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Second Boeing X-37B mission reaches orbit

You have no choice, the majority of the scientists are foreigners or of foreign origins, so you are doomed, but thanks for the facilities.
Everyone knows how much the majority of north Americans hate studying sciences and how brain lazy they are, abusing yourselves in drugs and sex and even food with witch you managed to create a new disease called obesity, don't you think it affects your minds.
And you think that highly intelligent people like you that much, or want to get rid of you by sending you to wars all over the place for a challenge.
Now, look what have happened to your economy, did your best people in the senate the congress or the pentagon ever thought about it, and where can an alcoholic white supremacist who didn't even master his mother thong become a president apart from/in The US .

Hence our country is a melting pot. Its a nation of immigrants!:disagree:
Babylon also was a melting pot 4000 years ago with the most advanced technologies of the time, and it could not survive the decadence the Zionists implanted there either.
Too bad for the USA.
look at where the world is going and muslims are still bothered about issues like men and women mingling and adult breast feeding..what a shame.
Jealousy is a low life emotion of yours, you are distinguished for having and showing it all over the globe.

Who can believe in a Just America, which no longer exists. Or did it exist at any time?

I told you the truth in post #10, but obviously you can not digest it.

The SC

awww u jelly.:yahoo:

don't worry there is more where that came from in the US of A.

This doomed USA is a gathering ground for some of the best minds in the world, foreign and domestic. Immigration is in our culture, in our blood, and in our way of life.

How you somehow try to pass off those who study in the US with the intent of working and living here who were born elsewhere as not being American is confusing to me. The US is a country of immigrants linked by common ideals, you might as well try to deny the US exists!::cry:

Whenever you attempt to trivialize American accomplishments it just makes us more aware than ever the integral and benign role America plays in the world.:usflag:

The rest is just bawwww-ing.
Some guy said that The US can keep its secrets and I said it can not while it is hostile to the majority of people on the planet, and gave the reasons and consequences. Now you say it yourself by talking about the majority of the US scientists being immigrants.
So, make any word acrobaty that you wish it will always be a just wish.

look at where the world is going and muslims are still bothered about issues like men and women mingling and adult breast feeding..what a shame.

You can pick any newspaper of any city in the world and you will find similar stories, it is just a bit amplified on this forum to bother Muslims.
Does it really work? it is highly doubtful that it will ever work.
It is pure Islamophobic propaganda, with no meaning and with malicious aims and objectives, which will naturally turn against the perpetrators.
Some guy said that The US can keep its secrets and I said it can not while it is hostile to the majority of people on the planet, and gave the reasons and consequences. Now you say it yourself by talking about the majority of the US scientists being immigrants.
So, make any word acrobaty that you wish it will always be a just wish.


A lot of that is due to the political correctness atmosphere that has taken hold of the USA. It was not always this way. During the cold war most were Americans. Or European American. Scientists I mean.
Babylon also was a melting pot 4000 years ago with the most advanced technologies of the time, and it could not survive the decadence the Zionists implanted there either.
Too bad for the USA.

I was waiting for the 'Zionist did everything' to pop up. Great !!! It's fun to watch you wallow around in your bitterness.:woot:
Secret Air Force X-37B space plane mission a 'spectacular success'
By Leonard David
Published May 08, 2012


NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center image shows on-orbit functions for the reusable X-37 space plane, now under the wing of the U.S. Air Force. (NASA/MSFC)

The U.S. Air Force's secretive robotic X-37B space plane mission continues to chalk up time in Earth orbit, nearing 430 days of a spaceflight that — while classified — appears to be an unqualified success.

The space plane now circuiting Earth is the second spacecraft of its kind built for the Air Force by Boeing’s Phantom Works. Known as the Orbital Test Vehicle 2, or OTV-2, the space plane's classified mission is being carried out by the Air Force Rapid Capabilities Office.

The robotic X-37B space plane is a reusable spacecraft that resembles a miniature space shuttle. The Air Force launched the OTV-2 mission on March 5, 2011, with an unmanned Atlas 5 rocket lofting the space plane into orbit from the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida.

Spectacular success

General William Shelton, commander of Air Force Space Command, briefly saluted the high-flying X-37B space plane on April 17 during his remarks at the 28th National Space Symposium in Colorado Springs, Colo.

"Our second X-37 test vehicle has been on orbit for 409 days now" — much longer than the 270 day baseline design specifications, Shelton said. "Although I can't talk about mission specifics, suffice it to say this mission has been a spectacular success," he added. [Photos: The X-37B Space Plane's Second Mission]

In a follow-up meeting with reporters, Shelton told SPACE.com: "It's doing wonderful." When asked specifically about when the craft will be brought back down to Earth, Shelton's response was guarded.

"When we're through with it … it's going great," Shelton said.

U.S. Air Force Maj. Tracy Bunko, the Pentagon's spokesperson for the X-37B project, told SPACE.com that the space plane's current mission "is still on track … and still ongoing."

Bunko said that a third flight of an X-37B spacecraft — slated for liftoff this fall — will use the same craft that flew the first test flight, the OTV-1 mission, back in 2010. That maiden voyage of the X-37B space plane lasted 225 days. It launched into orbit on April 22, 2010, and then landed on Dec. 3, zooming in on autopilot over the Pacific Ocean and gliding down onto a specially prepared runway at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California.

