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Search for Pakistani Strategic Bomber

There are no open ended doctrines that can changed/adopted for any given scenario or situation. Course of actions are planned specific to the goals and outcomes one desires against a known adversary. In our case that is India and I don't see strategic bombers fitting anywhere neatly to respond that them.
If by any threat you mean countries other than India ... well there is only one super power to come to mind and no half dozen vintage bombers will make a difference in that scenario.
So a total waste of money for something that will be under-utilized or not used at all as PAF can not control skies over India in any foreseeable future. Better put those $$ towards more Elint/EW & ISR related platforms that we are so short of.
Doctrine should be

  • Ready to defend and Win in Air , Sea and Land
  • Ready to Take initiative Win in Air, Sea and Land
Only need bombers if we have an overseas base to achieve the element of surprise or share an overseas base with China to launch bombers other wise India is next door only.
Logically the best counter to Any Indian navy threat is a bomber fleet


Realistically the next generation evolution for Raad Missile would be this trigger device in center of image 7-8 Raad Cruise Missiles stacked up in bundle

  • 6 Babur cruise missiles on each wing

Fantastic counter Platform

Would be amazing if we can get 10 Units from China

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Logically the best counter to Any Indian navy threat is a bomber fleet

No:disagree: but as a cruise missile launcher for LACM Yes:agree:

Logically the best counter to Any Indian navy threat is a bomber fleet


Realistically the next generation evolution for Raad Missile would be this trigger device in center of image 7-8 Raad Cruise Missiles stacked up in bundle

  • 6 Babur cruise missiles on each wing

Fantastic counter Platform
View attachment 462852

Would be amazing if we can get 10 Units from China
too much speculations and wish full thinking @AZADPAKISTAN2009 :crazy:
we don't need this bomber what we need is 4th gen deep strike fighter/bomber !!!
What a stupid thread...i guess people have no idea how SAMs works and how bomber is thing of past unless you want to bomb Afghanistan

SAMs cannot see over the horizon and hence cant target low flying 100s away and SAM can target at 400km. It will have to very very huge to that..nkt ecomically feasible ..the reports of any such range are false
I think in General Pakistan has always had a mentality to be pressured into a very Tunnel view and prespective on what is a "threat", there has always been some level of Timidness in persuing a more Broader defence strategy

Our whole structure of argument is based around the statement "Our Enemy is our Neighbour" however most countries of the World we live in have a broader strategy for various scenarios.

So our grand strategy is that a fighter Jet can deliver 1-2 Raad missiles and that would create a hole in enemy's defences. Even when ample argument suggest that the amount of Damage a Strategic Bombers can impact on an enemy would be at least 60% mroe then what a single JF17 thunder mission woudl acomplish

A Strategic Bombers , has enough Load that it can Penetrate defences and it can continue to pierce thru defences


If Bomber was a single bullet then it would pas thru each layer and it would have enough Ammo left to continue to penetrate the next layer and then the next layer in enemy lines

The bomber can continue to cause damage provided it has protection of it's support crew i.e fleet of Fighters to protect it, the fuel capacity of a Bomber is Tremendously more then fighter Jet so it can stay up in air for half day to full day

Comparitively the Thunder would only deal damage to the outermost layer and due to Fuel refueling it would have to return back to airbase

Yes with evolution of SAM missile the Bomber's survival is an argument and with evolving Jets with BVR missile that is another danger however just like any weapon , the plane plays a vital role in certain circumstance and for which you need strategy and planning

Sometimes you just want to Carpet Bomb an enemy and that is ok

Any why we should have a broader strategy ? Simple it will expose flaws and weakness in ur existing setup. We can only get better when our Doctrine will become to be ready for all threats


PS It has a cool Cannon at Back


The role of Fighter Jets is ideally to carry Air to Air Missiles for engaging enemy combat Jets

The Bomber is a fortrest that can pretty much destroy a whole city if it manages to get into the airspace
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If people. Think these have no survivability, they need to ask themselves what the point of gaving AWACs and Air Tankers is. They are as vulnerable as bombers... Rather they may be more vulnerable as they need to be near the fray to be of use... A CM truck like the H-6K can be thousands of kilometers away and still its effects will be felt. To get to the which is used for CM delivery, you must first get past Pakistani fighters and SAMs. Then you still have to know wherr the bomber is because with ground radar and AWACS and datalinks, the bombers will know where IAF fighters are coming from long before the IAF fighters will know where the bombers are flying and the bomber will vector away from them. Its not so easy to down them over friendly airspace and furthermore, the fact that you are off hunting the bomber means you are expending valuable fuel over enemy territory exposing the fighters and the refuelers. PAF bombers will have struck the FOBs of IAF strike fighters long before the IAF would be able to hit them.
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