs but GABYA ( Perry ) armed with 68 x SAMs including 32x ESSM which can intercept even supersonic anti-ship missiles

also Egyptian Navy Frigates have no even electronic warfare capabilities
also Egyptian Navy Frigates have no Cooperative Engagment Capability

lower RCS can not save Egyptian FREMM from Turkish Navy

Turkey has developed latest technology Havelsan ADVENT next generation Network Enabled Data Integrated Combat Management System for Cooperative Engagment Capability ....
( Boeing E-7T AEWC can detect FREMM Frigates and Turkish Frigates can lock on FREMM Frigate with 250km ATMACA networked anti-ship missiles )

French EXOCET or American HARPOON anti-ship missiles have no network enabled capability
but Turkish ATMACA anti-ship missile with network enabled capability via data-link

btw Turkish Navy 4 ADA , 4 ISTIF and 4 modernized BARBAROS class Warships also with stealth capability
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Irrelevant. FREMM can sink Perry before Perry even knows what hit it. FREMM has state of the art AESA. Perry still has old 70s radar.

its not PERRY , but modernized GABYA class Frigate with 250km SMART-S MKII 3D Radar , not AN/SPS-49 - AN/SPS-55 Radars from 1970s

SMART-S MKII 3D Radar can detect even stealth missiles from 50 km away
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