Return on investment

Each X-37B space plane is about 29 feet (8.8 meters) long and 15 feet (4.5 meters) wide. It has a payload bay about the size of a pickup truck bed and is outfitted with a deployable solar array power system.

What isn't known about these space vehicles is the nature of the payloads they carry. What purposes they serve is classified.

Last March in a Washington, D.C., briefing with reporters, Shelton advised that the winged, reusable robot plane is a vehicle the U.S. Air Force wants to keep using. But there is currently no go-ahead to add space planes (beyond the two already built) that would increase the fleet size, he said.

When the second X-37B cruised by its one-year milestone in orbit in March, Lt. Col. Tom McIntyre of the Air Force Rapid Capabilities Office lauded the spacecraft's endurance run.

"We are very pleased with the results of ongoing X-37B experiments. The X-37B program is setting the standard for a reusable space plane and, on this one-year orbital milestone, has returned great value on the experimental investment," McIntyre said. "Upon completion of all objectives, we look forward to bringing the mission to a safe, successful conclusion."

Skywatchers on alert

According to Ted Molczan, a Toronto-based leader in a network of amateur skywatchers that keep an eye on the whereabouts of spacecraft, the X-37B/OTV-2 has maintained its orbit since mid-August of last year.

Last observed on April 22 by fellow skywatcher Greg Roberts of South Africa, the craft was in a 42.8 degree, 332 kilometer by 341 kilometer orbit, Molczan told SPACE.com.

"It makes frequent small maneuvers to maintain that altitude against the significant atmospheric drag that is present. That orbit causes its ground track to repeat nearly precisely every two days," Molczan added.

"Ground tracks that repeat at intervals of two, three, or four days, have long been favored for U.S. imagery intelligence satellites, so this may be a clue to the mission of OTV-2," Molczan said.

Scaled-up X-37B space planes planned?

An intriguing sidelight to the X-37 program is whether or not Boeing's Phantom Works is keen on using the spacecraft for other, nonmilitary missions, or even upgrading the X-37 space plane concept for human spaceflight.

Last year at Space 2011, a conference organized by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), an X-37B derivatives plan was sketched out by Arthur Grantz, chief engineer, Experimental Systems Group at Boeing Space and Intelligence Systems (S&IS) in Seal Beach, Calif.

Grantz detailed a vision for the spacecraft and scaled-up versions to support space station cargo deliveries and even carry astronauts into orbit.

At the one-year milestone of the now orbiting X-37B, SPACE.com contacted Boeing for more information on Grantz and his view on use of X-37B evolving to support the International Space Station.

"That AIAA presentation was a one-time event and we are not saying anything more publicly about the X-37B," said Diana Ball of Boeing’s S&IS Communications in a response to SPACE.com. "Sorry we cannot help you out this time."

NICE !!!:usflag:

I had hear a line in National Geographic Channel which says No country in the world was as of America and never be in future a very true line as per my view.
I had hear a line in National Geographic Channel which says No country in the world was as of America and never be in future a very true line as per my view.

That is true, Amritsar. Look at all the U.S. has done in only 236 years of existence. The inventions, cures...
Wow so much to brag about, talking about thousand years old inventions in new packaging, that is all you have done in 236 years.
The whole world knows now that you have a criminal mind (Psychological disease), even in the use of sciences... let alone new diseases, like aids, obesity and many more, and you are talking about cures.

Sorry, didn't want to hurt you that much, but the truth hurts, and I can not do much about it, you'll
have to find the cure.
That is true, Amritsar. Look at all the U.S. has done in only 236 years of existence. The inventions, cures...

United states has taken action those who are responsible for 26/11 attacks in India in which 06 Americans were killed but we are still submitting dossiers.
Wow so much to brag about, talking about thousand years old inventions in new packaging, that is all you have done in 236 years.
The whole world knows now that you have a criminal mind (Psychological disease), even in the use of sciences... let alone new diseases, like aids, obesity and many more, and you are talking about cures.

Sorry, didn't want to hurt you that much, but the truth hurts, and I can not do much about it, you'll
have to find the cure.

Haha he can't think of anything relevent to reply with and so resorts to hurling mind crap outside the bars of his mental cage.:rofl:
Wow so much to brag about, talking about thousand years old inventions in new packaging, that is all you have done in 236 years.
The whole world knows now that you have a criminal mind (Psychological disease), even in the use of sciences... let alone new diseases, like aids, obesity and many more, and you are talking about cures.
Let us not forget that USA has given the world modern computer, internet, and modern aeroplane - to name a few. Give credit where it is due. These inventions have changed out lives.
You have no choice, the majority of the scientists are foreigners or of foreign origins, so you are doomed, but thanks for the facilities.
Everyone knows how much the majority of north Americans hate studying sciences and how brain lazy they are, abusing yourselves in drugs and sex and even food with witch you managed to create a new disease called obesity, don't you think it affects your minds.
And you think that highly intelligent people like you that much, or want to get rid of you by sending you to wars all over the place for a challenge.
Now, look what have happened to your economy, did your best people in the senate the congress or the pentagon ever thought about it, and where can an alcoholic white supremacist who didn't even master his mother thong become a president apart from/in The US .

Lol, yes! Orgies and pork sandwiches! I'll bet you mastered your mother's thong....

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